
can we not make this a rehash of the 2020 primary and instead see harris as the most viable option in an extremely shitty situation
CNN's new poll: Trump leads Biden 49/43. Trump leads Harris 47/45. Some differences: —Independents: Biden -10%. Harris +3%. —People of color: Biden +21. Harris +29. The side-by-side:
unless we are rehashing the 2024 primary
Plus if we don't go with Kamala, Black women (who saved us the last two elections) would be REALLY pissed. We have to go with KH.
You don’t have to follow campaign finance laws anymore tho, if you win… Or is that just for Republicans? Country is going down the drain so fast it’s hard to keep track…
She's obviously the only way to get very ambitious people to get in line, for all the reasons you note. Imagine going around the executive branch trained woman of color. It's beyond malpractice, it is genuinely unaccepatble
It’s far from ideal, but Biden’s weak and quaint responses to the SC rulings suggest he’s clueless/out of touch at best. Right now I’d support the rotting corpse of FDR if it would get something done tbh 🤷‍♂️
I have become Team Harris! I don't think Biden will be able to do what he needs to do (either physically or due to poor advising, stubbornness etc) to counteract his debate performance
imho He has been coaching her and training her to take his place. So, there's that. It's why he wanted her on the ticket.
Harris has done a great job: 1. She is blindly hated by millions solely for being a black woman 2. She has not made the news. At all. Sounds glib, but if she fucked anything up, it would be daily front page for months. Veeps get only thankless bullshit to do.
Or we could see Harris as the most viable option given a historically successful presidency in which she would enjoy incumbency.
Or maybe not take CNN, of all media outlets out to install fascism to bail out its debt riddled CEO [as Thursday reinforced], as a reliable source to cite for this argument
In such a racist and misogynistic America, Harris has no chance of winning the election. Not to mention that she doesn't have the charisma of an Obama.
Time to train her up like she's prosecuting the most important case of her life
Why does she need “training up” as if she is unqualified now? I assume it’s not intentional, but take a step back and look at what you are saying and how you are saying it.
Because nobody seems to want to put it in the original tweet, this number is unchanged from their last poll!
Anyone suggesting someone else *in front of* VP Harris is just revealing their own prejudices. We have a Vice President for *situations like this*.
Sheee-it, I've seen a handful of Bernie dead-enders trying to make this about the *2016* primary.
I haven't seen Bernie speak lately, and I'm fully on board with his policy ideas, but I don't think replacing an aging Biden with an 82 yo is a workable solution. Call me crazy.
Also, to state the obvious: with Harris as the candidate, Trump’s attacks would be even more openly racist. Some fencesitters, Lincoln Project types, etc, dislike open racism, finding it uncouth.
While not stating an opinion here, don't those Harris numbers suggest she'd trounce tRump as they're close and she hasn't even campaigned? What would they look like if she did?
OK, but I am having a little trouble visualizing Trump beating Biden among women by 7 points.
As a white lady I hate to say it, but there will always be a big bloc of white women for whom white supremecy beats gender justice.
Middle aged white lady raised in the South here. I get that for sure. This seems a big swing from all past polling and previous elections would indicate.
I love Kamala but why don't you just hand Trump the election. The reason they don't want Biden is the fear of a black female president. To may racist Misogynist exist. Even among dem voters.
How do grapple with the fact that a convicted criminal, rapist and aspiring dictator is consistently polling 10 points ahead in a polls? Is this registered voters or did CNN poll people who haven’t voted in the last 2 elections again?
This is one poll reflecting one moment in time. The moment you replace Biden it could change ipso facto. Polls are just guides. Small parts of a much larger picture. That's why polls were wrong about Trump's chances but Michael Moore was right.
I think people are looking at the 2020 polling where Biden had a decent lead throughout and it was still a close election and extrapolating from there, but I don’t know if it’s apples to apples. I still have a suspicion that these polls might be exaggerating whatever lead Trump might have.
Right. And sentiments change over time. Kinda like how people feel less like quitting the closer they get to the end of their shift, when it comes down to the race people may settle into the idea of Biden more as trump looms. No one really knows.
Ha…that is so true about feelings changing at end of a shift. And I agree, I don’t think we should be basing a candidates strength off the results of a poll when they’re basically a theoretical candidate.
The campaign should start raising her profile way, way up. Let her off the leash, remind the country who she is, remind the country that she can do the job, and have her ready to go if Biden can't. They have kept her under wraps too long, she's the best asset that campaign has.