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Designer on THPS and Madden
Terrible Takes are Mine Alone
Yeah, was thinking about the immunity decision today and how (in addition to the obvious king making) it’s also a fantastic decision for all the Bush Era Torture proponents, should there ever be an overdo reckoning for them.
Hard to be an institutionalist when * The Courts are in the GOP pocket. * The House and Senate are in constant partisan deadlock, and abdicated responsibility to the executive. * The Executive is, at best, strangled by calvinball rules from the Judicial, and slow rolled the process regardless.
What legal standing does a solo concurrence even have? It’s not the majority opinion of the court, it would be like if a judge cited the dissent.
Some Posters are Built Different (Built Wrong)
I understand pretty fully who they want to kill, who they want to deport, and who they want to silence. They say as such quite loudly and on record.
He’s also a turbo Weeb as a movie industry executive who never sleeps in Thank You For Smoking.
All I know is that Bouie manages to attract the weirdest people who want to fight him in his mentions, so I hope folks are very sure of their rhetorical footing before getting in on whatever justice they think they’re doing.
BLIT is a 1988 science fiction short story by David Langford in which highly dangerous types of images called "basilisks" contain patterns within them that effectively "crash" the human brain. If you need a good allegory for the first ads the eventual Musk Super PAC will put out…
Knowing Musk these ads are gonna hit the airwaves in 2027 at best
Top 5 guy Magneto would turn into gloop.
Bears are so cool yo
Spotted on wife’s hike to Mt. Lukens today
I think something a lot of folks struggle with on this site is that being correct and being right are not the same thing. “A diminished Biden is better than Trump and his fascist Project 2025 wish list” - 1000% Correct. “We should run with the above messaging and candidate” - Not the right call.
Stated another way, it doesn’t matter that the facts are on your side if people choose the lie. There is no sky judge or neutral arbiter giving out points, you need to win the game in its rigged state.
Helps Bungie put the BR in Destiny and it’s very busted there as well
Every day we get closer to the abyss.
This is like when those home flipping shows accidentally destroy a load bearing column but for speech transitions.
It would be nice if the rainbow LED tunnel from O’Hare’s Main Terminal to the United Terminal was fixed.
I mentioned him where, slugger? Go be agro somewhere else.
It’s that good old end-of-the-line despair or self-gaslighting. Same as the “Most Liberal President since FDR” I’ve seen going around. He doesn’t have an Obamacare level achievement, let alone a Great Society or even Nixon’s EPA. What are we doing here?
I would like to thank them for this, because I honestly thought the number was higher. Another win for Fact Based Journalism
The maga grifters mostly supplanted the NeoCon grifters in the party. Think of the book circuit, no Super PAC is buying pallets of “Dignity under Duress, Profiles in Courage” when there’s a dozen fawning “Life. Liberty. Trump.” books coming out each month.
Statement would mean more if it was broadcasted from a pit under The Hague where he belongs.
As good a time as any to remind folks that being in multiple “In-Groups” will not help you under fascism. You know a demographic that is consistently Christian and socially conservative? Middle and South American Migrants. You know who is absolutely not getting in under a GOP Immigration Bill?
The official 2024 GOP platform makes a reference to "Christian-hating Communists" who the Republicans will keep from entering the country. Back in the early days of the America First movement, "Christian-hating Communists" would have just been a longer way of saying "Jews."
Remember to pivot to video!
You saw the unified outcry about “harrassing” politicians out for dinner, because being addressed as “Senator” at the Capital Grille is all these people want.
The French election is a Rorschach test. You can look at it and say “we need to rally around our embattled and politically weakened leader” or “tactical voting and having weak candidates drop out saved the country” Both are correct.
The authoritarian right has power in America only because the majority of Americans didn't care enough to pay attention, let alone vote. The French saw the danger and stood against it.
“You just need a quick nap” - The side of the brain responsible for tricking you into sleeping for hours and messing up your already shot sleep schedule.
(This was more a joke about people wanting Newsom or Big Gretch, I do not know what the state of Michigan papers is)
People are saying the Boston Globe or LA Times should be next up, but I am all for a contested convention where the Detroit Free Press is an option.
Like, it’s important to remember: “The pundit class saw blood in the water following the debate; prematurely throwing their imagined weight around.” and “Binden is in rough shape, polling or otherwise” are not contradictory opinions, but the NYT/WAPO seem hellbent for them to be.