Lady of Wreck

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Lady of Wreck

I wreck things. Professionally. I ran the Underbase where we WRECK'd Transformer comics. When not podcasting, I'm a storymaker, wrecklet mom, geekdom fan, scouter, whippet mom, & advocate supporter for my kids w/multiple diagnoses.
Conservatives refuse to wear masks because their faces reflect the sanctity of God's creation of man therefore they won't hide their faces. Also question if COVID exists. Also same conservatives: at RNC2024 wear ear diapers to show support for Trump. 🤔 Make it make sense.
Me wondering how 20 mins away means Muskrat's life was ever in any danger? 🤔 Also me, how many people own guns in Texas and live less than 20 mins away from Tesla HQ?
Shouldn't be surprised that 45 picks I guy that's just as offensive as he is or more so because Vance's filter is aggressively offensive as opposed to just offensive from 45. 🤔
This. I don't wish 45 ill. I feel bad for his youngest kids & wife who must love him dearly. But I doubt he will change his tact or tone or learn any of the lessons a reasonable person might when faced with the same circumstances. Nothing will change. The only him he understands is win/lose.
I think it's perfectly acceptable for some people -- not necessarily politicians, but the rest of us -- to say something like "Trump has encouraged political violence for the better part of a decade and has been promising to do it with the government if he wins. I do not sympathize with him."
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Teddy Roosevelt was shot in October of 1912. he finished his a 90 minute speech (saved by the 50-pages folded in his coat pocket) and went on to lose the election
But I have heard an accusation that he ordered it. You can't have it both ways. Either he's old and incapable or he's the President and doing the job.
I haven’t heard Biden’s age mentioned in at least 4 hours
Right now is a good time to just stop yourself wherever you are in the doom scrolling and self care. The answers to all of this are going to be on every news and social for the next week. You know it's true. Just self care. ♥️
I'm honestly not surprised. After all the political pressure and the years of conspiracy BS that's been flying around in this pressure cooker of a country, you'd think this would have happened sooner. To anyone, on either side? Unfortunately it also makes it feel staged.
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Bluesky really needs a Discourse Mode where it labels people on different sides of a beef with a different color so you know when you’re about to walk into a pvp zone
I swear my dream brain is trolling me. In my dream I was attending TFNation, but here's the trolling part... I was injured and in a hospital bed. I couldn't actually walk around. I got permission to be there, but in an actual hotel room by myself. Attendees had to come and visit me. WTH? 🤣
Finally! The bits I've been waiting for! #TheAcolyte But now I have a lot of thoughts because bits were mixed with the mythology of Jedi. This is the one topic in Star Wars that has always been frustrating to me because of the retcons before and after Disney. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Rewatched all of Clone Wars to finally watch the final season and jumped straight into Bad Batch. Because why not? 😎 It's seamless I tell ya, seamless!
There's a bit of translation online that hasn't been talked about and it hit me this evening as I was fully engaged watching my "adult show" that I told my son he couldn't watch. Lets just set the stage and I'll explain: #Project2025 #ScheduleF
Someone in my neighborhood setting off fireworks at 11pm at night, disturbing the pets in the area like any time in July is the time to set shit off. 😠
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It's the 40th anniversary of Transformers, and it's long past due we started coming together as fandom. In that spirit as the Ideal Man of TFNation let me start us on that journey. We'll begin with the oldest of divides, and finally settle it. There, the weight is now lifted, let the healing begin.
Meme to describe ME in the last 25 minutes of today's #hotd #HouseOfTheDragon episode 4! 🔥🔥🔥
This is rough. I've actively called out Ch*atGPT several times with inaccuracies when Mr Wreck uses it because sometimes it's flat out Wrong! And if you challenge the response it switched gears toward the few facts you do know. It accommodates!
Well this is grim
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The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
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"Trump is the candidate of chaos, uncertainty, and erratic behavior. Democrats can win a race against him by offering Americans the opposite: steady, calm, and confident leadership. Joe Biden has provided that." – Stuart Stevens
The Absurdity of the Dump-Biden Nervous Democrats mount an antidemocratic campaign against their own president.
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I am BEGGING liberals and leftist to let go of the NYT. They have rarely been on the right side of history and they are—ONCE AGAIN—actively trying to bring Trump to power. Cancel your subscription and let this trash paper DIE
I think it’s telling that if you search “Trump AND rape” on the New York Times website you don’t get a single article mentioning the E. Jean Carroll case but if you search “Biden AND old” you get 18,026 hits.
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FDR would have kicked their asses.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
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Waterdragon. :D Acrylics on cardboard, and I'm delighted how strongly the texture of the material is visible in the scan! <3 (strongly inspired by and their amazing art)
And in the other camp, Trump has to schedule his campaign events around all the felony charges he's dealing with in court. There's no comparison. Sit down.
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Some of them are ALSO so far up Trump's network that we should read accordingly. NYT has now assigned Haberman to Biden stories. That's ... a confession.
Can we talk about how amazing that piano bench is?! I mean Optimus Prime weighs how many tons of metal ass and dat bench? It's just made of wood and it's doing its JOB! #BenchLove #Transformers
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The media really needs to stop reporting on Amazon Prime Day as if it is a culturally significant event and not a company holding a sale.
What the absolute efff bsky? This is historical fact not extremist violent invoking made up shit. 😡
Little realism here... If the media is gonna make it about age?! There's a difference of 3 years! If there's a difference of acts? One is a criminal by 34 counts in a court of HIS peers. Case closed. Sit down.
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People should be talking more about GoBots.