Thomas Maluck

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Thomas Maluck

Teen services librarian, educator, Kirkus reviewer, public speaker, financial literacy, he/him, opinions mine #LibComix #FinLit #EduSky
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Reposted byAvatar Thomas Maluck
It's literally insane how dead it is. And I sometimes see art blowing up (comparatively) in the FYP, but then it has like 100k likes and 6 comments, absolutely no balance. If I were to put on the tinfoil head, I'd say they give big users bot engagement to lock them to the app with false promises.
I'm so glad I left. Occasionally I still think, "ya know, my art would probably get more attention on Twitter than here, maybe no one cares for me here. Maybe I'll go back. " BUT NOPE! NOPE!
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My two weeks of Nancy guest strips start today! Relatedly, if anyone can get me newspaper clippings of these, PLEASE let me know.
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for July 08, 2024 | July 08, 2024
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You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
Robinson and Harris teamed back up for more Starman? Getting my hopes up...
Our first AI candidate?
Once again Trump successfully uses better verbal fluency to present the impression that he’s younger and more vigorous and meanwhile he’s fully spouting gibberish
Reposted byAvatar Thomas Maluck
A New Jersey lawmaker “is crafting legislation that would prohibit landlords from using RentPage and other similar rent-setting software. The services collect data on rents from participating landlords, then use their algorithms to suggest rates…”
NJ lawmaker looks to ban algorithms blamed for jacking up your Critics say using software like RealPage's service amounts to illegal price-fixing.
The Inside Out characters in my head
The Inside Out characters in my head
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Ok last thing to say about the UK election but this one TERF who angrily complained in parliament about a meme featuring Lily Hoshikawa (trans girl) saying "shut the fuck up TERF" lost her seat. Total tgirl victory
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Reposted byAvatar Thomas Maluck
I deleted the first two posts of this thread to stop rewarding bad publications with traffic. For context, here are the screenshots.
More anti-democratic thoughts from 2018 the NYT allowed this writer to exclude from his current piece. Delivered with an air of detached irony, as if he miiight be joking or exaggerating. But is he?
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Dawntrail's crafter class quests are hitting different this time around
Wolfwood Was Right
#weebwednesday time! You know the drill - quote-skeet your weebiest takes. No racist shit, no intentionally inflammatory shit, let's get it on!
Certainly turned me around on Bane in Dark Knight Rises
funniest possible result of the collapse of american democracy would be a positive reappraisal of the star wars prequels
The ultimate classroom-ready AI partner is already here and a super fighting robot
“ai” edtech company collapses after taking six million dollars from the Los Angeles school district to develop an “educational friend” platform.
A.I. ‘Friend’ for Public School Students Falls Los Angeles schools hired a start-up to build an A.I. chatbot for parents and students. A few months later, the company collapsed.
The comics industry needs more Don Vultaggio's (AriZona Iced Tea founder), people who can calm the suits down while the company puts out a consistent product at an agreeable price.
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webtoons recently went public (which i'm sure is not at all related to how underwater they are), so of course they are investing in some nice buzz pieces to generate investor interest. This highlighted line is for those people: investors. Webtoons has never been a business for artists.
First the Jim Lee commission price discourse and now this...everyone jack up their commission prices by at least 1k now. All old work you did where you undercharged, send that person a bill for this new price. I'm starting a mob to enforce this. I need our most ruthless goons now!
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EdTech is where higher education institutes, government bodies & tech corps are pushing AI so hard yet with no evidence of the benefits (plenty of evidence against it). this report is another evidence that should caution all pushing AI into education to just STOP and evaluate the evidence
“ai” edtech company collapses after taking six million dollars from the Los Angeles school district to develop an “educational friend” platform.
A.I. ‘Friend’ for Public School Students Falls Los Angeles schools hired a start-up to build an A.I. chatbot for parents and students. A few months later, the company collapsed.
The value of a data broker economy is exceeding the customer service economy to the point that (big) businesses would rather customers order online than face to face. See also: fast food is more expensive in store but deals are on the apps. The customer is a better product than the tangible good.
My local CVS has locked all products behind glass as, I guess, an anti-theft measure. They’ve also severely understaffed the store. So if you want to buy anything, you have to stand in the aisle for 15 minutes, repeatedly pressing an “assistance needed” button. Masterful gambit, CVS. No notes.
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This tall library ghost may be creepy but they are there to help you find that hard to reach tome. Made with brush pens, a pocket brush, and microns.
When a tween hears that Raina is just as nice in person as her books would lead you to believe, they float a little. Talk to Raina. Lift some feet.
Postcards for The Cartoonists Club at booth 516! I’ll be signing at 1pm Sunday, but come get a postcard anytime. #ALAannual24
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Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
*flashbacks to the "I don't like reading or recommending books" food fights on Library Twitter*
It shouldn't bother me, but the amount of young actors I see saying "i don't like watching movies" or "I fall asleep during movies" is depressing. Obviously it's a job and you don't have to like your job. But its hard to have faith in the future of film as an artform without people who love cinema
If your feed could use some good news, and I mean actual, constructive, data-driven positives, may I suggest
Fix The We report stories of progress
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I keep hearing suggestions that university teaching staff need to teach students how to use LLMs well, and I’ve yet to hear anything that makes me question my belief that it’s impossible as things stand.
Recently, I was peer reviewing a paper, and it cited one of my papers. Except... it wasn't anything I had written. The title sounds like something I'd write. It included coauthors I work with, and was in a journal I've published in. But it wasn't real. AI is not good for science.
Bunch of fresh graphic novels arrived for the teen center
Jake Tapper: Former President Trump, would you like to address your recent felony convictions? Trump: Would you like to Jake Tapp deez nuts? Jake Tapper: Moving on to you, President Biden...
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Reposted byAvatar Thomas Maluck
My starter packs: ◾Youth services librarianship but work-lite commentary ◾Share neat comics ◾Unsolicited duck pics 🦆 ◾Sweet summer child adjuncts ◾Financial literacy nerds without a book nor podcast ◾Doomscrolling bad, but sharing bad news somehow important ◾Protomen Act III true believers