Lynn Teague

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Lynn Teague

retired archaeologist, active citizen advocate, weaver, family and local history enthusiast
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The environmental toll of AI is obscene, especially when things like Google's AI search don't create real social benefits.
Yesterday our government was redefined not on the basis of the Constitution, which says nothing supportive of the Immunity decision, not on the basis of law, but solely on the basis of how 6 unelected authoritarian theocrats think things should be.
John Roberts has described even simple straightforward statistics as gobbledygook. Having claimed superior ability to resolve complex issues, he and his SCOTUS friends have no problem from their ignorance — they have no intention of ruling on the basis of data & science.
A Case for Math, Not ‘Gobbledygook,’ in Judging Partisan Voting Maps (Published 2018) If courts are to combat voting districts warped by politics, a judge wrote, they must take account of advances in social science.
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The reactionary assault on democratic multiracial pluralism and the modern state won’t stop because the people behind it have an epiphany they shouldn’t go *that* far. It will either *be stopped* or entrench white Christian patriarchal rule and unfettered domination by the wealthy and powerful.
the conservative movement's roots is an alliance of business interests livid about the new deal, southern racists livid about the civil rights movement, and church ladies livid about the sexual revolution. scotus will continue unabated until they've rolled all those back (or democrats stop them)
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Can't get over how much an asshole Roberts sounds like here
I'm seeing demands for an end to no fault divorce, along with ending abortion, contraception, and IVF. Apparently there are a lot of men out there who believe only a combination of legal coercion and threat of divine retribution will keep their girlfriends/wives with them.
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“Each time you search for something like “how many rocks should I eat” and Google’s AI “snapshot” tells you “at least one small rock per day,” you’re consuming approximately three watt-hours of electricity.”
The Hidden Environmental Impact of While the mass adoption of AI has transformed digital life seemingly overnight, regulators have fallen asleep on the job in curtailing AI data centers’ drain on energy and water resources.
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The Origins of Trumpism and the Birth of the Present   Reflections on the pre-history of Trump’s rise, the peculiar nature of Trumpism, and the radical politics of white despair – based on John Ganz’s masterful “When the Clock Broke”   New piece:
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My son is approaching a total of 6 out of the last 9 months in the hospital and is missing his cats. Please share with him your finest fine bois! This is Big Lou who is an absolute unit of a cat. It would make his day to have a repost so we can fill this thread with 🐈‍⬛🐈?
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Look, I was skeptical back when it just plagiarized words, sucked up water and energy and eliminated people’s jobs, but they really sold me on it by making it more expensive.
“Remember that generative AI is not once and done…You’re going to continue to push compute, and build models that are larger, and so you will have to continue to upgrade devices in order to keep up with the pace of generative AI.” 😩
All the monkeys died so they stopped testing, and just kept dumping the stuff in our water.
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TEXAS GOP CALLS FOR THE DEATH OF 1 IN 4 AMERICAN WOMEN The largest Republican Party in the state that executes the most prisoners backs the death penalty for abortion, reports
Texas GOP Platform Endorses Death Penalty for Abortion Republicans are telling us exactly who they are
Dorchester County SC gets $2 million taxes from the new Google data center. The rest of us may pay far more in escalated energy costs because these data centers are creating the need for increased generating capacity that we will all be charged for — while they get special deals.
Alito’s decision in Alexander v NAACP reeks of privilege and entitlement, for himself and others like him. It is “odious” to challenge the good intentions of those in power. If seeking permanent power is fine, why did we dispose of King George?
From Kagan's dissent: "The Challengers introduced more than enough evidence of racial gerrymandering to support the District Court’s judgment." The goal of Alito and friends -- to reinforce the power of those who already have it.
U.S. Supreme Court throws out SC racial gerrymandering ruling • SC Daily The U.S. Supreme Court overturned a lower court's finding that South Carolina legislators racially gerrymandered the 1st District.
This is a sad day for democracy.
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I read something once about the way public acts of wanton corruption that go unpunished leads to collective loss of faith in institutions that can can take decades to recover, if at all 🫠
At this point the Supreme Court is just openly gloating about the level at which they can operate with impunity
Unfounded scare stories about our elections from people who know very little about how it works — or assume we don’t know and will believe any nonsense — undermine our representative democracy. In many cases, that is what they are intended to do.
Very few races in South Carolina are competitive in November. Vote in June in the primaries if you want to influence how we are governed. If everyone in the state voted in the primaries our government would be more moderate than it is now — more like the people of SC.
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I once again implore you all to imagine the reaction if a liberal Supreme Court justice flew an upside-down US flag in their yard.
Data centers gobble power and are leading to retention of coal generating plants, and in South Carolina to plans for a very large new gas plant. They pay local property taxes but the cost for everyone in their path is high.
Yesterday the SC Senate Judiciary Committee rammed H.5118, a massive energy bill, through committee over the objections of committee members who objected to lack of opportunity for public testimony, inappropriate findings of fact, removal of public protections in regulatory process, lack of debate.
John Brooker of the Conservation Voters of South Carolina, asked a question that went to the heart of the issue: If the gas plant plan is the most cost-effective way to meet the state’s energy challenges, why do utilities need to undermine regulators? “Why can’t it stand on its own merits?”
SC power companies set billions on fire to build a nuke plant. They want your money Dominion Energy and Santee Cooper want to build a gas-fired power plant in South Carolina. The push carries echoes of the failed V.C. Summer nuclear project.
In what alternative universe should the fate of Ukraine, as well as the potential for further war and Russian conquest in Europe, be in the hands of a delusional absurdly inadequate mediocrity like Mike Johnson?
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The logic here is apparently that a bunch of bad arguments add up to a good one? Throw everything at the wall and even if none of it sticks by itself, in combination they make a big enough mess to win?
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Dear Americans doing a version of "it can't happen here," "It" does not refer to something totally unprecedented, it refers to the US experiencing something similar to Turkey, Hungary, Poland, India, Israel, and some others too, known as "democratic backsliding." And yes, it very much can.