
Ambiguity is irresponsible under these circumstances. So is overgeneralization. Most universities and government seem to be part of a movement to delegitimize a broad range of speech about Israel and Gaza — some directly, some through ambiguity.
NEWS The White House has issued a statement on the situation at Columbia University:
It would be great for him to say clearly that being against the government is not itself antisemitism. He should be able to say that at this point, and Bibi should hear him say it. Without saying at least that, this statement is rotten. No idea how the statement applies to the Columbia situation.
His statement SEEMS to imply there's a 1A exception for antisemitism.
Calling speech despicable doesn't mean that there is a 1a exception for it
It's vague, "they have no place in America" comes close. But it's purposely vague, so it allows people to think that. Why that's most important is the confusion between antisemitism and speaking out against Israel. He is the government speaking. He did not condemn what Columbia did.
Counterpoint: Telling Jewish people they need to "go back to Poland" is bad, actually, and the White House is correct to call that shit out.
How about binning Arabs and telling them to leave their homeland?
That competition is probably the worst feature of the whole debate. Who the fuck cares. Bad is bad. If people would start recognizing that there could be some hope.
So, you can’t see a difference between telling people they should go back to the lands of their grandparents and killing people and telling them to abandon the land of their parents, grandparents great grandparents great great grandparents etc? It’s the same?
Any comment on the Columbia students who were calling for "burning down Tel Aviv" and cheering Hamas rockets? Cuz that's what they were literally chanting this time, on video.
I would agree that such statements are despicable. But you’re not saying all protesters were using language like that, were you?
You are technically correct, the best kind of correct. I was not, in fact, saying "all protesters were using language like that."
What did you think my reference to overgeneralization and ambiguity might be in reference to, just out of curiosity?
Anyway, surely there are other people around here you can approach to demand denunciation of particular speech.
I have some very strong feelings about vocal fry.
Could you please denounce the 1982 Musical Youth song “Pass the Dutchie”? I do not feel it has ever been denounced enough.
Just out of curiosity, what did your comment refer to? Have read & reread your comment and the WH stmt. If one refers to the other, the connection escapes me.
The WH statement is ostensibly about the protests at Columbia, but there are two groups: the peaceful students within the walls and the decidedly different group without. For them to paint them both with the same brush is irresponsible, and makes you wonder how intentional it was. Clumsy *at best*.
*points up to where this opened with "Ambiguity and overgeneralization are seriously problems."*
so then why did you suggest it
When did "technically" and "literally" become synonyms?
Here's a comment: your whataboutism is seen and noted.
As is the lack of supporting documentation.
But were “Columbia Students” actually chanting this? Or was that the video of unknown participants outside of campus? That’s the thing - are you attributing actions of unidentified people outside campus to students on campus?
There's no evidence any students were involved in that, and plenty that outsiders did.
This seems like another variant if that SCOTUS ruling where they upheld some states' laws putting all of the legal liability for the actions of random idiots on the organizers. Making the peaceful students responsible for the actions of people they have no connection to.
That's sounding an awful lot like "everyone who doesn't denounce them to my satisfaction is on their side".
There has always been a faction that has supported Hamas. Graphic art of the terrorist powered gliders garnered alarming praise for example. It is absolutely misguided, but I can also understand that there are quite a few who see Hamas as the only real fighters for Palestine.
Are there any others tho?
Yashar has deleted it. I’m sick of his engagement trolling and am blocking him.
This is an outtake from Biden’s passover statement, NOT a statement about Columbia
1. There are multiple statements. 2. Which college is it referring to?
I’ve looked on The WH site and I do not see this statement. Does anyone have it in its entirety?
I cannot open that link, but the Hill has definitely written articles based on tweets.
it looks like this was a statement attributed to white house deputy press secretary bates shared with the hill. not sure who it was made to, maybe he tweeted it
The Hill is a tabloid for politics. Still not buying it.
Violence or calls to violence are not OK. Neither is support for an “ally” conducting genocide. I just learned that Israeli “settlers” are using the war to EXPAND their settlements. These people act like Jim Crow 3.0 and no way should they be allowed to destroy the goal of a two state solution.
This is an excerpt from the White House address for Passover and was taken out of context by someone who has demonstrated themselves over and over again to be a dishonest actor. You don't have to like the whole address, but at least be honest about what came before and after it.
It's important to ask what EXACTLY Bates means by “violence" and "physical intimidation" "targeting" Jewish students when he calls anti-semitism Also which statements he means EXACTLY when he says "echoing the rhetoric" of terrorist organizations: