Apple Eater

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Apple Eater

Not like this... Not like this.
I mean there's certainly no historical tradition prior to the 14th (or immediately after it) of assuming that it referred to women or other laws assuming women's legal equality. If that's the opinion you wanted to write, you easily could do it.
I mean I think that's true for both D-inclined pro-Israel American Jews and D-inclined anti-Israel American Jews.
Trump blew the COVID response, which was maybe the only bigger opportunity God ever gave a president to get reelected.
If he had been halfway intelligible and just parroted the lines he got from the CDC, he would have been as popular as Cuomo and coasted to the biggest, easiest reelect ever.
Might also want a reflective cover to keep the sunlight out and insulate. They make black covers to warm pools- do they make silver ones to cool them?
Or will that make it worse by removing evaporative cooling?
I wonder how far you could get with a chest freezer in the garage and just make giant blocks of ice to toss in every evening.
And California too, but wind is less predictably cyclical. That will pair better with less-efficient long-duration storage for cloudy days and dry summers. And hopefully, in the long run, for the eventually retirement of the dams in the Columbia and rewilding of the river.
I voted Warren because I thought she'd make excellent, progressive, action-oriented technocratic appointments. Dang, but Biden did exactly that, with a couple small exceptions.
Additional regional transmission needed to power Oregon and Washington during the day with cheap California sun and California at night with cheap Northwest hydro.
I'm really just being snarky. The Court has a long history of refusing to adjudicate disputes between the other two branches.
Seems like a political question between the branches. I think the Court must stay out of it, just as they do between the Legislative and Executive.
Yeah but wasn't it his parents' house?
There's a proposed attack on overtime pay, to allow your boss to calculate overtime based on 160 hours/4 weeks. It would radically cut down on overtime pay without affecting hours, by allowing them to make your schedule really erratic.
For white non-college, a shitload are hourly. Overtime pay is absolutely make-or-break, every month.
There's also a proposal to allow companies to dissolve employee unions if the company believes that's in the business interest of the company. So union contracts won't protect you, because they'll just dissolve the union and fire you.
They don't want to be in charge. They want to be in the minority, absolved of any responsibility for governance, so they can bitch about how bad things are, never compromise, and bask in their own righteousness.
It's unbelievably short-sighted, because when they do successfully get an actual left candidate on the ballot, they expect liberals and moderates to fall in line, even as they themselves did not fall in line behind liberal or moderate candidates.
It's a fundamentally anti-democratic mindset- they're right, they're smart, they're good, so they have an inherent right to rule, and convincing the public of that is inherently unnecessary.
Right. In Norcal it's just "I took 80 into the city". Once you hit the Oregon border, it's "You just take I-5 north to Grants Pass".
Right, that was a Norcal thing.
"They want to eliminate overtime pay" has been successful for me. Overtime is a REALLY important thing. Monthly make-or-break for just an enormous number of people in this country.
Anecdotally I lived at that time with an Alaskan who was debating between McCain or Paul. The day Palin was nominated he loudly swore he was now voting for Obama. People who already knew who she was mostly *hated* her.
I'm aware of it since at least the mid-oughts.
I mean I've seen an AR at the grocery store in Oregon. The guy was clearly trying to provoke people by doing so. Definitely threw me for a loop.
You're basically describing the Chevy Bolt. There's a Mini Electric too, but it's not as budget-friendly.
I drive a Bolt and I literally get confused when I see Honda Fits. They look almost exactly the same.
Which ones? I haven't heard about this.