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Writer, hex throwing goon.
Baka got a weird case, why is he still around?
Reposted byAvatar Mikki
Yep, the attacks on reproductive rights and the end of alimony are tied. So is the new push against laws protecting pregnant women from being fired. And the rhetoric against women having voting rights. The plan isn't a roll back to the 1950's. It's an attempt to reduce women to legal children again
They can also just be in quietly coercive relationships where they're encouraged not to work. I don't really think it matters why but if you can't leave because you can't afford to it's not a choice it's a trap. And more states are pushing for laws to make it harder for women to leave
So I see this argument a lot and honestly most of the women "choosing to be a trad wife" are raised in restrictive hyper religious environments at home. They aren't always obviously being groomed into these restrictive dynamics ala the Duggars, some of them are technically in mainstream churches
I dunno about that. Don't forget, back then, it was because most women didn't have a choice. Now, women do and most of these weird tradwife broads are buying into this and choosing it for themselves.
I really think we're going to see another murder cluster as a result of the tradwife thing ala Chicago in the 20's
I think a lot of men forget how common poison was
Reposted byAvatar Mikki
the Large Oaf Co-Benevolent Society Of Brotherhood is having a meeting about senator fetterman, i assure you
Reposted byAvatar Mikki
Fun fact—when you die a day or two after eating this, they will be able to pour your liver out of your body at the autopsy.
Reposted byAvatar Mikki
The recent deadly heat in West Africa is driven by human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels, particularly in the wealthy Northern Hemisphere, according to an international report.
Lethal heat in West Africa is driven by human-caused climate changewww.npr.org The recent deadly heat in West Africa is driven by human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels, particularly in the wealthy Northern Hemisphere, according to an international report.
Reposted byAvatar Mikki
WGA members at Sesame Workshop are prepared to strike. The unit voted UNANIMOUSLY - with 100% participation - to authorize a strike if management does not reach a fair new contract before their current agreement expires this Friday, April 19.
Reposted byAvatar Mikki
The latest cover from Bloomberg Businessweek: A scam where criminals use Instagram to pose as girls and extort teen boys is driving adolescents to suicide www.bloomberg.com/features/202...
Reposted byAvatar Mikki
And if you think this doesn’t matter, look at all the Gen Xers getting caught in tech downsizing, retiring a decade earlier than they had planned and trying to sort out healthcare.
Joe Lieberman is why we don’t have Medicare at 55.
The best thing about Chicago is how we support writers www.nbcchicago.com/entertainmen...
So a weird possible red flag culturally, I have no speaking gigs in February. Places are still booking me but not for February. The culture war is getting weird
I hope you enjoy it!
One of my errands today was to the library, and the library nearest my house doesn't do book sales, but they do have a cart of donated books and ex-library books free for anyone to take. The bane of my existence, hehe. I was extremely excited to find @karnythia.bsky.social's Hood Feminism + others!
This is in fact your fault
why is no one blaming me is the real question
Juggling projects is the only way I can write!
First of all I'm sure I did nothing. Second of all you gotta finish one before you start another!
I have started drafting a YA set in the 90s & it is your fault @nanicoolj.bsky.social
Reposted byAvatar Mikki
Everyone wants the FUN of Twitter without providing safety on their platform....
-Twitter is a cess pool yes - Bluesky had massive anti Black/ pro Nazi ingresses and responded with memes - Adam Moesseri has admitted her doesn't care to moderate for politics, likes surfacing "viewpoints" and had people sexually exploiting users there's NO platform with moral high ground
So how are we doing in this indictment cycle?
Pfft lies damned lies
Can you do polls on here? I need to prove to @karnythia.bsky.social that more people know her than me.
Reposted byAvatar Mikki
If you're just tuning in: - This is about the "KOSA" act - It gives every state's Attorney General power to sue social media to keep "dangerous" material offline - Heritage Foundation has said that Red States will use this to drive LGBT content offline I called both IL Senators yesterday.
I need @privateideation.bsky.social to explain his bizarre idea that feverish people who are not hungry should eat anyway
Hilariously someone tried to pay me in NFT's last year and was astonished I refused.
Go on, have a little Schadenfreude, as a lunchtime treat 🙈🙉🙊
The hold this movie still has....
IYKYK when it comes to the 1990s and A Bronx Tale
I remain fascinated that sites don't launch with a code of conduct & filters for slurs. The outrage machine builds a user base approach is just so tired. The future advisory boards are the same ones that made the apps you're trying to eclipse work for 20 years. This is bad business
When I first realized I could take a nap while WFH instead of finding ways to look busy...my world completely shifted. The "get XYZ done" got so much less annoying. It's not work we mind, it's the useless bullshit around office culture
Realizing you can just go for a walk while you’re working from home has been life-changing, I gotta remember this for when it doesn’t feel like a stovetop outside