Kari G Elliott

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Kari G Elliott


Transit advocate, hockey fan ... fighting for a better city.
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“Every $1,300 New York invested in building bike-lanes in 2015 provided benefits equivalent to 1 additional year of life at full health over the lifetime of all city residents, according to a new economic assessment.” Bike-lanes are a sound public health investment. www.reuters.com/article/busi...
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Just going to note, regarding "political violence" that three and a half years ago, Trump was encouraging a mob of people who wanted to hang his own VP.
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A reminder that Donald Trump has spent years fanning the flames and fomenting political violence. Recall 2016, when he said the "Second Amendment people" could stop Hillary Clinton's Supreme Court picks if she won. This era of violent political rhetoric should've ended in 2016.
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What is wrong with the job market? My son has been looking for ages. He hands in a CV in-person and the employee says, you have to apply online. He's already done that. Never gets an answer.
Biden supporters are not a cult. Sure they will vote for him, but they will also vote for a younger, more exciting Democratic candidate. So what's the risk of replacing Biden?
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Wow: “If you grow an acre of corn, it will produce 900 gallons of ethanol, which will get you about 25,000 miles for a Ford F-150...which is, not bad I guess. But let’s say we put solar on that same acre. It will produce enough electricity every year to drive my Lightning 550,000 miles.”
Forty Acres and a Sense of Hopesubstack.com Sunshine on a Cloudy Week
Canadians are very smug about our public healthcare and then we go and vote to privatize it. I don't understand what voters are thinking - we have a front row seat to the US mess.
Is it enough that Biden is less impaired than Trump? Is it OK that the Dems are less corrupt than the GOP? Seems like the Dems could aim higher - offer voters a young vibrant candidate who promises hope.
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yeah, i mean, that's what dianne feinstein's staffers said about her for years. and she was absolutely unable to do the job, and it had real consequences. (remember when she just sat on the christine blasey ford letter until it was nearly too late?)
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The IRS reported this week they collected $1 BILLION in taxes owed by rich tax cheats thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act funding that provided them the additional staffing to pursue these cases. First up on the GOP agenda for the next administration is gutting the IRS.
billionaire wealth in the US hit 6 trillion today, an all time high, and that’s double what it was before trump-gop passed their tax bill in 2017 that accelerated the rich getting absurdly insanely richer
Even if Biden holds it together for a great press conference or an interview, it's not really enough. He's 81 - he's not going to get better. And voters are picking a leader for the next 4 years, not someone who will still be standing in November.
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It's impossible for it to get the oxygen it needs right now, but AOC introducing articles of impeachment against Thomas and Alito is a great story. She's the best messenger to explain why Supreme Court corruption impacts the lives of everyday Americans. www.salon.com/2024/07/12/a...
Why AOC is the best messenger on Thomas and Alito's corruptionwww.salon.com The corruption of Supreme Court justices is about more than greed. It "constitutes a clear danger to our democracy"
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this is so gd frustrating, demoralizing, enervating. dem leadership needs to get their sh*t together and, in unison, move on to whatever is next. but stop dragging out this drama.
Democrats Sure Aren’t Acting as if Trump Beating Biden Is an Existential Threat to Democracyslate.com Democrats’ rhetoric against Trump has been apocalyptic and existential since Jan. 6.
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This >“America is a throwaway thing to people like Biden and Trump. They won’t live long enough to see the damage caused by their presidencies. They are ghost town victors…”
So much emotion in this one, but I love this quote "Democracy is following orders while being bullied and afraid. You must obey, they proclaim, or else you’ll get fascism."
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"America is a throwaway thing to people like Biden and Trump. They won’t live long enough to see the damage caused by their presidencies. They are ghost town victors, indifferent to mass death, content to rule over the ruins so long as they get to rule. The rest of us just want our country back."
New article! A road trip through the American heartland amid a nightmare presidential race sarahkendzior.substack.com/p/last-chanc...
Last Chance, USAsarahkendzior.substack.com Biden, Trump, and the cope that kills.
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Two Democratic U.S. senators announced Tuesday that they are seeking a criminal investigation of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas over gifts of travel, a loan for a recreational vehicle and other benefits he received from wealthy benefactors.
Democratic lawmakers seek criminal investigation of Justice Thomaswapo.st Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse and Ron Wyden want a special counsel to investigate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for possible tax and ethics violations.
A lot of people are hungry for justice and angry that rich people get away with so much. Going after Thomas will be SO popular.
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When he’s asked why Senate Judiciary won’t conduct its own hearings, Sen. Whitehouse generally cites Sen. Graham’s threat to filibuster any subpoenas directed toward SCOTUS oversight. talkingpointsmemo.com/news/republi...
It's not every day that senators ask the attorney general to appoint a special counsel to criminally investigate a sitting Supreme Court justice. What's more, the case against Clarence Thomas is quite credible. www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddo...
Dems seek special counsel to investigate Justice Clarence Thomaswww.msnbc.com It's not every day that senators ask the attorney general to appoint a special counsel to investigate a Supreme Court justice.
Republicans Threaten To Filibuster Subpoena Enforcement And Quash SCOTUS Oversighttalkingpointsmemo.com Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin (D-IL) confirmed Thursday that the committee...
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this isn’t about whether or not you personally like kamala harris. the vice presidential candidate is chosen as the one to step in if the president cannot fulfill his duties. passing her over in this moment would fundamentally change the way veeps are chosen going forward.
It's stunning how much of America's processes are just "tradition" - nothing really written down. If a president steps down, isn't the vice-president supposed to step up? Isn't that what the position IS? Why can't Harris be the nominee?
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Thousands in the streets of Paris celebrating and cheering “no pasaran” or "They will not pass” as the far right falls out n France’s election. Just absolutely amazing scenes tonight across France as they fight the fascists back. Now it’s our time to be brave and come together to for a united front.
Partly because the media like good quotes, not good analysis. Analysts should be judged by whether they got previous predications right - like why keep respecting people who are wrong all the time?
The Cons are masters at media manipulation and they've been claiming that the Libs are "left" forever. But honestly, the Libs and Cons are pretty similar (not the SAME, but tolerable to the moneyed classes). Voting red is a vote for light conservative policies, not progressive policies.
You assume that the Liberals are "left" - they hate the NDP more than they hate the Cons.