Liz Schiller #DefundthePolice

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Liz Schiller #DefundthePolice

Feminist/white/Jewish/parent/writer. Solidarity is action (Mia McKenzie). Courage then action then hope. Interested in trauma. I write songs and stuff sometimes. (Like Bike riding is the most fun. she/her
Just sending you good thoughts. And sleepy Pippi.
I was just in SF last weekend and was impressed with the number of bike lanes, and the cyclists on the road. There's not much you can do about the deeply car-brained (hand out copies of There Are No Accidents maybe) but the neutral and supportive but not actives are easier to shift.
Here's what Sondheim says about Officer Krupke in Finishing the Hat, the first volume of his collected lyrics and commentary.
Here's what Sondheim had to say about the writing of the song, and how it caught on. 1/2
Continuation of the excerpt from Sondheim's first collection of lyrics and commentary, Finishing the Hat. 2/2
Essential reading. Support for alternatives is a pittance compared to funding for cops. Actually, hot spot policing ruins lives. I hope the new (white) police chief in Baton Rouge doesn't disband this program.
Oil companies get massive gifts from the U.S. government, and give big gifts to Congress. The D establishment supported Cuellar (TX) over his progressive challenger. Tax breaks for fossil fuels also exist in many other countries. Gift link:
Please take a minute to call or write your legislator and remind them that it is completely insane to pour billions in public money into an already highly profitable industry that is destroying the planet. Gift link:
The Zombies of the U.S. Tax Code: Why Fossil Fuels Subsidies Seem Impossible to For the fourth year in a row, President Biden is trying to eliminate federal tax breaks for coal, oil and gas companies. But fossil fuel subsidies have proven difficult to stop.
Making roasted vegetable stock this afternoon. My apartment smells pretty good right now.
I was planning to take a nice walk this afternoon on this cloudy day but instead we are having a full on thunderstorm. Nvm View out my window:
Very dramatic. It used to be unusual to have rain after January or February, but, well, you know. Thunderstorms are rare but not unknown in Southern California.
I'm at a demonstration in front of the home of Vice President Kamala Harris in Brentwood. Photo is of a fellow demonstrator, Thea.
This was exactly what so many women expected. We've known that the right wing doesn't care about children except as a way to keep women out of the work force. Jules Feiffer comic strip from 1989, the year SCOTUS threw abortion regulation to the states in the Webster decision. CN ableism, racism
“They forced me, basically, to have a child,” she said of the state after the abortion ban. But then, “they didn’t help me take care of that child.”
Pippi, on a garage sale chair from Ithaca and a few books in my nonfiction section. All the cats are in their mellow after dinner mood.
Man, that sucks so much. May their memory be a blessing, when it doesn't just fucking hurt. Twofer, meme and cats in my damn chair.
Same, also, cat on chest, how can I get up and feed you if I am trapped underneath your tremendous weight?
Ok this is the book and some of the sample photos. Plus I'll include a picture of a blanket I made from one of the patterns. All super easy, mostly K and P. They call for big needles and double strands but I just used like a 6 or 6.5 and however many stitches I preferred (with the right multiplier).
Last sample blankets I'm including from the book, plus one I made. The patterns are so simple and fit on one page, easy for me to scan & email to you. (I'm LMegaparsec on the hell site, feel free to DM.)
They seem fine, their goals are good. Common Cause has also been working for most of these for many years. Really, exactly what organization you connect with is less important than that you get active. I'm partial to local stuff myself (but not exclusively).
You know you've unleashed a deluge of cat pics now.
Tis the season for love and compassion.