🇵🇸 from the Frederick to the Enchilada 🇵🇸

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🇵🇸 from the Frederick to the Enchilada 🇵🇸


once again being asked to leave the bird website because I don’t like Nazis and have too much pronouns or whatever
You’re really impressively bad at understanding what I assume is the only language you speak. Nothing about what I said implies I think you’re voting for Trump. Learn to fucking read. I’m bored of you. Joe Biden is a piece of shit. I’m going to vote for anyone who isn’t Donald Trump. Cope.
…do you think I was trying to convince you of who to vote for? Son, have you read a book since high school? Your ability to understand the most basic natures of ideas seem to be sorely lacking. I persist in telling you you’re full of baseless horseshit. That has no bearing on election choices.
You’re entitled to your own opinion, but you aren’t entitled to your own version of mine: quote what I said that you think is “vote-shaming,” whatever the fuck that is.
I’m on your side, ya miserable wretch, and it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO DO VOTER SUPPRESSION. No part of voting for Biden requires liking him, or even saying one good thing about him, and getting him elected is 0% my responsibility. Because I don’t work for him, either.
Anyone who could even imagine voting for Trump was never reachable by me in the first place. We have nothing in common; we have no shared experience to connect on. People are not interchangeable. I cannot speak anything meaningful to people who care that little about politics.
Nobody exists who was going to cast their vote on what I say on Bluesky. That is a very, very stupid straw man made up by people who can’t tell the difference between a presidential election and personality contest, because they stopped growing as people at 19 or 20.
Which leaves you very far short of top-of-the-ticket candidates who will attract rather than repel people who will make the less inhumane choices Texans need further down the ballot. You're repelling people. You're working for Trump and Handmaid's Tale. Voter suppression.
Make a band more vegetable: Lettuce Heads
Make a band more vegetable: “Tragically Parsnip”
Not Cameron, but any time ALIENS is mentioned I bring up how the director’s cut of ALIEN³ is the only one that makes any goddamn sense and it’s a crime they re-cut it for the theatrical.
tearing a prison down also acceptable form of celebration
Even better is that they have a distinct left/center/right. The more opposing interests hold power, the less likely it is to be abused or turned to despotism.
what if we didn’t make every political discussion everywhere about Putin, since most of them aren’t about Russia at all
I don't care if it isn't "politically correct", I'm going to say it: there are some jobs that women are just better at. It's a biological truth that women are better than men at perching over a house door and screaming as someone inside dies. Sorry, woke weirdos, but it's "banSHEe" for a reason.
Add Matty Glesias and Andy Ngo to complete the shitshow.
Why were they relieved when it was repealed? Because they could then be out without fear of reprisal. Before DADT, they couldn’t be closeted without fear of reprisal. That’s an improvement. “Better” and “good” are not synonymous. This is basic English. Do better.
No I don’t. I sound like someone arguing that the Civil Rights Act was good even though it didn’t solve racism. I’m a communist. I believe phobes should be shot in the street. I just also don’t understand the world though moralism, and I understand progress happens in fits and starts.
Here, hear about it from the only person in this thread affected by it, a queer servicemember: 🧵 bsky.app/profile/joan...
Dadt was an improvement in policy. It meant no one could investigate you on suspicion of being queer and them kick you out. You can imagine that before that many people were investigated for being queer just because.
I mean, it’s telling that you’re actively refusing to take in new information. Abolishing that prohibition was never going to happen in the 90s, especially not done by a liberal. That was never on the table. So, if you’re saying DADT was bad, the only other option was doing nothing.
“haha actually you’re stupid because I’m stupid” baby please Because I care about this issue, and I don’t like when people say stupid, simplistic shit about issues that matter.
But since I’m factually correct, it’s not gaslighting to tell you what gaslighting actually is. Please find me a definition of gaslighting that incorporates a stranger telling you something you don’t agree with.
So if someone is dying of cancer, and we don’t have the tools to cure it, palliative care is wrong? Thats what you’re saying? We should let things stay completely terrible until we have the power to fix them immediately, in one fell swoop? Thats child thinking, my man.