Mark K. Ehlert

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Mark K. Ehlert

Location: Minnesota
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Angelica is an incredible talent, reaching out to community and just did a very brave thing. Bluesky let’s help lift her up in this moment of difficulty. Donate if you can. Share her post if you can’t.
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
That's not going to take me twenty three minutes to read
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Your Chefs Were So Preoccupied With Whether Or Not They Could, They Didn’t Stop To Think If They Should
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Mary had a little lamb, Its pelage alabaster; Her omnipresent chaperone Persistently harassed 'er Its chilling uluations! Its wool so strangely luminant! Mary's days were haunted By this unremitting ruminant
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Sir Humpleberry Dumptington Reposed upon the summit Of a balustrade, until he made A devastating plummet; The armies of His Majesty, In all their fine regalia, With colts and mares, assayed repairs But came to nought but failure
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Ok folks -- what's your go-to spot for a group lunch in the Twin Cities? Can be in any location in the metro, but must have seating for groups of at least 15 people and options for $10 or so.
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
’tis true that we are in great danger, The greater therefore should our courage be.
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
I’d somehow missed the news that you can now sign up to permanently/automatically receive absentee ballots for all elections you’re eligible to vote in here in Minnesota. So cool!
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
The amazing people at @LifelineUkraine are offering mental health services and suicide prevention services to the Ukranian Troops and the Ukranian people. PLEASE make a donation and help them. #SlavaUkraini
Main LifeLine Ukraine is the national 24-hour psychological support hotline for suicide prevention at number 7333. We work 24/7.
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Any #UglyDogs looking for a dog? Minneapolis/St Paul area.
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
pigeons gather in scores
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
“The mothership has returned. Gather your things and inform the others.”
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
“Digital versions play more to a person's active curiosity than their passive curiosity. (With a newspaper that I can feel in my hands and physically turn its pages, for example, I'm more likely to scan a story I thought I had no interest in reading.)” ⬅️ Yes, this.
Magers & Quinn in Minneapolis displays a 100-year-old dictionary that weighs 25 You can learn a lot from this weighty tome.
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I wanna light a candle in the darkness & maybe you can help. A tiny local-local publication, Southwest (Mpls) Voices, has tried to fill the gap left by the Southwest Journal, which I once edited. They’ve seen ad revenue crater & desperately need $50 members.
Minneapolis Voices Needs Your Help us get to 1,000 paying members by the end of this summer
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
"perfect is the thief of done" - love this quote from as the LESSS conference keynote speaker. #medlibs
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Why are realtors using wide angle lenses for photos of tiny homes? We're already in the market for a small, cramped space where the TV is on the ceiling
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Enough with The Discourse. BEHOLD, THE DISC HORSE
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
When your corgi is buffering
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Tomorrow's CoCoRaHS map for Minnesota is going to be insane. Some places up in Northern Minnesota are reported to have received more than 6 inches of rain TODAY!
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
This cartoon has not been improved upon. August 29, 2016
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
After asking the government (or private foundations) to pay for the costs of doing research, we conduct the research and write papers about it that our peers review for free, then we donate those papers to for-profit companies that sell them back to us at high prices. This is considered normal.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
what do economists have against the front of envelopes?
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
The will do this the minute the bots actually start functioning.
i think we should stop giving our ai bots female names (alexa, siri) and give them names from the old white boys club (john, james, chad) in honor of how overconfident and annoying they are even when they’re completely wrong or making stuff up
As someone who's born and raised in the MENA and I know heat: do not go outside during the hottest part of the day, do not go for a walk, do not decide to do DIY, do not do manual labor, just do not! You can weed your damn garden at 7pm. Go back inside, turn on the ac/fan, hydrate, eat popsicles.
Reposted byAvatar Mark K. Ehlert
Dead is the only age that's too late to start being an author.