function r(){if(po(n),n.value===pf)throw new I(-950,!1);return n.value} follows

fox pretending to be a fox on the internet. 🦊 i make games and toys and puzzles and art and things. she/her

current labor of love —
other games —
other stuff —
Mike Sager
Mike Sager
Security, rock and roll, dad jokes. Fan of The National and The Nationals. At a security startup, but like a cool one. Former CTO at EMILY’s List, and worked a lot of other places before that. Please run your updates. He/Him. YIMBY in Alexandria.
The Slides
The Slides
Bot posting 4x daily from Sam Biddle's curated collection of US military slides from the Cold War era.

Main site:

Slides courtesy
Bot by
AJ *King of BlueSky* Jones
AJ *King of BlueSky* Jones
Pansexual. He/him. Sex positive, sometimes NSFW, always flirty. I'm a "reply GENTLEMAN," thank you.

Discord: aj_jones

Artist, author. Repost any of my content at your leisure.
Orbital Fail-Son Canon
Orbital Fail-Son Canon
You shall come to a prison built of regrets and sorrow, where the shadows themselves have gone mad.
Andy Steingruebl
Andy Steingruebl
Security guy. CSO Pinterest but posts here aren't their opinion...
Follow the world's largest independent privacy-focused blog for news and tips on Linux, Unix, macOS, FLOSS, Sysadmin, & DevOps topics to enhance your IT career. Blog: | Forum:
Joseph Cox
Joseph Cox
Hacking/crime/privacy journalist. Author of forthcoming DARK WIRE, buy here: Co-founder of 404 Media. Signal: +44 20 8133 5190. Email: [email protected]
Previously on Blue...
Previously on Blue...
Previously on Blue, where you get the names.
Nick Drage
Nick Drage
Professionally and personally, a Thinking Partner, a Security Strategist, a game designer, or a Critical Friend. What do you need?

I'm kind of interested in everything - more information here:
doomsmoker (just memes)
doomsmoker (just memes)
loaded forever.
righteously stoned.
cypherpunk interested in privacy tech, zk, AI
Liroy Leshed
Liroy Leshed
Founder & CEO of 21tycoons. Makers of TYCOON (CRM), Bonfire (simple project management), and We Buy Once.
Email: [email protected].
codehappy lives!
codehappy lives!
Software engineer, rodent whisperer, writer. ex-MSFT, Xoogler, currently watching loss curves and other spooky stuff. Some kind of chronically depressed wizard. We could all be Green Lantern, but instead we're fighting to be Lex Luthor. She/her.
Senior Combat Designer at Wonderstorm, frmr Blizzard. All thoughts posted are my own. She/her. Cymraeg, Gaeilge, agus Gàidhlig. Hyena facts. PFP by
Kevin Zollman
Kevin Zollman
Philosophy and Game Theory at Carnegie Mellon 🦚 Research the interface between philosophy, economics, and biology 💱
Flower, miffy, and electronics.
Solder Party
Solder Party
We design easy to use products that help you develop your projects.
All our products are open source HW and SW!
Find our links at
Thomas Neville
Thomas Neville
Lawyer. Gamer. Dad. He/Him/His. Grammarchist.

My job is cooler than yours.


Signal: Goobermunch.01
Peter J. Fry
Peter J. Fry
Stephen Kopanski
Stephen Kopanski
Emo kid turned well-adjusted adult. gaming 👾 coffee ☕️ anime 👺 records 🎵
Matt Green
Mount St. Helens in 1980
Mount St. Helens in 1980
Relive the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens/lawilátɬa through videos, photos, and more. #MountStHelens #Volcanoes #Geology #PNW #History #Science 🌋
Transgender veteran, parent and spouse. History and geology degrees. Warhammer 40K, Revolutionary War, Celtic harp, medieval weapons. Oh, and ballet.
Jeffrey F Steiner
Jeffrey F Steiner
Professional understander of Big Tech with a JD. Not a techbro, just doing fun IT things. Crypto is a grift. AI is advanced grep/awk/sed. Used to do molecular biology but the pay sucked. Living in Minnesota by way of Boston, Moscow, London and Munich.
Principal engineer for NASA Gateway Mission Design 🛰️🌕. he/him. 27+ only 🔞
Atomic Priesthood Memes
Atomic Priesthood Memes
Bluesky's #1 "gif-enthusiast"

💡considering tech policy from a human-centered perspective

Master of Jurisprudence @ UW Law
UW Center for an Informed Public
“Trust no one, nor a zero. Both lie.” (c) Unknown
Luke MacNeil
Luke MacNeil
Owner of MacNeil Media Group, LLC - a creative services company offering photography, videography, and motion graphics design. Currently serving Escalante, Utah.
Patrick Stokes
Patrick Stokes
Philosophy academic (all views mine). Writer, radio producer, half of The Fake McCoys. Husband to Jess, dad to two girls, butler to Tuppence the West Highland Terrier. Melbourne + Werona
Denis Gilbert
Denis Gilbert
Climate scientist, Oceanographer, Physicist.
Pro-democracy, anti-conspiracy theories.
Rimouski, Québec, Canada

#TwitterRefugee #ExPostNews


Ken M Official
Ken M Official
I come from a long line of M’s
Robert Stribley
Robert Stribley
UX Designer + Educator. Writer. Photographer. Immigrant. Australian + American. Former Razorfish + Publicis Sapient. Now Teach at SVA. Brooklyn, NY. Interests: UX, immigration, human rights, privacy by design.
Kate Starbird
Kate Starbird
Professor at University of Washington, HCDE. Cofounder and Director of the UW Center for an Informed Public. Researcher of online rumors and disinformation. Also, former basketball player (Stanford, ABL, WNBA).
Crypto Labeler
Crypto Labeler
Labels crypto spammers and their spammy posts.
Technology Connections
Technology Connections
I'm that YouTuber who taught you how dishwashers work. Guess I'm tryin' out the whole Bluesky thing now.
John Pfaff
John Pfaff
Professor at Fordham Law. Prisons and criminal justice quant. I'm not contrarian, the data are. Author of Locked In. New stuff at
David Ingram
David Ingram
Tech reporter at NBC News. I'm still calling these tweets. I block rude people. Read my latest work here:
infosec - no one of consequence
I like juggling, Bash, chess puzzles, and good exploits. Worked on Metasploit for some years.

@[email protected]
Hans Kristensen
Hans Kristensen
Director, Nuclear Information Project, Federation of American Scientists. Tracking nuclear arsenals, co-author of Nuclear Notebook, SIPRI Yearbook. Opinions my own.
Adam Miller
Adam Miller

Distinguished Engineer at Red Hat

Husband. Father. Leader. Pythonista. Gopher. Ansible Contributor. Fedora & CentOS Community Member. Linux nerd. SysAdmin. Hatter. Texan. Geek. Author. Speaker.

I speak only for myself.
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz
Editor/Co-author, “Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of US Nuclear Weapons Since 1940” • I write primarily about nuclear weapons (including history, costs, accidents, and policy), and the Presidential Emergency Satchel (aka the nuclear “Football”).
Weird Spy Satellite
Weird Spy Satellite
Weird Spy Satellite Imagery. A speculative surveillance bot by