Lisa Gaufman

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Lisa Gaufman

Assistant professor @ University of Groningen.

📚"The Trump Carnival: Populism, Transgression and the Far Right"

📚 "Everyday foreign policy: Performing and consuming the Russian nation"
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Since Trump and the alt-right takeover of the GOP xenophobia is now based on the claim that immigrants are trying to “replace” us. There’s no longer even a claim that they plan to do something; their presence itself is the offense. Immigrants are now intrinsically bad because of who they are.
Case in point regarding legitimation of transgression: did the NYT publish an editorial calling on Trump to resign after his felony convictions? I rest my case
We argue in the book that Trump specifically valorized transgression against democratic norms and those effects will be felt for years. He has essentially managed to mainstream Gamergate values from a relatively niche subculture
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Every academic article has a corresponding author whose email address is listed on the first page. If an article is paywalled, just send a short, polite email requesting a PDF from the author. 95% of the time you’ll receive it within a day. People like knowing their work is being read!
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Exactly. A significant subset of Trump voters voted for him specifically because he valorizes transgression against the democratic norms.
Some blame Trump's rise on elite lib failings. Fine, but the story can't end there. What if some Trump voters back him not despite the criminality/threats to inflict suffering on other groups, but *because* of those things? 5/ can't top here
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Uk soon to kill right to protest. My book argues Russia is a vanguard - not only in terms of state repressive capacity (copied in part by UK), but in terms of resistance too. In the future, W Europeans are going to have to learn from Easterners about how to contest repression without legal protest.
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CEEISA is looking for a new editorial team of Journal of International Relations and Development (JIRD) for the period from 2025 to 2028. Please repost!
It’s good that Brooklyn 99 is over, I am not sure the writers could have handled… that.
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But now it’s also that students have fragile attention spans, making it difficult for them to sit for long periods of time without audio visual stimulation (which readings don’t provide). And students have smaller vocabularies, making it harder to get through texts without having to look up words.
Putin has just approved a new head of the Supreme Court in Russia, his former classmate. She will rubber-stamp any decisions he needs, just like the 6-3 majority in the US Supreme Court will do whatever Trump needs with just a little more pretense for “independent judiciary”.
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this took a long time. I'm so happy to share my latest paper in, looking at racial entanglement, masculinism, and gendered East/West binaries in global reactionary discourse (via another look at Chinese anti-baizuo discourse).
Someone from Bedminster is checking out my work… I wonder who could that be 🙃
Job! Assistant professor in European Politics and society. Come work with us in Groningen and feel free to reach out if you are curious about the position. Polisky
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And people ask why women academics sometimes hesitate to do public engagement.
Advice for scholars: next time you lecture on Kant and revolutions at “Downing” (Darwin) College Cambridge, make sure your hair is neatly tied and that you’re not blonde. Or else your research impact will be on the Spectator libido section.
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Advice for scholars: next time you lecture on Kant and revolutions at “Downing” (Darwin) College Cambridge, make sure your hair is neatly tied and that you’re not blonde. Or else your research impact will be on the Spectator libido section.
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The fact that the man behind Arizona's 1864 abortion ban was a child rapist is literally the least surprising part of the whole story. Like rape, abortion bans are integral to the patriarchal project of controlling women. Not "saving babies." Controlling women.
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Just remember: Arts & Humanities are so useless and pointless that Tech Bros were driven to spend billions of dollars to try and get a computer to do something that badly approximates something Arts & Humanities students could do half asleep and wired on coffee the night before the due date.
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Wow, when you put it like that, "the nation's history and traditions" just seems like just a fancy way to formalize historical bigotry and repression
This week, Uganda's Constitutional Court upheld a law that makes homosexuality punishable by death. To justify it, the Court cited the US Supreme Court opinion in Dobbs as an example of using "the nation's history and overrule the broader right to individual autonomy"
If only Rufo could read some foundational texts in Critical Race Theory to understand what “intersectionality” means. Oh wait…
“Look at all these fancy professors who think they know more about academia than me, a self-professed expert with an undergrad degree!”
When people say that gender is irrelevant to the study of politics, I just don't know what to say! Except I do, and this photoshoot goes into the folder next to Putin on a horse and Trump as Rocky photomontage.
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The methodology practiced by mathematician Sergey Shpilkin reportedly shows that roughly half of the 65 million votes officially cast for Vladimir Putin were fake.
In what universe is “bloodbath” a synonym for “caustic” and “discursive”?
Now that the book launch is done, feel free to grab a FREE copy online of "The Trump Carnival". In the book, and I take a deep dive into the transgressive politics of the far-right. We also take dig at the populism scholarship 😉 #polisky
The Trump Donald Trump’s campaign and presidency represented a radical departure from political norms that are often classified by media and researchers as ‘populist’. Instead, this book theorizes Trump’s campa...
There is quite a bit of slasher romance fan-fiction about Trump and Putin (not always the homophobic kind). When I was doing research for my chapter on Russian-American relations, I had to read quite a bit! Happy Valentine's Day I guess ;)
I know it's pointless to decry the glaring historical nonsense in that interview to Tucker Carlson, but let's say there is a reason I start with Russian history 101 with my students when we discuss contemporary Russian politics.
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Carlson: what caused the war and why was it NATO? Putin: In 862 the people of Novgorod invited a Varangian prince…. C: and what about NATO? please say Nato P: Let us recall Yaroslav the Wise, who once had a dream about a Ukrainian witch….
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