
The pace at which the media has rehabilitated almost every liar from the Trump era suggests there's some sort of competition among news outlets to catch them all like pokemon
Interestingly, "who" and "why" are the two questions I asked myself when I got this push notification
New York Times running opinions from the alternative facts lady is pretty much on brand for them.
Kellyann Conway is a fun one because he own daughter got pretty famous online for openly mocking her mom and telling her how stupid her entire life’s work is. Kid is absolutely disgusted to have her as a parent, something that would deeply trouble most functioning adults. But alas
Plausible white people get away with a lot. And those in the newspaper and news bidnesses are being constantly bombarded with the criticism that their coverage is biased to the left, even though the opposite is true. It's a terrible haggis of undeserved redemption.
"Haggis of undeserved redemption" is a great phrase.
A day doesn't go by w/o at least one horrible NYT piece. Usually several a day. Makes me wonder why people continue to subscribe.
rehabilitated? when did any of them ever face any scrutiny or accountability?? I must have blinked and missed that part
"We turn to our revenge child porn analyst for more on the story"
They're addicted to it, isn't? Doing fact checks that say that 'Biden was wrong to say that [insert thing here] raised 20 billion, when it actually only was 19.95 billion' doesn't get clicks.
The NYT leadership's mental model going into the next 9 months is that Trump will win a close election by channeling "legitimate grievances" (immigration, inflation, DEI), despite his legal problems.
Most notable? Liz Cheney Michael Cohen Stephanie Grisham John Bolton Denver Riggleman Adam Kitzinger Cassidy Hutchinson Chris Christie Alyssa Farah John Kelly McMaster Mattis Soon, Nikki Haley Mike Pence
Five years of people wringing their hands about the unlimited power of "cancel culture" and meanwhile Kellyanne Fucking Conway can't take a wet enough shit that the New York Times won't push a notification to look at it.
It’s disgusting. Whenever I see Mulvaney or Conway opine on something like they are worth listening to after enabling and lying for that orange sociopath, it makes me feel like puking 🤮.
I was so looking forward to never hearing about any of these people ever again after 2016. We are in hell
Media are now Fascist Propagandist there is NO real journalism anymore
Pretty sure we should be playing Palworld instead and using them as tasty food for our Pals!
"Today, discussing the issue of fire safety, is a local arsonist"
Cuomo would be hilarious as a choice
It’s like 2 years ago when they expected this red wave so they hired all those scumbags hoping for access to the new Republican government that never happened.
My choice for running mate:
MSNBC is among the most infuriating offenders here