M. Brett

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M. Brett


Historian (public, digital, Early United States), now in Libraries/Archives.
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I’ve been up to something really exciting in recent months—launching a worker-run local news outlet in DC!! News cooperatives are a bright spot in a bleak media (and everything?) landscape & we need them more than ever. Read about our crowdfunding launch in The Washington Post t.co/R1s2UOmJfO
Former DCist staff launch the 51st, new local news site for Washingtont.co The 51st is a worker-run newsroom that will attempt to fill a niche its founders say opened when WAMU closed DCist.
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do I need to recommend "What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia" again? 'cause it sounds like I need to recommend "What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia" again
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📢EXCELLENT RESOURCE KLAXON📢 warwick.ac.uk/cwad V. Hitchman & teams' #EarlyModern parish data inc. 🗃️ 1) Spreadsheet listing ALL parishes in England and Wales, with maps showing them 2) individual spreadsheets for all counties, showing survival/finding info for churchwarden accounts
Conferencing in the summer (as a femme-dressing person) is the game of balancing going outside in heat and high dewpoint with frigid conference hotel rooms. I think I'm going to pack a few pashminas or big scarves. Fashion and function!
For some reason the Blue Sky app does not want to work on my phone. So if you don't see a response from me, it's just that I'm not on my computer.
@ncph.bsky.social Starting to plan for Montreal (hurrah!). Does the local arrangements committee have advice regarding which airport to fly into?
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What are folks' favorite resources on the importance of work that maintains (rather than innovates), particularly in Library and DH circles?
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HISTORIANS! @romancingthevote.bsky.social is raising money for voting rights. (Info: www.romancingthevote.com/presskit.html) If you want to donate signed copies of your book, they would love to have you join the auction. Info about how to participate below. 🗃️
The one thing we could use more of is signed book Buy it Nows. US citizen/permanent resident authors, if you have 5-10 books that you can ship out, and don’t mind donating to the cause, fill this out: docs.google.com/form...
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I def don't blame people for not knowing. It feels intuitive to "just digitize everything" but in fact 1. no everything should not be digitized; 2. everything cannot be digitized; 3. we will never have the resources to digitize everything.
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if there is one survival skill I would REALLY like everyone opposed to the fascist GOP to learn right now, it's "do not say things on the public internet that will provide authorities with useful pretenses for coming after you."
what i am saying is "don't say dumb things on the public internet that could theoretically be used to give authorities an excuse to fuck with you"
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I started my career reporting on how people were using the Internet in dictatorships, and if there's one BIG thing I learned from talking to a bunch of people who literally had served jail time for political blogging, it was "choose your battles wisely, and don't say dumb things in dumb places."
if there is one survival skill I would REALLY like everyone opposed to the fascist GOP to learn right now, it's "do not say things on the public internet that will provide authorities with useful pretenses for coming after you."
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Alt text provides context for those who might not understand the joke.
Alt text can run really fast.
Had a museum day on Saturday (Folger, DAR, and Renwick briefly). I really appreciated this feature of labels at DAR and Folger - drawing connections between objects in different cases and parts of the exhibit space. Images are from “Imprints in Time” at Folger and “Sewn in America” at DAR
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Literally rule #1 on how to resist authoritarianism: DO NOT OBEY IN ADVANCE. snyder.substack.com/p/on-tyranny
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:dons librarian hat: Digital preservation is more expensive than preserving paper; it takes more staff, active attention, and consistent computing resources. Libraries have discussed “digital dark age” since the 1990s. Corp archives often 1st to go b/c suits haven’t figured out how to profit.
One of the interesting things about the Internet is that we’re actually living through a dark age. Future historians are unlikely to have records of this period. Paper and ink last. Digital storage, less so. variety.com/2024/tv/news...
Comedy Central’s Website Purges 25 Years of Video Clips and Other Contentvariety.com The vast repository of content on Comedy Central's website has been removed by Paramount Global, in a move to push fans to Paramount+.
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I will say, very selfishly, that the Librarian of Congress comes up for reappointment in the next presidential term and I would really like it to not be Betsy DeVos
Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.
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Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.
Under current law, you really couldn’t do much better than Biden’s FTC and NRLB. New Deal shit.
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Ahu Tiiko is finally here! Sign up to be notified of our launch here: kck.st/4bd9Hme And check out teaser trailer here: youtu.be/hQTag1Jzi8U This book is our first full follow up to the Coyote & Crow RPG. Launching 7/16!
Coming soon: Ahu Tiiko: A Coyote & Crow Expansionkck.st A horror and mystery setting expansion book for the Coyote & Crow Roleplaying Game
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Quinn does awesome work; I also think their write-ups of their last quarter's work would be great for folks new to DH trying to get a sense of some of the many types of scholarship DH (and indvidual alt-ac jobs as well) can encompasses
It's the first day of summer here at Stanford, which means it's time for the quarterly write-up of everything I've been up to the last three months. Featuring the Dataviz with Textiles class, many projects, and some new articles: digitalhumanities.stanford.edu/dlcl-ats-rou... #DHmakes
DLCL ATS round-up, spring 2024digitalhumanities.stanford.edu
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Was just poking around the analytics for the @scholarslab.bsky.social blog over the past year to get some comparative stats for my own blog as I work on this book proposal. Was really excited to see that some of our student blog posts were the most visited pages on the site!
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New bursary opportunity! Thanks to the support of the NEH, @ach.bsky.social, and @rrchnm.bsky.social, we are giving out $2000 bursaries to support attendance at DH 2024 this August 5-9. Eligibility details in thread. Apply by July 1st! Please share widely! docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...
DH 2024 Bursariesdocs.google.com Deadline for Applications: July 1, 2024 Notification by July 10, 2024 With the generous support of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) and...
Hey Virginia - primaries today for US House and Senate. Go vote!
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Not me, I love being that person who is good with technology for a dozen boomer and silent generation elders “They’re trying to steal from you, grandma” is a whole job which exists because our government refuses to regulate
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We’re doing another publication 🧵for women, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming historians! Have you published in 2024? Blog posts, monographs, essays, edited collections, brag about your work in the comments! #WomenAlsoKnowHistory #HistoryBeyondTheBinary
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ACLS funding rate: 5% NEH funding rate: 7% NSF funding rate: 29% dellweb.bfa.nsf.gov/awdfr3/defau...
According to the ACLS, 1,100 people applied for the 60 awards from their single remaining fellowship program for general humanities research. Applications were restricted to early career untenured PhDs. Proof there isn't enough humanities research funding available. www.acls.org/news/america...
American Council of Learned Societies Names Recipients of 2024 ACLS Fellowshipswww.acls.org Sixty new ACLS Fellowships recognize excellence in research in the humanities and interpretive social sciences.
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Team: Tomorrow I'm delivering the keynote talk “Turning Worlds Upside Down: Challenging Public Assumptions about the Past through podcasting” to the 2024 Virginia Forum at the Virginia Museum of History and Culture. Attending? Sample R2 Studios' shows and come with questions! R2studios.org