Kristin Gorski

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Kristin Gorski

Instructional tech & media. Literacies, ed tech & ICT. Higher ed operations. Adjunct asst. prof. Blogger & microblogger. Let's make better social networks!
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It shouldn’t have taken this long or been so difficult to get the New York Post to publish a correction for an error as heinous as this.
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A 57 yr old man with autism named Jonathan lives in a small suburb outside of Chicago. He's known as ‘Superman' and has been a staple in the 4th of July Parade for 30 years. When his living situation is threatened by a development, the town worked together to save his home. 10min #FilmSky #shorts
PBS Short Film Festival | Saving Superman | Season 2024 | When an autistic man's living conditions are threatened, the town saves his home.
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They have such winning ideas like “why don’t we charge people who want to know if that tornado is gonna hit their house.”
The MAGA Plan to End Free Weather Project 2025 would all but dissolve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
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Former DCist reporters just announced that they are launching a worker-run local news site for DC called the 51st, operating on reader donations:
A serious loss for local DC news. What's fucked up is that this is the SECOND time DCist has been shuttered, after Gothamist, the group of city-based sites which included it, was bought up & shut down by a billionaire mad that they reported on him. They stay brazenly dismantling journalism.
WAMU lays off 15 staffers, shuts down DCist to focus on The station plans to add new audio products.
Former DCist staff launch the 51st, new local news site for The 51st is a worker-run newsroom that will attempt to fill a niche its founders say opened when WAMU closed DCist.
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Job alert!! Join Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley. We are hiring an Assistant Professor in the area of global change biology with emphasis on the Ecology and Evolution of Host-Microbe Interactions (pathogens, mutualists, microbiomes).
Assistant Professor - Global Change Biology- Department of Integrative University of California, Berkeley is hiring. Apply now!
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I want a choreographer and a theater critic to weigh in every time a player falls and clutches their leg with an evaluation of the performance.
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Timeline cleanse: "Best of Friends" by artist Henriëtte Ronner-Knip, 19th-century painter who specialized in portrayals of animals
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First 24 hours are ideal conditions for bad media: * Interest in the facts is off the charts, but there is only a handful of them * Bad actors fill the unmet demand * Civiltarians try to silence political discussion * Both sides bromides roar to life * Memory itself is now said to be in bad taste
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My colleagues & I have studied the social media aftermath of mass shooting events for a decade. We’re still processing the horrifying, abhorrent, and tragic event yesterday, which appears to be an assassination attempt on former President Trump. In case they're useful, here are some first thoughts:
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We are all currently participating in a massive “collective sensemaking” process, attempting to gather and interpret evidence to give meaning to this terrible event. For an explanation, see:
Facts, frames, and (mis)interpretations: Understanding rumors as collective The communicative solution to pervasive misinformation is not better facts, but better frames.
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Does nobody in the world remember that a Gabby Giffords, a sitting American member of congress, was shot in the head just over a decade ago? And that Steve Scalise was shot in 2017? I get that we're all scared but calling this unprecedented is just irresponsible and wrong.
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Some innovations that will help the state protect native biodiversity under climate change
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A heatwave in Eastern Europe is generating temperatures of 42-44°C (107-111°F). Anthropogenic climate change - how to slow it, mitigate it, adapt to and survive it, how to care for one another as we succumb to it - is the most critical issue of ours or of any lifetime.
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Only 4% of TV news in the United States correctly connected Hurricane Beryl to climate change. The 2024 hurricane season is here, and we’ve already had our first record-breaking hurricane in Beryl, which caused billions in damage and deaths in Texas, Grenada, Venezuela and nearby areas…
Only 4% of TV news correctly connected Hurricane Beryl to climate Despite Beryl's record-breaking nature as the earliest Atlantic cat-5 ever, media failed to connect warm ocean temps with storm strength.
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A few thoughts on the assassination attempt against Trump. 1) The vast majority of Americans reject political violence—don't let anyone tell you otherwise (
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A quick 🧵: It is important to remember, or to recognize & then remember, that the US has always had a significant, ongoing level of political violence from founding through tonight. Most don't know or realize that because of how America's daily violence gets reported. 1/
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Banning a book solely because it's about banning books is such a silly plot point in this dumb story, that any decent editor would slash it with a red pen, calling it "ham-handed', or "cartoonish", or "overly on-the-nose".
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The DOJ is reportedly prepping a rental market collusion lawsuit against software maker RealPage, whose tools are used by landlords to set apartment prices. Read our 2022 investigation into RealPage and its role in America's soaring housing costs:
Rent Going Up? One Company’s Algorithm Could Be Texas-based RealPage’s YieldStar software helps landlords set prices for apartments across the U.S. With rents soaring, critics are concerned that the company’s proprietary algorithm is hurting compet...
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All episodes of Shelley Duvall’s FAERIE TALE THEATRE are on Internet Archive, if you’d like to enjoy the second act pivot that made her iconic for ‘80s and ‘90s kids. #ShelleyDuvall
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When vicious fights break out inside progressive spaces, you may want to ask yourself "who benefits?" And: "Are the loudest voices who they say they are?"
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I just a saw a post in which someone was saying their shelter cat was definitely a Maine Coon because it has an "M" pattern on its forehead. This is a myth! Any tabby can have an M, and there are many Maine Coons that do not have Ms. It's simply not tethered to reality in any way.
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The heck? Both Esquire and the NYT have put out "best books" lists, and THE FIFTH SEASON is on both! Is there a holiday coming up or something? Anyway, yay! Esquire's is SFF-specific (#4) and the NYT's is this-century specific (#44).
The 75 Best Sci-Fi Books of All See if your favorites made our expanded list.
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