
This is appalling. As an MSNBC columnist, to say I'm disappointed is an understatement.
Ronna McDaniel was complicit in all the Republican lies about election interference. She's been one of Donald Trump's fiercest, most public champions, even denigrating her own uncle in the process. She is a bad actor and has no place on a news channel.
Sorry Marisa, but this is my hard line. I'm done with .
Stopped watching cable news last fall.
It’s been years for me. It turns my stomach.
I regret taking this long to get here.
Exactly I read my news, and watch CSPAN for ridiculous oversight committee hearings (it’s akin to sports with the color commentary)
*without the color commentary 🙄
Sports commentary is better. Sports ppl try to change things sometimes. For years, an NBC person tried to get “drop your gloves, you’re out of the game” made into a hockey rule.
It was much easier than I thought it would be. I can't honestly say I've unplugged, though. I'm here and on Instagram. Some facebook to connect with family, while holding my nose.
Just wait till they hire Lauren Boebert to cohost the 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle.
Also, is there anyone that appears regularly on MBC/MSNBC who's not a former GOP congressman or former official? Nicole Wallace, Michael Steele, Tim Miller, Charlie Sykes, Georges Conway, all former GOP. No wonder the GOP wants to cut social security, they have their own retirement plan.
Nicole Wallace literally sat on Morning Joe in 2014 and defended Bush II Torture Practices. Then she poo pooed Orange Man and she's an MSNBC darling. She should be in jail.
"I don't care what we did": What Nicolle Wallace's rant reveals about America's torture problem | Former GOP operative and current co-host of
I hope every guest who panels with her asks, "So, why were you directly involved in the Michigan fake elector plot?"
I just can’t support any “news” media company during end stage capitalism owned by the very same billionaires causing our world to get exponentially worse by the second
She literally dropped the ‘Romney’ from her last name to be able to fit her head further up Trump’s ass.
Isn’t she under investigation for that conference call with Trump and the Michigan Fake Electors ?
She is also a conspirator in the fake elector scheme.
Could not agree more. But the media, across the board, is prepping for The Return of The Angry Inch.
I currently read msnbc for my for general national news. Do you happen to have a recommendation on a another left leaning national news source? If they’re pivoting right like it looks like I’m gonna have to drop them like a bad habit.
Your reminder that the only paid contributor on any cable news network who is openly trans is Caitlyn Jenner
The Democrats deciding to buy a majority share in the GOP rather than address a single material problem facing any Americans has been incredibly depressing, despite being predictable. Hard to see how anyone can feel represented by the Dems unless they voted for Mitt Romney in 2012.
What does NBC hiring a shitty republican have to do with Democrats? Biden didn’t hire her. Schumer didn’t hire her. NBC hired her. We should be mad but let’s be mad at the right people.
Corporate media owners/execs are definitely the right people to be mad at tho.
Anyone that owns a media company has direct ties to a political party in some capacity. It is just the nature of the monopoly capital has. To try and make one exist in a vacuum w/o the other is just against reality.
Could you walk me through Comcast investors/executives making political donations to both parties meaning Democrats are responsible for personnel decisions at NBC? Aren’t the donors usually in control? Why would Dems want them to hire the former head of the RNC? Still seems like NBC has the agency.
You're approaching this from the thought process of with goals based in winning and losing. Not on the maintaining of control by a singular entity; Capital. Moving moderate Republicans into the Democratic Party and whitewashing them inflates numbers they are losing from anything left of Pelosi
But they're all tied to the GQP, so why blame Democrats?
This is perhaps the silliest and most illogical comment I've seen on any social media platform all year! You'rea bot, right?
Whatever makes it easier to ignore material conditions 🤷
Another buffoonish comment.
It's *wild* to me how America coddles and protects it's traitors. "Destabilize the world for a criminal who wants to murder the people you hate? Here have a lot of money and an easy job telling the people you hate why it's OK for you to want them dead"
No one seems to want to punish them or ostracize them out of fear that they'll be sued. But we should really be shunning them so hard they can't afford a lawsuit to begin with.
At least America will always have it's massive lightshows on iconic buildings to celebrate a fictional fascist religious movement that WAY too many people like to cosplay as.
Star Wars Empire State Building Watch as Star Wars takes over the iconic Empire State Building with an unforgettable light show.
This is exactly why I avoid corporate/cable news like the plague.
Cmon, it’s not like MSNBC doesn’t have a history of employing plenty of dirtbags before. Anything to keep eyes on the screen.
Remembering the like decade they steadily employed Holocaust denier Pat Buchanan as a regular commentator and Morning Joe co-host
Is there some law requiring the networks to hire former RNC Chairs?
Reminds me of's "wingnut welfare" concept (news commentary gigs, think-tanks, tenure at right-wing "universities," etc.), but supposedly left-of-center outfits like MSNBC don't need to help them out. 🤨
JFC. I worked in media for 20+ years and now that I have the benefit of a few years of hindsight it’s obvious how incredibly awful it is. It’s so hard to watch because I did love it, I thought
Ronna has an important view on politics & government we should all listen to. - no one, ever
Too many things in this country are for profit and well….. 😤
Wonder if she’ll add Romney back to her name. Also wonder if she’s ready to go in the direct of Steele and go hard or milquetoast like Kasich.