the bluest of foxcats 🍉

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the bluest of foxcats 🍉

meow and rawrf and stuff | @kaiveran from x-bird and pretty much everywhere else | BLM | Нет Войне | Less Covid > More Covid | Armenian Genocide 1915-?
surely this small spinning rotisserie chicken will solve all my problems rotisserie charms are back in stock! they've got an updated logo design compared to the first run that sold out, but they're functionally identical as before
If someone says this to you they are calling you stupid right to your face
You can’t make this up
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Reclaiming identity politics because it was co-opted. 🙏🏾
Just thinking about how The Combahee River Collective gave us identity politics as a tool for liberation and its been completely distorted and is now used as a pejorative.
100%. The median SRE or SecOps engineer is a queer anarchist furry. There are probably people out there who have a professional obligation to coordinate which planes they take to AnthroCon so that if one falls out of the sky the entire Internet isn't fucked.
yes! the actual workforce of SV is enormously queer and lefty - what i suspect is that the Veblen tension between the business and industry class has been made explicit
it's undeniable that venture capitalists and CEOs have broken far right, but just don't assume that the rest of the industry is like that – there's good evidence that many tech workers are either solidly liberal / left
The divorce thing is so extreme—do you realize in the 1950s, the Ladies Guild of my former parish was meeting to discuss how to loosen divorce laws in NYS? Episcopal housewives! Not exactly your bastion of leftist politics!
I know we know about JD Vance, but he's also working to make divorces harder to obtain, and says that people in "violent" marriages should stay married and not get divorced. So.
I don’t feel compelled to prove I’m morally superior to Nazis.
Second, we literally need a basic primer in rhetoric. People let scammers run circles around them. Learn when the discussion is pointless, because the point of the argument is to tie you up indefinitely. Your time is valuable. Recognize bullshit when you see it and cut it off at the source.
I can think of some actionable lessons from this, though. Here are some basic ones. First, liberals ain't shit. Their opinions are worse than useless and you can discard them. Their identities in this case are inconsequential.
The digital space is a mess. People haven't even been able to get around basic rhetorical techniques a handful of the same wreckers everywhere can use to collapse any group building solidarity. That's why all our discourse is the same few topics relitigated over and over.
Too many people have fallen into cults of personality masquerading as a form of activism. Constantly bickering and infighting isn't great but it beats the hell out of loyalty to a single individual. A bunch of people who sort of hate each other is more helpful than blind loyalty.
I'm a bit concerned that Republicans are successfully working the refs with the "turn the temperature down" rhetoric after they made it slightly warmer than the sun.
Cheney and Bush’s big beef with Trump and the new GOP isn’t ideological, it’s stylistic: they don’t like that they say the quiet part out loud
Kind of nuts that Dick Cheney is the “left wing” of the GOP now
how it feels to live in america
Republicans know that if they had to play fair, the Republican Party would no longer be a viable party. Which means they're no longer a party that deserves to exist.
Violet Affleck: "To confront the Long COVID crisis I demand mask availability, air filtration and far-UVC light in government facilities, including jails and detention centers and mask mandates in county medical facilities. And most importantly, the county must oppose mask bans for any reason." 🔥🔥🔥
Violet Affleck made a public comment opposing the proposed mask ban in #LosAngeles! 🔥 #LA
Does the Democratic Party have a plan if a 2000 situation happens in 2024?
Yeah the thing is that Trump and the Republicans don't need a resounding victory. They need it to be narrow enough to claim victory, file lawsuits, and activate their foot soldiers That's why it's worrying that Biden doesn't have a huge lead right now. He needs to crush the chances for the above
“softened language” = we started to realize this shit was polling badly so we are going to return to doing it quietly instead of loudly in the hopes that you forget
The panel charged with crafting and producing a platform for the Republican National Committee has adopted a scaled-back document that softened language on abortion and same-sex marriage, Donald Trump’s campaign announced. Trump wrote some portions of the platform himself, a source says.
RNC panel approves new Trump-backed platform softening abortion and same-sex marriage language | CNN The panel charged with crafting and producing a platform for the Republican National Committee has adopted a scaled-back document that softened language on abortion and same-sex marriage, Donald Trump...
By "cheating" he means candidates on the left and center were willing to drop out of the ranked choice race in order to prevent Nazis from being elected. Just like America! My memory's fuzzy; do we have ranked choice elections in the US, or ... ?
YUP. A badly balanced boat will get your ass killed in a bad storm, or even just a strong, uncooperative wind. Same with an overloaded one; it will ride too low on the waterline.
I have excellent childhood memories of smuggling bioweapons in another game for just that reason. How much does the game deal with cargo handling? Does placement/balancing of your load affect anything?
Extended/enhanced version of this over here:
I can talk theory with the right people all day, but the lodestars of my political thinking are queer people, disabled people, and Palestinians. Because these are the groups that have been failed—if not outright abandoned—by every labeled strain of political thought in practice.
Chicago: Become Foxcat🚀:v_enby: (@[email protected]) I can talk theory with the right people all day, but the eternal lodestars of my political thinking are queer people, disabled people, and Palestinians. Any political theory I espouse will always be ...
Also, if the demographics your whisper network look nothing like the demographics of the perpetrator's victims, you don't have a whisper network, you have a gossip mill.