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Born to rot \\ flesh is a fuck \\ Mod them all 3023 \\ I am android

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Reposted byAvatar Magpie
Being a programmer isn't about meetings or writing code or fixing bugs. It's about running a job in your terminal and watching IP addresses stream down the screen with a progress bar so that you feel like a sick hacker
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
In light of everything (absolute horseshit) going on in the world today I'm going to do my best to make the filthiest porn comics I possibly can. for morale 🤝
I wonder if there's a way to tell my PC to adjust brightness based on the colors on screen. Like if I'm swapping to a white page drop brightness, if I'm on a black page bump it up, etc.
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
In addition to “Does the Dog Die?” I would like a site that tells me if the property in question has any queerness in it. Maybe it could be called “Is This Straight People Nonsense?”
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
Hey you, yeah you. Use the mobility aid. You don't have to suffer to prove your worthy. Just do it. You are worthy right now.
Was wrong about this btw, still miss my standoffish, masc Major. But holy fuck SAC laughing man was fantastic
Why didn't anyone tell me to watch ghost in the shell sooner 😭. (But like... Specifically movies 1+2 and maybe arise when I watch it... SAC feels like it lost the plot. Why did they make Major scantily dressed and cutesy???)
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
shout out to the ao3 user who kudoed like 10 of my fics last night
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
Cracking my neck so hard I get an error message.
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
Shout out to my demi and ace siblings. You're queer, you're awesome, and you belong here, at Pride, and everywhere.
Call me a sex bot the way I uh. Bot in... Sex?
These sex bots need to back away from my followers aka friends. THESE ARE MY WEIRDOS, I FOUND THEM FIRST.
So I just read through that cringe T4T pickup guide and it was way less funny than I was hoping. Mostly just me going "mm. I don't get the bit"
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
i do not want to eat that is soooo much effort I wanna play Stardew valley
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
An acquaintance asked me if I only read fluff or if I ever read more serious works. Motherfucker, I spend an inordinate amount of my existence pondering complicated moral and philosophical questions in my waking moments. I don't need an author to tee more up for me, I need them to distract me.
I moved from the Midwest to New England and I'm always appalled at the way they handle heat here. "Just come in early!" Ma'am I walk 30 minutes to work, I'm not coming in early just so I can *checks watch* leave 8 hours later at the hottest time of day. Just let ppl use AC and work from home jfc
No, I am not making up our cultural tendency towards air conditioning shaming. Here’s a perfect example of the type of smug Northeastern/Atlantic argument I’ve been seeing for a very long time, published in the Washington Post:
I don’t need air conditioning, and neither do Turn off the AC and reap the benefits. Yes, even in this heat.
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
It's Juneteenth! Hi I'm Abi! I'm a Black disabled queer creator! Please share, it could lead to my next sale! I sell pins, compression gloves, artist gloves, wrist braces, hip braces, hoodies, compression socks & more! Store details below!
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
Inside me are two wolves. One urges me to create a graphic novel that kicks like a prog metal concept album. The other wants wall to wall porn. Both of these wolves are feral and have ADHD so I have no idea what I'm doing. 🤣💀
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
Gonna log off for the day. The struggle continues. Happy Juneteenth especially to Black Texans and also to all who understand that no one can be free if everyone is not free. Take care.
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
Educating yourself about Juneteenth is great, but giving material support to Black people is even better, so let’s get a thread going. If you’re Black, post your payment links below (venmo, paypal, ko-fi, gofundme, etc). 👇 Everyone else, pick someone to support and repost. 💛
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
quitting my job to become a woman’s full time pet
Also, gotta write a discord bot that, in response to one of the puppies in the server talking, has a 1/100 chance to go "Dogs don't use words. Speak"
I need to finish the next fic in the Just Simple I/O line, just need to find the time and focus to hyperfixate on it like uhhhhh 4-5 days and then it'll be done (I hope) Also need to name it? Character names are B and Flicker so I'm sure there's something in one of those
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
The Family You Lost Before You Had This Name by is now-free-to-read! "I wouldn’t have believed I was capable of giving strangers the love they needed, nor that anyone could ever see in me the family member they were missing."
The Family You Lost Before You Had This The Family You Lost Before You Had This Name by A.J. Van Belle
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
Writers can create worlds and breathe life into people that have never and will never exist. What we can't do, not with any real vigor or enthusiasm is... chores. We hate chores with a passion that can only be described as undying.
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
They looked at the damaged limb. "You need to send me back to the factory," the robot said. "We have a workshop here at the farm." "I am not allowed to repair myself." "Can you show me how to do it?" "You'd do that?" "I don't want to risk they decide it's cheaper to scrap you." #MicroFiction
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
Been seeing more "Are Ace folk REALLY LGBTQIA2S+?" Yes. That's it. Full stop. Yes. That's what the A stands for. That's it. No discussion. No discourse. Nothing. Aces are as queer as any other queer person. That's it.
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
The great thing about getting migraines is how they disrupt your entire day, causing huge amounts of stress, which triggers a migraine that disrupts your entire day, causing huge amounts of stress, which triggers a migraine that dis
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
📚 Attention Readers & Researchers More than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library due to the publishers' lawsuit. Have you been affected? Share your story with us and help us fight to restore access. #LetReadersRead 👉
Share Your Story: The Impact of Losing Access to 500,000 The publishers' lawsuit against the Internet Archive (Hachette v. Internet Archive) has resulted in the removal of more than 500,000 books from our lending library, including over 1,300 banned and cha...
Reposted byAvatar Magpie
Repressed memories? i haven't thought about those in years
Building computers is sex
I'm trying to convince myself not to buy a surplus server or build one because that's a lot of money that I don't need to spend. But also it'd be so cool. I could have a little box that has way more processing power than I'll ever need.