Kevin Moore

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Kevin Moore

Cartoonist, librarian. Webcomics: Fetch, Wanderlost, political cartoons. He/him. Please support me at:
Whoa whoa I thought Obama was the Marxist Muslim sleeper agent here.
The West Wing walked so Psych could run.
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Seems worth stating the obvious: Netanyahu doesn’t care about US Jews. He has shown himself to be more than willing to align with leaders who overtly hate us if they support his political survival.
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Hard to ask this bc of hostility around precautions and I want to note upfront that I know when you’re working a con there’s a lot of work/social pressure—but if you’re attending SDCC please, please wear a mask as much as you can. COVID levels are high, we are fully in a surge right now
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
The worst part about living through a new historical event every two days is knowing that The Daily Show did a segment dunking on the dude who banned my book, but for the last month and a half it's kept getting bumped for breaking news. I WANT TO SEE THIS!!!!
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
Today I found out that Aaron Sorkin and Maureen Dowd used to be lovers and so much clicked into place.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
saw my first Harris yard sign, yellow vinyl, clearly wrinkled and dug out of storage from the 2020 primary. Can you even imagine the thrill of getting to casually say to a family member "oh, looks like we'll need this after all. Looks like I'm not a 'hoarder.' looks like I'm simply prepared. looks l
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
Doodle: Prepping for a new rival
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
Once again I could really use a day or two of precedented times. For morale.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
You put the lime in the coconut and you fucking vote for Harris so I don't have go to a concentration camp run by one of JD Vance's front companies out of a Cracker Barrell.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
"Look, it's not like I went out of my way to befriend that one rapist. I befriended a lot of rapists."
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
Yep. Biden FINALLY called for Supreme Court reform last week. They could all be talking about that right now. But no. Trump said a dozen monstrously bigoted things at the RNC. They could be hammering him for that right now. But no. Project 2025 is RIGHT THERE. They could be... It's infuriating.
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Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
Sheila Jackson Lee led the first rewrite of the Violence Against Women Act to include protections for Native American, transgender and immigrant women and was outspokenly against the Iraq War from the start. Last time she was arrested for engaging in civil disobedience for voting rights was 2021
Breaking news: Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat who during three decades in the U.S. House of Representatives became one of the most prominent Black members of Congress and a ubiquitous champion of African American and women’s rights, died July 19 at a hospital in Houston. She was 74.
Sheila Jackson Lee, outspoken Texas congresswoman, dies at The long-serving Democrat, a champion of African American and women’s rights, announced in June that she had pancreatic cancer.
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If anyone wants an example of what AOC was talking about/why Martin Heinrich just called for Biden to drop out, this passage from Wednesday's NYT offers a doozy.
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Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
Now it's just like you recorded his rally speech and played it back at 1/2 speed
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
As a Jew and someone who has read more than one history book, this is what I would call uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bad
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
The thing the DC elites and the political press actually care about is *power* and they venerate Trump's corruption and his ability to dodge consequences for misdeeds because it demonstrates the power he has accumulated, however illegitimately
in case you needed to know exactly how much the media actually respects the rule of law and adherence to independent justice department procedures or whatever, they described trump's corrupt court appointees changing the law for him to get him out of crimes he committed as "wins"
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Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
All election coverage right now boils down to: Trump is alive, an astonishing feat; Biden is alive, here's why that's bad news for Joe Biden
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
NYT's immigration beat reporter examined Trump's plan for mass deporation thru the lens that policies and rules and courts matter The people she interviewed are in that same bubble They don't Trump and Miller aren't going to follow laws. They intend to wreak havoc and expect no one to stop them
Change in Headline
"Message" aside, imagine giving up the dramatic possibilities of climate change's extreme weather dynamics.
The NYT does not fail to provide the most milquetoast coverage of fascists.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
Also want to emphasize now that shitting on Appalachia or Ohio *is what JD fucking Vance would love and expect you to do*
As an Appalachian *and* an Ohio State grad, I’m about to become very, very annoying
I love everything about this.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Moore
the Constitution now effectively reads, in its entirety: "Donald Trump Is America's Special Boy and Can Do No Wrong"
Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.