olive consumer

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olive consumer


doctor of sociology at inst. nastro azzurro
podcast guest
complains a lot about admin stuff in counterextremism
obnoxious transgender jew

suffer in the tension between my serious opinions and d&d character pfp
Reposted byAvatar olive consumer
italian is not a valid ancestry to choose from
Reposted byAvatar olive consumer
I see we've reached the "famous artist credibly accused of sexual assault wasn't actually a great artist and you're a chump for liking him" phase. Consider that pretending terrible people can't make great art helps terrible people who make great art whedon their way into vulnerable communities.
I'm not entirely on board with the "private equity ruined Donut" narrative because the sale happened years ago, but this shit is bleak.
Reposted byAvatar olive consumer
i made this so it's terrible but also Bakool Ja Ja deserves to be recognized #ffxiv #dawntrail
Anyone more leftist than me is an unrealistic wackjob and probably a fed, anyone less leftist than me is a literal fascist, anyone exactly as leftist is me is wrong because of this essay I skimmed five years ago written by a guy with a historically significant addiction to ditchweed.
Notepad++ Nation RISE UP
It's so wild that Kylian Mbappé is the new President of France.
Reposted byAvatar olive consumer
Is there any lesson to be taken from the French moderate liberal and left earnestly trying to cooperate and help one another defeat a reactionary threat to democracy? Yes there is, until anyone one degree off from my personal political leanings pisses me off over anything, and I mean anything.
One of the problems with discussions of inflation is most of the good, immediately obvious effects of lower inflation on the level of personal experience are trailing indicators, but there is a very real story in how the economy has largely recovered over a shockingly brief period after COVID.
Consumers no longer expect elevated inflation as prices have cooled back to a normal pace of increase. *US 1-YR INFLATION EXPECTATIONS FELL TO 3% IN JUNE FROM 3.2% *US 3-YR INFLATION EXPECTATIONS ROSE TO 2.9% IN JUNE AFTER 2.8% *US 5-YR INFLATION EXPECTATIONS FELL TO 2.8% IN JUNE AFTER 3%
While it's lazy to call the last few years a confirmation of Keynesian economics and an utter gutting of Neoclassical economics, it's absolutely not wrong.
One of the fantasies provided by MMOs is earning money by providing goods and services.
It is an important moment in history!!
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explaining french politics to americans: imaginez un hamburger
Americans try to understand any other government anywhere in the world challenge
Reposted byAvatar olive consumer
France out here proving that actually you can tell the far right to go to hell even when it looks like they’re on track for a big victory are we going to let ourselves be shown up by the French?
French exit poll news and which seems a good sign
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Reposted byAvatar olive consumer
Got the ANOM phone out of the drawer to check something, it still works! Not connecting it to the internet though in case it gets wiped. For the full story of how the FBI's secret encrypted phone spread around the world, read DARK WIRE: www.amazon.com/Dark-Wire-In...
Reposted byAvatar olive consumer
Reposted byAvatar olive consumer
@machete.gay once suggested that more than two flags of any sort in your profile should get you the label “flag pervert” and I think about this a lot.
Flags In Username: A Guide 🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈: Leftie 🇵🇸 ☭: Either incredibly cool or the most annoying person you’ve ever met 🇵🇸🇺🇦: Liberal, but genuinely well-meaning 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈: Biden wine moms. Avoid 🇺🇦🇮🇱: Nazi
the model consistently holds
I really want to write something about the approach to death and nostalgia in FFXIV, a game that is itself suffused with nostalgia.
Reposted byAvatar olive consumer
never trust a self-proclaimed leftist trying to monetize *your* politics
Thanks in some part to my mistrust of the perfidious Turk, I never fell under the sway of Cenk Uygur and his "Young Turks", proving once again that you can have just a little racism, as a treat.
Reposted byAvatar olive consumer
Guys I, I need, I, I need to show you something
look i'm no christian, i think revelations is stupid, but i do think it's wild they let a man named "mister beast" have this kind of power
while my opinion on the protestant god is well established, if "mr beast" ran for president i think i would have to become a terrorist
I would not do this!