
He's just going to keep getting more like this for the rest of his life, which is a bummer, but there's something funny about how sincerely Aaron Rodgers believes that he is doing something heroic by listening to extremely bad podcasts and then describing them to people who aren't interested.
I hate to say it bc I enjoy and make money doing them but podcasting has pretty undeniably been a net negative for culture if not the world
There are a lot of good podcasts and they have added value to my life. But the level of bad that the worst podcasts can achieve is astonishing. Kind of a major human achievement in its own right to invent "three hours of very dumb men one-upping each other with weird lies about the pyramids."
Podcasting, at its worst, uses how lonely we are to exploit how dumb we are
It's the same thing that Rush Limbaugh did with talk radio! Podcasting is largely talk radio on demand!
It’s like Crypto for your earholes!!!
Today of all days I was reminded I once did a podcast about OJ Simpson in the style of Serial using nothing but information readily available on Wikipedia. I don’t know what I was aiming for but I sure missed
Are you referring to a specific podcast or type of podcast?
It's like sports talk radio, but without the structure and forced commercial reads for gambling sites every 8.7 seconds
Of course, I watched Alex Jones as a sidekick to a Branch Davidian/Ruby Ridge/OKC conspiracy call-in cable access show circa 1995, but at least that had production value as the kind of godfather of podcasts. Art Bell didn't just read Wikipedia pages and call it a show.
What's the saying? Very high ceiling, but subterranean floors?
"The level of bad the worst podcasts achieve is astonishing" - I'm honored to hear you've heard my work
the podcast medium and distribution basically took all the small town home radio station/broadcasting lunatics and united them
It's sorta like how Alex Jones used to just be an amusing local oddity on public access and now he owes a like billion dollars to victims of an unthinkable tragedy
I used to do long road trips through Western Kansas and Eastern Colorado where you only have those zany radio stations to listen, the zanies were always there but mostly alone/zero reach
yeah like Rogan would still be on radio trying to sell hypervectin pills made by a relative but on FM radio with nobody listening on Sunday at 11pm, not the podcast giant he is today
I've made the comment before that a certain, shall we say, Rho Brogan, has been a top-5 harmful-to-american-society guy over the past 8-10 years. Or is at least both very harmful and nearly as annoying.
Listen buddy you'd be on pretty thin ice here if I didn't desperately want to know your thoughts on Iván DeJesús
This always used to exist but it was your friends weird older brother and his two friends that would hang out in the basement all day and show you the “faces of death” vhs
and now they feel the strength in numbers/can be financial support
it's such a high ceiling and low floor is the thing. there's shit that's legit funny, artful, researched and reported, and there's shit that's 3 dudes with the worst opinions you'll ever hear listing them all like they're facts
and for some reason the latter tend to be way more popular than the former
It's wild. Like, I get the appeal of a podcast that's essentially just you hanging out with good natured idiot frat stars but these aren't even that, it's hanging out with the worst people at the party
Same for the written word
I grew up listening to NPR/Talk Radio and audiobooks, particularly during long car rides. For a whole lot of reasons, podcasting feels like a big improvement to what came before. Especially after Clear Channel flattened radio, it's been the dandelion in the pavement crack of car content.
dont slander car talk like this
still holding to this being a jets thing and destroying green bay hof qbs by osmosis and i deeply admire them for it
jordan love is going to wind up signing with them in 2039 and then creating a real-life qanon
Once they're out of Green Bay they're not our problem anymore. We got them for what they were good for.
Gutey deserves a statue for the timing of getting Rodgers ass out of town.
For a minute I was convinced Rodgers was doing an elaborate bit to force his way out, especially when he showed up in New York and started acting halfway normal. But that didn't last very long. 😂
Nah, I did wonder if he would maybe try to pull it back (at least publicly) for a bit after getting to NY, and maybe he might have a bit if he hadn’t gotten hurt so quickly. But it was clear for a while that his brain was becoming more worms than grey matter.
He must be so conflicted. He still wants to play, but if he retires he can immediately start a show where he gives gambling advice
It's honestly wild that he hosted a week's worth of Jeopardy without detailing the show by, like, insisting that an answer about how the pyramids got built was wrong
This mf said detailing instead of derailing
I remember J! fans were stoked for him to guest host. He had won celebrity jeopardy in 2015 and seemed to really like knowledge/trivia. Seems like his brain broke right after that. Certainly not the only dude to throw himself down the right-wing rabbit hole during COVID.
Some people just truly lose their mind as soon as they're forced to be alone with said mind for prolonged lengths of time
Meanwhile Favre is still in Tuscany, eating expensive veal and telling uninterested Italians about the evils of DEI and complaining that Renaissance statues are "too homo."
And he funded his trip with Mississippi state funds intended for people on food stamps
The way he keeps heavily weighting the word “research” tells me he’s only been on the internet for 3 or 4 years at most. Oh it’s gonna get worse.
The platonic ideal of a libertarian free thinker, tbh.
Gotta appreciate how smart he thinks he is, too. Not once did he say to himself 'Jenny McCarthy was really out in front of this' and just stop doing it
The most famous “that guy at your table at the wedding” dude in the world
Remember when the Mark Sanchez buttfumble was the most embarrassing thing a Jets QB has ever done?
That domino meme with "the 49ers choose the wrong QB" and "arguably the most talented QB to ever play has a podcast about treating cancer with Ivermectin"
Thanks for reminding me that I made this a few weeks ago
Someone’s gotta teach him that this is what Friday morning Bible study is for, but maybe podcasts have crowded out the space