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Where did the Dem get a mini wolf?
I have a birthday coming up
Kinda feel like she doesn't even need to get divorced. The day after just have the official not file the marriage certificate. How on the ball could that person be?
Or what is the third commandment
My fav list i'm on is 'not porn'. Which tbf is correct.
Yes. I don't like the NY Times so I don't give them money. I like Bouie so I do guest links to his column if it's available and then listen to his podcast (which is a fun podcast btw).
I legit considered that. Fr
Seems like messaging about porn bans and abortion could get everyone voting dem
I was on a random reddit sub and someone tied the project 2025 thing that affected the sub topic. Honestly think that's the most effective online action atm. If someone goes to r/nationalparks and says, hey guys this is crazy
Architectural billings are down. Honestly building more housing would so many problems and possibly stave off an upcoming recession
Also 'dems in disarray' drama news cycle when there is blood in water, so to speak
Dairy free is the best
It reminds me of Brexit. Some on Twitter were saying there were for Brexit because they wanted more immigration. I'm like buddy a bunch of your fellow Brexiters want less. Wtf do you think will happen IRL? When the choice is 'lets do something (unamed) different' everyone imagines their fav outcome.
Like I admire the optimism, but probably Biden drops out isn't actually the first domino in everyone's personal fantasy future. Because everyone has different fantasy futures.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Less than a week into summer break my dog dragged my daughter and me to her school. You can't lay off a working dog just because the kids don't go to school in summer.
Leaving aside the journalists who are actual conservative activists (not insignificant), there's a lot of abuse-abuser dynamics here, with many "neutral" journalists taking on the role of enabler where they try to figure out what Dems have done to justify the abusive behavior from Republicans
It’s such a tell that one candidate is allowed to be old with his brains leaking out while the other is subjected to a weeks long whisper campaign to knee cap him out of the race because of a bad debate performance. Almost like there’s no principle at work beyond attacking Democrats.
Then maybe my daughter WILL be a professional violinist. I keep telling her is she doesn't practice she will lose her skills, so pros practice daily.
Tell him to cancel NY times and subscribe to the Philadelphia Inquirer. It's like buying from an indie book store vs big box.
Can we say the obvious? Trump is a deranged freak who is using the sickest theocratic freaks alive to enact revenge on everyone who isn’t a slimy, rich date raping suck up or their wives. In comparison to anyone, he is mentally unfit and only has supporters who want to do mentally unfit things.
The have Comey brain. Where they know Trump would be a huge disaster, so assume that won't happen but want to position themselves as contrarians to Biden for ego reasons.
I wish I could send Attal a gift basket, but fear american made cheese and meats would be seen as an insult
Kay this might be not what you are looking for but the McGill Three are core exercises you can do. One is laying down and on is on all fours. You prob can't do the side lift one with a boot (?). But a good core is great for back and knees. As well as posture and balance.
Yes! My dog is on drugs. Because she is already high strung and it's the fourth. It takes so long to take effect we just dose her early (if we wait, it's too late)
Update-, drugs not working that well
It's awesome. Adds a bit more tactical thinking to a simple word game