
yes, folks, you read that correctly.
OK. For those keeping score at home: The judge in the RICO case that Fanni Willis's office brought against Young Thug just jailed a defense lawyer for not disclosing how he learned about a meeting that the judge and prosecutors had with a sworn-in meeting that defense lawyers were not told about.
I didn't read that correctly. I couldn't track that sentence at all.
lemme break it down so the judge had an ex-parte meeting with a witness and the prosecution without informing the defense. this, in layman's terms, is a no-no. the defense found out about this meeting and asked, on the record in open court, (paraphrased) "qu'est-ce que le fuck?"
the judge said "wait how did you hear about this totally secret meeting in which nothing untoward happened but you never should have heard about it" (KT note: throughout, the judge refers to the witness as "a party," which ummmmm) defense says "I can't tell you"
judge says "can't or won't" defense says "well, both, I guess? the rules of professional conduct say I can't, so I'm saying I won't" judge says "ok but you have to" defense says "respectfully, your honor, fuck you" (paraphrased)
judge says "I'm holding you in contempt unless you tell me how you got this info you never should have had" defense yelps "the fuck?! It's insane that you didn't tell me ahead of time yourself!!" judge: "no it's cool bc we had a transcript taken" co-defense: yo can I get a copy of that judge: no
Defense: Why would you do this it be ex parte? Judge: Because that's what the state asked me to do! <-- THAT IS A QUOTE
defense: okay well this is fucko bazoo, your honor, and we -- judge: give me the name defense: -- we move for a mis-- judge: THE NAME defense: -- we move for a mistrial on the grounds that -- judge: THE NAME, MOTHERFUCKER (all paraphrased)
defense: I'm not gonna tell you. This whole thing is huffing paint. judge: I am literally hauling you off in handcuffs right now, or anyway telling the bailiff to do it. defense, getting fainter as he's dragged off: i move for a mistrial on the basis of denial of choice of counsel!!
lawyers all over the internet: okay got it, brian steel, that's S-T-E-E-L as in "balls of"
judge: well anyway that was -- new lawyer: HI NO DON'T SAY ANYTHING ELSE I REPRESENT THAT GUY YOU JUST DRAGGED OUT judge: oh here we go new lawyer: your honor, respectfully, you fucked this all the way up
judge: oh I did, did I? How's that exactly? new lawyer: you have to give him a supersedeas bond so he can keep representing his client while he appeals this judge: that's for civil contempt not criminal new lawyer: if this is criminal contempt you have to sentence him you can't just oubliette him
judge: he can get out any time he wants by giving me what i want, that's how he purges the contempt new lawyer: that's civil contempt not criminal contempt judge: you're confusing direct vs. indirect with civil vs. criminal new lawyer: no u judge: oh hmmmm let me go think for 5 min
this five minute recess has, at this point, been going on for approximately fifty-three minutes
Are we sure the judge hasn’t gone home
"Imma go out for a sammich" Narrator: the judge was never seen from again.
If all his breaks hadn't gone way the hell over the allotted time, I'd question it myself.
already halfway to the Mexican border
I suspect it may have begun to dawn on our intrepid judge that things have well and truly gotten out of hand.
There's going to be hell to pay over this when it's all done and right now he's almost certainly looking for some way to ensure he isn't the one who gets to pay.
[Editor (15 hours later)]: It did not dawn on our intrepid judge that things have gotten out of hand.
He's trying to figure out how he can fix this without admitting he was wrong and in a super bad way, isn't he?
Also, I'm really not thrilled with the idea that all defense lawyers need to have their own lawyers waiting in the courthouse.
My theory is that tomorrow, we discover that the judge had a stroke or something and is in the hospital. The only other way out is to get abducted by aliens.
wait this JUST HAPPENED??? for some reason i assumed this was like an earlier-this-week thing, now i'm super invested
it's literally happening right now! I am waiting for the judge to get back!
We’re still in earlier-this-week. It’s just been that long a day.
What a beautiful moment you get to be a part of
What's the over under on the judge dropping the contempt and saying the transcript of the meeting was lost due to technical errors?
If he does claim the transcript was lost they can just call the witness to testify and that would probably be worse for him
Did you get to the point where the prosecutor asked for the lawyer that was held in contempt to be in the courtroom while in session
this needs to be made into a movie blockbuster written all over it.
One Stupid Man
Nobody would believe it.
I mean, its not as bad as when that judge got into a fist fight with a public defender and then forced a speedy trial waiver onto the defendant...right?
The judge doesn’t know the differences between civil and criminal contempt? I thought this was a joke. What. The. Fuck?
I want to know who the judge is referring to when he was told to do this. Since when do judges take orders on how to run their court from other government officials?
"The state" in this context almost certainly refers to the prosecution/district attorney.
Meanwhile, in judge’s chambers…
its also roughly 5 hours back from this point of time (7:34PM EST) in the livestream, in case someone wants to go to it. livestream timestamps seem to be relative.