
Two a**holes standing next to me are bragging about running red lights and not paying tickets because are not DC residents and park in garages downtown. One says he has over $10k in tickets, Maybe we need to start having cops pulling over MD plates with excess unpaid tickets and seizing their cars
it's wild to me how often people just straight up blaze through red lights in my neighborhood, not even the "Massachusetts Yellow" first-two-seconds of red but, like, halfway through a 30-second crosswalk countdown.
Same in mine. Absolutely infuriating. See it once a week at least dropping off my kid at daycare
I was coming up to a flat green light the other day, and a series of four motorcycles just weaved through the cars and rode on through the red light coming the other way. I just thought … those people have more confidence in my good sense and caution than I have in anyone’s.
I always have that thought when I see someone driving recklessly. They really have a lot of confidence that I'm not going to do something unexpected.
Chances are those guys were doing it to post on YouTube too. There's a whole subculture of Proud-Asshole motorcyclists on YouTube, and they're despised by most others. They wear gopros, hide/bend their plates, and always act like the victim when caught.
You know, I’ve actually been wondering in the last few weeks/months whether this was a thing (I thought maybe TikTok), because of the incredibly close calls I’ve seen between cars and motorcycles that weave at high speeds between lanes.
Yup. There's a whole lot of them, with one channel in particular collecting them to show off what rebels they are. If they end up road pizza it doesn't much matter since they volunteer for it, but the risk to others and the people that have to deal with their bodies when they crash is selfish.
there’s also gotta be a way to reduce fake Maryland dealer tags, which are a 007-level license to kill as far as their drivers are concerned
Literally yesterday saw a Maryland tag car drive the wrong way up Florida Avenue at the intersection with New York, against a red light, as pedestrians were already in the crosswalk.
It’s so common here that I basically just assume I need to be looking like a hawk so I don’t get nailed from the side when the light turns green
Yes! And as somebody whose lifestyle is, to be frank, heavily invested in “walking around my neighborhood a little bit high and listening to podcasts” as an activity, it’s not great!
The number of times I've seen people turn left from the right hand lane, turn right from the left hand lane, pull a u turn at a goddamn red light, or other unbelievably dumb shit makes me bet, very glad I don't have a firearm in the car.
Crush the cars. If it's done quickly enough, the driver may not be a problem anymore either.
if metro police wanted to improve their PR among the people who pay their salaries they would go after Maryland and Virginia drivers with prejudice
I'm fine with just pulling over MD drivers at random until the situation is under control.
Hmm, maybe DC police should be checking plates in garages and impounding cars there.
Garages are private property.
But the curbcuts where cars enter garages are not
Maybe they are doing that, but they can’t be everywhere at once. Generally the people who brag about getting away with something get caught sooner or later.
Yeah, a police check point right before the entrance would be fine. Heck, just have a patrolman sit outside recording plates, run the database, get a warrant. Easy peasy.
Easy peasy until someone complains cops are sitting around spying on law abiding citizens instead of fighting real crime. When it comes to police, no matter what they do or don’t do, someone will have a problem with it. Maybe a portable plate reader across from the entrance? Move it around daily.
Repeat red light running is real crime endangering real people
Yeah, I'm not sad that cops get yelled at for doing their job. If people want to provide another Wilhoit's example that's fine by me.
I moved to Maryland from Texas in 2022 and in those two years I've seen dozens of drivers flagrantly running reds, more than I ever saw in my whole life back home. Men and women, young and old. I knew there had to be an explanation.
You'd think of all traffic violations, running reds would be the least common because of the high likelyhood of death. Are people that suicidal?
They probably think they'll live forever. They are the main character, after all!
"i am invincible as long as i'm alive."
People are spectacularly terrible at gauging risk.
cops have seized vehicles via civil forfeiture on thinner pretexts than being from maryland
Send the tickets to a collection agency, with initial due date of the first ticket as the date from which to set the debts age. Then, they can put a lein on their assets.
DC doesn’t have ticket reciprocity with MD
That is irrelevant here. The approach I presented bypasses the need for reciprocity as it does not target their ability to drive.
Honesty, just the misery and credit hit you take for something going to collections might be a deterrent on its own.
We should build a wall to keep the Marylanders out
You should go back to whatever state your actually from
Why so mad over a joke lol
They live in Maryland now because you came from Midwest to live in Southeast
What the fuck are you talking about lmao
Yep. In the area of the city I live in the MPD has essentially abdicated traffic enforcement and rely on cameras. With drivers from a certain state being essentially immune from consequences the local roads are a shambles. The more so as the DC drivers must be very careful b/c of the cameras.
I live in Virginia and work in DC. I take the metro in because traffic here is impossible. And…. i paid so much money in speeding tickets in the 3rd street tunnel and 295, I realized I’m an idiot and the train is much cheaper.
Be the change you want to see! Thank you.
Over $10,000 in unpaid tickets will result in a national bench warrant. If he gets stopped, he’ll be arrested
Perhaps we should burn their cars.
And would be simple enough for DC to find their addresses, show up, take the car. Not rocket science, the repo man do it all the time.