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Former librarian, poet, and aspiring novelist from Southern New England.
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"Israeli forces have attacked 190 UNRWA facilities in Gaza — over half of the group’s buildings in the region — and killed 197 UNRWA workers. Israel’s genocide in Gaza has killed the most humanitarian aid workers of any military conflict in recent history."
Israel Has “Flattened” UNRWA HQ in Gaza in “Blatant” War Crime, Agency “Another episode in the blatant disregard of international humanitarian law,” said the head of UNRWA.
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I am begging the scientific community to watch one(1) sci-fi horror movie.
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Good Morning Blue Sky! Hope you’re all ok? Today I’m currently reading for the first time Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K LeGuin. What are you reading at the moment?
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I keep remembering that the official Republican solution to gun violence is just... more gun violence. "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" means the plan -- the only plan -- is that AFTER the shooting starts, there's more shooting. Prevention isn't even considered.
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Sea lion feeding frenzy. This happens when schools of fish like mackerel, sardines, or anchovies are on the move. 🦑
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One of Frankie's best baby pictures ❤️
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..and now it’s time for Sunday Science..
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Cutest couple. ☀️ Photo from my collection, 1953.
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This little juvenile Cardinal is growing up. He just doesn't understand why he can't go where all the other kids go to get snacks. The adult Cardinals check out the ground under the feeder and always find seeds. 🪶 #birds
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Two tiles of Bethlehem done! One more on this side. 🧵🪡✨🧶
He’s so tiny—but the wren’s poking his head out of the wren house. They seem to be working on a second brood.
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Fiasco am thinking... pretty deep thoughts... 2day
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today is my NINETEEN YEAR anniversary working at my local library In honor of that, I ask you to get a card to your local public library today! If you ALREADY have a card to your local public library, check out their digital resources! Their summer programs! And yeah, they have books too.
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RETVRN to traditional masculinity when Real Men would tote around their babby kitties in case they needed kisses on their fuzzy little heads. Photo from my collection, no date/info.
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I regularly get rude comments from bird watchers and keyboard environmentalists telling me that cats are nasty, diseased creatures and to keep mine indoors (even though my cats are 100% indoor and always have been). Does that mean I think all bird watchers and environmentalists are rude and hostile?
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The residents of Potato Bay can rest easy now that this dangerous babby is off the streets.
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In a highly DRAMATIC move, Chuchi BOLTED out as his people left to catch a plane to move across the country. Chuchi is safe but about to be homeless. Can anyone care for Chuchi for just 3 short weeks til his people fly back to rescue him? [San Francisco Bay Area/E. Bay]
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Werner Herzog directing a Maybelline ad: Perhaps she is born with it. What a frightful notion, to be imbued with the fetters of capitalist commodification from birth. It suggests God Himself is a part of our dreadful pattern instead of a refuge from it.
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*immediately orders lederhosen from amazon and books flight to Germany*
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Behaviores Report: everthing else may bee bad butt i waz 100% goode
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Hello new friends! Have a look at Messier 13. Visible to the naked eye, if the sky is dark enough. Edmund Halley spotted it in 1714 and wrote “This is but a little Patch, but it shews it self to the naked Eye, when the Sky is serene and the Moon absent.” Which, same. Image: ESA/Hubble, NASA
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This is BANXY, who will be one year old on July 4th. He came to us nine months ago, rescued from an abandoned car in The Bronx. He is amazing. I just read that people are giving their black cats to shelters because "they don't photograph well." WTF is wrong with those humans who do that?
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I had to get this vintage yelling kitty because it reminded me of… someone… can’t quite put my finger on it….
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please father, i am starving, do not leave me here with my ENTIRELY FULL FOOD DISH, as you can see, i might starve
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I wasn’t really planning this but earlier I was like “It’s my birthday I want to see some damn kitties.” So we went down to the humane society to hand-deliver the fundraiser check instead of mailing it! Here is the receipt and some of kitties you helped!
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Imagine believing that a cliquey popularity contest among a small minority of the population constitutes "democracy." The Dem primaries are rigged. From superdelegates to convention rules to outright suppression tactics in blue states, the entire process is tainted and undemocratic.
the party should respect democracy and the results of the primaries. We don't hold them for nothing.