Matt Butler

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Matt Butler

Spotify, for the love of God, create an "unfinished" filter for podcasts. I want to listen to Knowledge Fight all the way through, and they have 900 something episodes.
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There is literally nothing funnier than someone saying the most ridiculously overblown Final Fantasy Serious Dialog and the camera reversing to show Mickey Mouse hearing it. I die laughing every time.
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A friend finally convinced me to get off my no-corporate-social-media hill and give this a try, so hi! I'm olive! I'm a game dev and make projects funded via Kickstarter; prev. Crescent Loom and currently Lancer Tactics.
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The AI decided I didn't actually need my insulin, because Nazi's spammed it with requests, so I died. Glad it helped harvest my data though!
Reposted byAvatar Matt Butler
In 2019, I spent a few days in Oxford, Mississippi (where Ole Miss is located) and was so shook by the experience, I wrote a poem about it in my book ALIVE AT THE END OF THE WORLD.
I have cancelled all decision making for the foreseeable future.
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*explaining Dune 2 to my wife* it's like if January 6th was successful and then Hunter Biden joined the Taliban. And instead of poppies they're growing DMT
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Reposted byAvatar Matt Butler
I think what they were trying to do was to start a fight over the concept of beauty itself. Which group of us it should belong to. That sort of thing. Which of us gets to perceive it and which of us do not.
Whatever ancient thing it that works the chains and pulls us so relentlessly on
We're doing it, guys.
Do you know what the 22 countries ranked ahead of the U.S. in happiness all have in common? Universal healthcare. Turns out people are happier when they don’t have to choose between food and seeing a doctor.
The Curb Your Enthusiasm season shot on location at the real funeral of Richard Lewis filmed cinema verite with Nathan Fielder as the officiant will be the most awkward and the funniest since Leon.
This girl don't run.
A man on the street just saluted me and yelled “hello soldier, it’s good to see you back home safely.” I am wearing a camouflage Utz Chips trucker hat.
Ah, effective communication.
Hello, police? Cancel the EMTs, the victim was actually dead on contact.
Replace dog with Kim Kitsuragi. Replace trash can with NASA administrator refusing to launch me into the sun.
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Reposted byAvatar Matt Butler
Linda Tirado called to tell me that she is dying. If you know Linda getting a phone call from her out of nowhere isn't exactly out of the ordinary. Even if you don't know her actually. But this wasn't the kind of call I was expecting. Or that I've ever had really.
I get to be the person I always wish I had They went and finally killed Vice for real this time. Look at the shit-eating way these bosses always talk. Media news: In a memo, Vice CEO Bruce Dixon says the company will lay off hundreds of empl...
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man if you left twitter you're a sucker, I have 10 new girlfriends with 136 fingers
Reposted byAvatar Matt Butler
travis kelce is gonna lose his virginity tonight 🥹
Reposted byAvatar Matt Butler
Finished the last two of this run. They’re not identical, but that’s part of what makes them cool, I think. Anyway, thanks to all of you for the encouragement. Books are fun! #bookbinding #diy
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Being frustrated with Morrissey has been part of the experience all along. Some would say this stuff has been in his music all along... But there was always this level of irony in the lyrics, and his entire persona is this sort of facade, so it gave us plausible deniability.
Is it really so strange? Please, Please, Please
No wonder Andre 3000 couldn't do a rap album, he knew it was all coming down.
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Reposted byAvatar Matt Butler
Who would you rather to listen to, someone staring at a pile of sheep guts or the Times political correspondent who wrote about how Nikki Haley could have won New Hampshire if she'd taken more cues from the successful McCain '00 and Hillary '08 campaigns?
Tune in next time, maybe I'll have figured out where to go to look at some entrails
Indignity Morning Podcast No. 205: Incapable of describing basic EASY LISTENING DEP’T.
He's just like me. (Except good at guitar. And singing. And knowing obscure things.)
*plays guitar while singing a song from an obscure release and having to check the lyric sheet twice before getting distracted by an unfinished bag of caramels I'd forgotten about* cool, I rehearsed
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Reposted byAvatar Matt Butler
It has finally and utterly snowed in MA as of this morning and while I broke my asshole and spine in half shoveling and am cursing it to hell it is the kind of snow that I am always sort of worried that I will rarely get to see again. Thank you then for the snow. Thank you to the snow itself.