
If you’re a college administrator, your only response to these kinds of bad faith complaints should be to tell them to go pound sand.
Hardly the first evidence of this but Columbia has gone completely ‘round the bend. They put three deans on suspension because some creep from the Free Beacon looked over their shoulders and saw them writing snarky texts?!? You do not take orders from these people!
these texts… aren’t even bad? are there more where they like, do the 14 words or something? wtf.
I kept thinking I was missing the part where they had said something objectionable. Also is “looking over someone’s shoulder as they send personal texts” really how we do journalism?
It kinda makes you think all of these college administrators support a far right agenda. You have to want to cave to this kind of pressure if you succumb to it, no?
They're really doing their best to make me ashamed of my degree.
Be sure to let the alumni office know that
I am so ashsmed of my alma mater
Be sure to let the alumni office know
But be kind to the individuals working there while registering your discontent! They are likely just as exasperated. Source: I work in an alumni office.
That’s the only office that counts for problems like this. I’m not an alum but was a long time admirer. I’m stunned and sad.
Most of us nerds, dorks, geeks and dweebs learned in high school that letting the bullies win with their false narrative does not work, bullies must be stood up to and exposed for the frauds they are. Every time. Without fail.
See, the problem is these college admins WERE the bullies in HS, or at least as MBAs empathize with them more than the college profs.
They weren’t exactly the same kinds of complaints, but the way Arizona State responded when Turning Point attacked their faculty is a really good example of what to do.
Somewhere Dinesh is punching air, realizing all he needed to stop you was grainy photos of your emoji usage
The way you get sharks to disperse is to shoot a bunch of blood into the water, as a distraction
And if you’re faculty & the admin does what Columbia did, you tell admin to go pound sand — you won’t do their bidding as long as they’re there.
Question is, do they have an expectation of privacy in this case? If so...
Great, can't wait for the Congressional hearings on people's texts in which they're framed as if they were listening to families of the hostages talking about their kidnapped/injured/dead loved ones or something, rather than some dude making the tired "Israeli leaders = all of Judaism" argument
I wonder if Columbia knows what kind of damage they’re doing by accepting these complaints as though they were serious.
"Here are two #2 pencils. Put them point first in your nostrils." *replicate's the Joker scene from The Dark Knight Rises* "Any further questions?"
I do not know whether the law is settled in NY as to whether this constitutes wiretapping.
Our supposedly liberal institutions seem eager and willing to throw us to the fascist wolves. It’s beyond depressing.
It depends on whether your goal is education or genocide.
Under authoritarianism these colleges officials will melt like ice cream.
I really hope Columbia is sued over everything that’s happened since April