
I hope people understand that what we are seeing is the systematic destruction of the civil war amendments by the Supreme Court, which are what made America and actual democracy and upon which all minority rights in the United States rely
which is why, of course, there are no laws or amendments that could stop them - they are happy to read plain language to mean the opposite in favor of their agenda there is no solution to this court that doesn’t break the 6-3 majority
Oh there’s a solution, but it violates the terms of service to discuss
Appointing another four justices to the court is actually just a thing the president and congress can do.
Unfortunately congress is the key word in that sentence
The Dems need to be *extremely* clear about their agenda: securing all three branches of government by wide enough margins to ram through a full package of electoral reforms that guarantee majoritarian governance, then packing the court so these laws can actually stand.
They should also commit to Zero Fucks Given about anything the opposite says in response. If these people want to come back from the dead, make them win an open election. That's a solid party line.
I think this is an issue where cloak and dagger helps, there’s a chunk of voters who don’t like to hear this stuff
And why I am not as confident in the Freedom of Speech granted by 1A as American lawyers working in the field.
(had a long set of discussions last night on the topic because someone complained that we have rules about what can be said when elections have been called.)
I think it’s more accurate to say their destruction as applied via the civil rights era laws. They’ll still use the 14th to protect corporations
The 14th amendment never had anything to do with corporations until the so-called originalists decided it did.
George Washington clearly intended the 14th amendment to allow Enron executives to spend your retirement savings on assault weapons, it is right there in the Constitution.
But that is their destruction. Congress’s enforcement power wasn’t an afterthought; it was an essential part of the design, & overruling Congress’s legislative choices does destroy a very large chunk of those amendments
I confess I never thought we would see a Court aspire to be the Lochner Court. I had hoped John Roberts’ giant ego might be what saved things but apparently he so totally thinks they’re going to be the ultimate winners that he thinks he will be judged well for this.
I know that fucker spends a lot of time stroking his chin and thinking of his legacy. Prediction: there won’t be many statues of John Roberts in the future.
You think the racists are going to lose. But look how many statues there are of Robert E Lee.
Robert E Lee was a loser. Still got a statue though :(
Do images on urinal cakes count as statues?
Lochner Court is probably too generous; this is some Roger Taney shit
My thought is that I, too, hoped his giant ego and concern for the Court's institutional legacy would save things (or at least slow them down) but his competency wasn't up to the task. He doesn't have the ability or strength of character to stand up to Alito or to forge a constituency against him.
Not only are they taking sledgehammers to democratic governance, they are waving seditionist flags while they do it. Absolutely blows my mind they're doing all this with everyone watching and not even suffering a moments hesitation. I hate using it, but these judges are straight evil.
As pointed out elsewhere, a surrender was signed at Appomattox …but one side went right back to fighting the next day & hasn’t stopped yet
This is, of course, the result of decades of planning by moneyed right-wing interests in this country but "Not losing a presidential election for the next 20 years while holding the senate and hoping 3+ right-wing justices die in office" is not a plan that inspires confidence.
a destruction that began immediately after their adoption, btw. corporations got 14th Amendment protections before a single Black person did.
Hindsight is 20/20, but I'm starting to think one of our issues is the pretense that we still operate under the 1787 constitution. the civil war represented the failure of that constitutional settlement, and any appeal to originalism that predates 1865 is an absurdity
can't do anything about that sorry, i'm just some guy
Exactly...the civil rights of women and minorities are systematically being dismantled.
While we are seeing and experiencing the shockwaves of overturning Roe, cases will be coming up that could effect the Obergefell decision. Gay marriage may be next. I think a lot of America is tuned out, while others are in limbo waiting for SCOTUS to decide if they can be treated like equally.
They plan to overturn Obergefell, Lawrence, Griswold, Loving, & Brown. I'm not sure if Obergefell will fall before Griswold, but Lawrence will go either with Obergefell or soon after. As for Loving & Brown, I'm not sure which will fall first, but I think they will both fall after the other 3.
They are foisting us back to 1850.
Will Justice Thomas recuse himself when it comes to overturning Dred Scott, or sell himself down the river afterwards?
He will literally sell himself down the river so he can stand at the stern and smirk at everyone standing on the banks. I'm convinced that man is spite without limit. I think even the corruption is ultimately about sticking it in everyone's face.
They even want to invade Mexico again, ffs.
Reconstruction Amendments Matter
nobody has real illusions that anything else is happening, but a bunch of people are trying to divine whether or not they personally will be able to get along within the resulting oligarchy
Is it wrong to address Robers as Grand Wizard John Roberts?
Definitely not wrong to say this about Alito
Alito would be insulted if you thought Roberts was more evil than himself. He thinks Roberts is a cuck.
I mean it more of an org-chart type of way.. Roberts is the mob leader, and Alito is a capo. I am just not familair with the org chart of the Klan.
I would say, tear this nation down to the studs, but nah, the studs gotta go too.
But Hillary’s emails…
Yeah almost like the Dems shouldn't have run an incredibly flawed and hated candidate in the 2016 election.
Man, if only someone else had won the primaries.
She was the most admired woman in the world at the time.
Certainly the most (or one of the most) qualified candidates that has ever run.