Panda Bernstein

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Panda Bernstein

Hong Kong Jewy
Regina Ip: - HK needs to move away from free market, laissez faire approach - HK behind in technology, needs to subsidize industries to catch up - Wishes NSL legislation were passed 20 years ago, as HKers "had no sense of national security threats"
Veteran Hong Kong politician says with stability restored it’s time to fix One of the most outspoken voices of Hong Kong's pro-Beijing establishment political camp says the city needs to jettison its laissez faire ways to be economically successful in today's world.
As a Jewish person, rooting for civilization to survive is about the best I can hope for nowadays
BTW, I'm pleased that NR lost in France. But it's pretty tough to celebrate the ascendancy of a guy who called French Jews “an arrogant minority that lectures to the rest” in a 2017 speech.
Nothing like pulling out your boat to show your concern about…. economic insecurities, amirite
They're still doing this huh
Yet another Simpsons joke that's become pathetically true.
the fourth estate is fucking kneeling in advance and that is, i think, worth a lot more discourse than whether the only non-fascist in the race is an old man, which he is.
Roses are red With more than one particle
Being Jewish, 2024: this shit never ends.
Doormat that was recently pulled from sale by Marcket Shirts
Whole thread is good, but especially this. My grandfather (invasion force, Philippines), in one of the only times he talked to *anyone* about it, said "you just assumed you would be okay, and then you got on with what you had to do. There was no other way to get out of bed in the morning."
/4 (Grandpa’s parents had a car, but grandma had a flair for drama, I think.) He did well and went off to be the supply officer on a ship in the Pacific. Went with absolutely no guarantee of coming back. That’s what people did.
This is true; but people and outlets that know better are finding ways to minimize and/or justify. I would’ve expected more from Reason than mocking Libs for being alarmed before conceding they may have a teeny tiny point.
There is no depth to which Jonathan Turley will not sink. He’ll say that Trump will never do the outrageous things Trump threatens to do, and that there are laws in place to prevent it, then when Trump does them he will say the laws don’t apply and that Trump was forced to do the things by woke.
If anyone can fix this to be Naomi Wolf, the world will be forever grateful
Naomi Wolf hates clouds.
A double, and we haven’t even boarded the plane yet.
I hate these people so much.
Fine. They should immediately rule that all pork products are banned in America.
Martha-Ann Alito tried to throw Harry Potter out of Hogwarts and was subsequently attacked by centaurs.
Martha-Ann Alito if furious that there are no Blockbusters any more because she loved returning VHS tapes without rewinding them
The exception would be if someone got a photo of Cheese-bro at court in Wisconsin wearing a cheesehead. That's international news right there.
Donald Trump getting convicted justifies interrupting my vacation. Not the Cheesebah getting charged again.
We live in an age of fairy tales
Feel like even if you think this is the case, probably ought to have done a workshop on those two-way intersection labels, because hoo boy.
Alito’s wife has hung 14 semaphore flags spelling out “free the messiah”
Fine, but if it ends the same the shark should be named NAPOLEON BLOWN-APART
Who called a JAWS rip off set in France 'Under Paris', and not 'Shark de Triomphe'?
Israel: finding ways to squander support is their speciality
Just stare at this. After being told to stop by the ICC and ICJ. After forcing people to flee to this exact place *for putative safety.*
Ahahaha if I do this but add emojis, my kid cringes himself into another dimension.
Working out my aggression by texting the kids in complete punctuated sentences.
post a *perfect* album from the 90s that isn't nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, or alice in chains.
post a *perfect* album from the 90s that isn't nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, or alice in chains.
Watching Korean movies allows me to learn the latest Korean slang
Also, Alito's angry-old-man-who-watches-Fox-News dissent (joined by Gorsuch) is a flashing warning sign.
That said, no one should interpret today's CFPB decision as proof that the Supreme Court is "moderating" or "compromising" or "shifting to the center." Not at all. The decision is evidence of how totally lawless the 5th Circuit has become—because this case shouldn't even exist!
Now I just want to know if has ever told anyone that they have a genocidal taint
I very rarely laugh out loud at Tweets, Skeets and the like But this did it
my dog wrote this
The U.S. government is suing "approximately one Terrier mix type dog."
2018, during Netanyahu’s reign, in case you need a reminder of how odious Bibi is.