Map of the Moon

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Map of the Moon

In the Sagebrush Sea
If you’ve never seen Dorothea Lange’s photographs of the World War II internment camps and the Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned there, today is a good day to see them and to commit to making sure this never happens again.
Today is a good day to remind folks that Woody Guthrie was an antifascist comrade. This Land is Your Land was actually a diss song in response to God Bless America by Irving Berlin.
This Land Is Your Land by Woody Listen to This Land Is Your Land by Woody Guthrie on Apple Music. 1945. Duration: 2:19
My fellow Americans: Don't forget to leave hotdogs on your porch for Jesus tonight 🇺🇲🎆🎇
Just a jaw-dropper from the state whose attorney general is currently trying to execute an innocent man.
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
Today, the federal government put itself on the right side of history by seeking, for the 1st time, to establish the precedent that every worker in America has the right to shade, water & rest while working in temps that could kill them. -UFW President Teresa Romero
Biden to announce heat rules as climate-related deaths If finalized, they would be the first U.S. regulations to protect workers from dangerous temperatures.
Looking forward to 2 reconstruction 2 furious.
There is a specific type of demoralizing fascism where people lose rights they had, in their lifetime, fought to get recognized. Not *just* losing rights, but seeing decades of hard effort dissolve. Reconstruction, Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute, Dobbs, the coming overturning of Obergefell, etc
What’s the best opening sentence of any book or story? Starter for ten: “Marley was dead, to begin with” (from A Christmas Carol)
Tomorrow is my last day at my job of two years. I volunteered to help interview a candidate for a different job than my own. I return tomorrow evening after hours to clear out my office. About 30 plants and a lot of art. In a matter of days I cross the high desert to a new life without a job.
Three days until the end of this job.
I took a welding class over the weekend. I learned a lot and met some very interesting people. My favorite, however, was the vision-shielded view of what molten steel looks like as you work with it -- a pool of incandescence. Yes, the sparks and flame are lovely too. But that molten pool... Wow.
As I liquidate almost everything I own to move about 1,000 miles away to a new life, I have been investigating how to send most of my library to prisoners. There are so many restrictions to get good and requested books to folks. But I am determined to share them for the highest and best use.
Jesus, this is terrible. Just crushing. A journalist shot in the eye by Minneapolis police during the George Floyd protests is dying from her injury, and is now in hospice care.
Please Help Journalist Linda Linda has a traumatic brain injury and needs support for her family and for end of life.
I'm headed to a two day welding class this weekend. It's taught by a local artist. Not something I would normally do, but something I have wanted to do for some years. Ready.
Many folks don't choose to change their ph # when they move anymore in this modern era. I find there are benefits to it though. In a post Facebook world, where you were encouraged to add contact with everyone ever, it is nice to just let some folks go after the expiration date. Love a new #.
I'm wrapping up my life after more than 6 yrs here, and I'm choosing to part with all material items that do not fit in my car. This is in order to be nimble for a new life hundreds of miles away. It is always amazing how much attachment I can have for things. This is an object lesson in detachment.
Father's Day is a rough one for me. So if you are in similar circumstances, just know that you are not alone. Be good to yourself.
Look, I was skeptical back when it just plagiarized words, sucked up water and energy and eliminated people’s jobs, but they really sold me on it by making it more expensive.
“Remember that generative AI is not once and done…You’re going to continue to push compute, and build models that are larger, and so you will have to continue to upgrade devices in order to keep up with the pace of generative AI.” 😩
June 15 seems like a good time to remind you that if your library is doing programming & displays for pride month and you appreciate it, drop them a line, a little email or something!
I only have one album by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and I swear it is something so wondrous to try to blow your speakers out to.
50 days until I leave Idaho. A six year weight will be lifted from my shoulders. A new chapter among loved ones and a new chapter again. I haven't been sleeping much or well. The adrenaline is running hot.
We live in a "middle world" between the astronomically huge structures of the Universe: stars, galaxies, black holes, and the tiny, invisible world of cells, molecules and atoms. Stepping even a single step in either direction rightly brings a sense of awe at the vast SCALE of the natural world.
I stayed up very late last night watching Casablanca. Damn, that movie is so good on every level.
Making a list of all the places I should have visited all these years here, but didn't. I think I will only be able to visit a couple of them in the time left. Likewise, a list of meals from delicious kitchens. Food and nature are such markers of place. A grand tour of a last goodbye this summer.
Liquidating everything you own to get to a better place feels like a daunting task. But it's possible. And the feeling of freedom it makes possible afterwards is jaw droppingly awesome. Done this before looking forward to a new horizon and future.
Ok. Huge weight off my shoulders. There is a way forward this summer to get out of Idaho. I could cry from happiness to get out of this terrible place.
On one hand: a gay man living in the reddest state ever, where you cannot date and the politics get worse every election. On the other hand: family saying get the fuck out of there NOW (and pay an oppressive break-lease fee). I think I know where this is going.
The background to the miners marching in the Pride parade was the LGBT community raising money for them when they were striking in 1984-1985, while Thatcher sent in police to break up picket lines. There is a lovely little film called PRIDE which tells that story, that everyone should watch.
In 1994 the Pet Shop Boys were invited to perform 'Go West' at the Brit Awards. They agreed and brought with them 3 separate choirs of miners. Some of those miners had marched with the gay and lesbian members of LGSM in the 1980s. It is one of the great, near-lost music moments
Pet Shop Boys • Go West (Live At Brit Awards) • Pet Shop Boys выступают вживую на Брит Эвордс 1994 с шахтерским хором.