Lovely cat lashes ♿ *chiari awareness*

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Lovely cat lashes ♿ *chiari awareness*

I'm just AJ. PDX. 2s Comanche in a wheelchair. MA in history, dabbled in political science. Onetime physical activist, now a disabled one. My research interests are cruising and public sex and queer memorials. Numunuu (kwaharu/peneteka). ADULTS ONLY. OK?
Me, discovering the sperm whale: HEY ITS HEAD IS FULL OF CUM, CUM WHALE Old timey uninformed scientists: it's sperm, technically Me: SPERM WHALE SPERM WHALE SPERM WHALE
It’s sad to see that people can’t even engage news about Gaza — thousands of civilians fleeing for their lives from bombs we paid for TODAY — without loudly replying “WELL, I’M STILL VOTING FOR BIDEN.” Ok? I didn’t ask you; the ask if anything was for your humanity. Y’all post like campaign bots.
Don’t talk too loudly about Democrats increasing funding for cops, it helps Trump! Don’t talk too loudly about Biden bankrolling a genocide, it helps Trump! Don’t talk too loudly about the man y’all say will protect us from Trump being too incapacitated to protect us from Trump, it helps Trump!
Tried describing the onion tart from balthazar and my mouth started watering Ugh I'm attracted to overpriced mediocrity
Our increasingly frequent rocket launches are dumping water vapor and other chemicals in the stratosphere, messing with seasonal noctilucent clouds. They're also punching holes in the ionosphere:
Firefly Alpha Punches a Hole in the July 3, 2024. The "Noise of Summer" launch by Firefly Aerospace carried eight CubeSats to a Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO) from Space Launch Complex-2W (SLC-2W)…
He was. And that’s why I have no time for nouveau Democratic Party centrists. After witnessing the trajectory from 1968 to 1984, I know exactly what the policy of appeasing the right will produce.
I doubt Trump 2.0 will be any worse than Reagan, largely because at least Reagan's advisors could trick him with a shiny object or something so they could do nefarious things But... Reagan was really bad. REALLY bad. For the world, the US, everyone.
Eat the rich. Do it, folks. Pick up your forks and eat 'em.
A. G. Sulzberger, New York Times publisher and chairman, is an evil enemy of democracy and the American people. Yank the fucking choke chain on this rabid cur.
Law & Order is at about 35 rn
The JAG cinematic universe is nearing its 30th year of continuity
Glad folks are listening to people identifying ableism in political coverage now, especially after liberals spent the past few years making "Trump diaper!!" jokes
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
The air vent system in the bathroom carries smells from all over the apartment building. This morning it smells strongly of dead body, that vaguely more acidic smell than a dead animal smell. Like a garbage can full of meat and sour vegetables. Dammit.
"Oh, here's the horny Glade ad again..."
The JAG cinematic universe is nearing its 30th year of continuity
If this results in Arnold coming back to the White House to yell about fitness, I swear...
Breaking news: President Biden and his senior team said they accepted the grim ultimatum they’ve been hearing from almost all quarters of the Democratic Party — to demonstrate his fitness for office or face a significant effort to force him to step aside.
Biden and aides concede he needs to quickly demonstrate his fitness for Critics have been shaken by his relative inaction to directly address the panic ignited by his halting debate performance last Thursday.
Most folks #onhere are too young or didn't live in a crime-ridden city in the late-80s/early-90s, but this is one thing to know: cities are turned into that, on purpose. This is the most likely result, cities desolated by gov. Folks SHOULD be scared of that kind of life if they've never lived it.
I am absolutely scared shitless by this moment and I’ve been scared shitless of this moment coming for over a decade, but I’ve also concluded that the LAST thing we can collectively afford to do is projecting indecisive shrieking cowardice to everyone less politically plugged-in than we are.
Jeff Ross not censoring the n-word in a song? Yes, this was an actual Comedy Central ad from the 90s!
Good thing we were able to defund the police and prevent a massive build-up of paramilitary force in blue cities, it's lucky liberals didn't scream about "optics" or something like that and completely sink efforts to prevent an anti-BIPOC paramilitary force from being foisted on blue cities...
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
It's Reagan 2, but with technocratic trimmings. Of course, because of Reagan I lost a LOT of friends to crime, including my bestie from elementary school, two classmates who lived kitty corner from us and had to endure 2 years of nightly drive-bys. Dire shit, none of that please.
Trump’s re-election will mean four hideous years of the GOP playing constant Civil War Chicken at best - as this Heritage Foundation ghoul made clear - and actual civil war at worst. Avoiding that bloody nightmare is a pretty damn good reason to suck it up and vote for Biden.
Watching a 1981 cable film called St. Helens, starring Art Carney. What the fuck am I watching The quail flying into the helicopter should have been a sign
The straight whites are interesting: they see it as gauche to wear rainbow on July 1st but walk around in stained white paints after labor day all the time
The speed with which they take down all the rainbow accessories lol. Calm down there, Brian
Certain folks who were all "I DEMAND AN END TO GENOCIDE" yesterday are all about self-preservation and the status quo today Nothing in the world is as valuable as their comfort
In 2020, pressure on Biden translated into Kamala Harris becoming VP and Kentanji Brown Jackson becoming a Supreme Court Justice. In 2024, the pressure on Biden will likely translate into nothing. No change, no compromise, no concessions. We just get more aging white mediocrity. So that’s great.
This is the next internet drama and main character
Wait til this school learns what society does with wheelchair folks to move us from place to place Pushed through back rooms, up trash elevators, oops gotta pass through the kitchen to get to this glamorous Las Vegas show, it's all so frustrating. So proud of people like this student doing work
The school censored a student, and now everything they tried to stop her from saying about them has become national news. How, in the year of our Lord 2024, do people still not know about the Streisand Effect?
Abbotsford student's speech about accessibility challenges at her school censored by As part of her Grade 12 art activism class, Lexis De Meyer was tasked with investigating accessibility challenges faced by people with disabilities in her community of Abbotsford.
How do we keep Portland from capitalizing on this new legal landscape? They are almost uniquely awful in their governmental approach to homelessness and it scares me as someone who has been homeless before... They already opened camps to sequester the homeless away from people's sight
The Supreme Court's cold ruling criminalizing homelessness: Justice Gorsuch's horrifying opinion in the Grants Pass case recalls an earlier heartless dissent.
Why is all AI basically "things we could do for disabled people but let's just monetize it for dishonest business school students looking for an easy A instead"?
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
Ari Shapiro hosting The Mole? Oh god I already have problems with blacking out and fainting I don't need to be put down every time I watch this show
What's the common theme among the most popular cities for bears (the gay kind)? P.