Is anyone running a status check on all the terrible laws/policies introduced by the Tories, and whether Labour have reversed them yet?
I am so bored with Democrats playing Business As Usual while the Child Rape Treason Monkeys openly campaign on a dictatorship. Stop fucking around! 1/
But it’s also politically driven: if you can only go after a fraction of those who owe tax, it’s a choice whether you go after those who owe the most, or those with the least power to object.
The undermining of the IRS was a form of sabotage of basic state administrative functioning. Expect much more of this under a second Trump term.
I look forward to the announcement that this will be applied to the police.
Project 2025, page 592: make it harder for employees to be paid at overtime rates by allowing employers to average the number of hours worked over 2-4 weeks
Just found out about a massive data leak at Twitter/X. I don't use it anymore but I keep my account alive so no one else can claim my username. I just changed my password and suggest others do too. Also use 2FA whenever you can. More:
9.4GB Twitter(X) Data Leaked - Over 200 Million Records Exposed The Cyberpress Research Team made a significant discovery with the Massive 9.4 GB of X (Formerly the Twitter) Database.
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
Arrest him. Deny him bail. Forget about him until the election’s done.
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
ANYWAY we can now finally wave goodbye to everyone who works at the Daily Heil and the Torygraph, who will be leaving the country now that Labour’s won, right?
I’m looking at the BBC’s breakdown of party results, and two things stand out: the radical difference between votes vs seats, and Reform’s share. 1/
It really is a weird symmetry that this year the UK elections are the 4th of July and the US elections are the 5th of November.
K has just said to me “are you having a dirty martini?” Which is simultaneously the most adult conversation we’ve ever had AND the closest we’ve ever come to living in a US TV sitcom.
What’s the word for when you’re annoyed that other people have messed up, so you cannot Do The Thing, and simultaneously secretly relieved that you do not have to Do The Thing? This post brought to you by Neighbours Not Closing the Stair Door Properly so I Don’t Need My Keys.
Listening to “The Biggest and the Best”, the Duran Duran greatest-hits compilation. I KNOW this track is called “Careless Memory”, but I still can’t help hearing Le Bon singing “with a girl’s memory.”
Just seen a guy wearing a T-shirt with a print of John Singer Sergeant’s “Lady Agnew of Lochnaw”, which is certainly a clothing choice.
I should probably see whether this is actually worth anything before I just dump it in a charity shop.
3. If your business model involves violating copyright law on an unprecidented scale to destroy another industry with an inferior product just long enough for you to escape with bags of cash before lawmakers catch on — You’re not in business. You’re in organized crime.
Text message: “oh hai we a random company that manages security for ur bank plz send all docs needed for identity theft”
I like how xkcd has sufficiently weaponised* [citation needed] that needs [actual citation needed]. * e.g. “The Earth is too big to fit in your pocket[citation needed].”
explain Explain xkcd is a wiki dedicated to explaining the webcomic xkcd. Go figure.
I can't remember a tech campaign this relentless.
Bitcoin should be outlawed. All cryptocurrencies should be. Climate, scams, funding crime and terrorism, cyber ransom- plenty of reasons to choose.
Bitcoin consumes about 2.5% of US electricity, about the same as all residential cooling. An article decrying *that* electricity usage as a personal moral failing would be much less tone deaf.
Travelling into work with the spare house keys because YET AGAIN I was a muppet and left mine in the office yesterday.
I’ve been hoping John Oliver would do a segment on Project 2025 and Schedule F I’m doing what I can in my day job, but at the end of the day, what I really need is for Trump to lose I hope everyone watches the segment (or reads the transcript -
John Oliver did a deep dive on Project 2025 tonight that should be required viewing. Frightening shit. Hasn't been posted on their YT channel yet, but it's a must watch. Great reporting.
Trump's Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver | Transcript - Scraps from the John Oliver discusses the plans for Donald Trump’s second term, an interesting campaign choice from a conservative congressional candidate in Michigan, and the bakery that has very successfully turned...
The Journal of Medieval History is now publishing book reviews. If you hold or are working toward a PhD and you’d like to be on the list of potential reviewers, please email review editor philippa.j.byrne at with a description of your interests. 🗃️medievalsky Gmail is email that’s intuitive, efficient, and useful. 15 GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access.
Please, men who consider yourself allies, that's great and we need more of ya, but please monitor this for yourself a minute. Please. For the love of god, please.
gotdamn if this isn’t EXACTLY what destroys relationships of every kind between men and women—family, platonic, workplace, romantic no amount of love can withstand being shot down every single time she opens her mouth
The foundation of modern news is the pigeon. Reuters founded his wire service by flying hot stock tips from Brussels to Aachen via 45 carrier pigeons in 1850. They could beat the train by two hours.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
It’s Monday! Time to do the corporate-enforced six-monthly password change! Whoop!
Occasionally I put my work mug in the communal dishwasher. Like I did on Friday evening. Now my mug is missing. Happy Monday.
This is beautiful. If you scroll down the thread, it gives the source for each element that comprises the flag.
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
It also conflates loneliness with celibacy and uses it to justify male anger. Men who get angry bc they’re not having sex are angry bc they think women owe them sex, which is the problem. I have never once seen a young woman get angry about not getting laid.
"One in three young men haven't had sex in the last year," complains Galloway on Morning Joe. He says that lonely broke young men are "the most dangerous people on the planet." The implication is that they deserve to get laid. That's incel. So glib. So creepy.
On the bus back into town with the fencing bag. Alas, not for McBane, but because the fencing bag lives in the office. And it is back to real life and the inbox this morning.