Ele Willoughby

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Ele Willoughby


Artist/marine geophysicist (PhD Physics)
Find/contact me at:
minouette on Cara
I post art, science, #sciart and stuff with typos. She/her, Settler in Tkaronto
Found in the Americas? Fabulous illustration! If you have yet to do so, ask @flyingtrilobite.com to add you to the science artist list. Then posts with #sciart or 🐡 will be posted on the SciArt feed.
Reposted byAvatar Ele Willoughby
This makes me so happy- seeing subterranean (troglobiontic) diving beetles in print! Trog diving #beetles of the family Dytiscidae occur in a range of places but they are immensely diverse in limestone (calcrete) aquifers in Western Australia with over 100 species described to date!
More subterranean invertebrates for #InsertAnInvert2024 are coming… even blind predatory subterranean diving water beetles from the calcrete aquifers of the Western Australian desert. #linocut #printmaking #wip #invertebrate #sciart #entomology #beetle 🐡🧪
Thanks very much! It’s such an interesting environment to me as an Earth scientist and the fauna is so wonderfully strange.
More subterranean invertebrates for #InsertAnInvert2024 are coming… even blind predatory subterranean diving water beetles from the calcrete aquifers of the Western Australian desert. #linocut #printmaking #wip #invertebrate #sciart #entomology #beetle 🐡🧪
Easy to feel nostalgic about cicada song!
Not quite what they mean for #InsertAnInvert2024 by a subterranean #invertebrate but nonetheless an animal that spends a considerable amount of its lifecycle below ground. 🐡🧪🌿 This is a small handmade linocut print of a large, well-loved, well-known insect with a long song. Tibicen canicularis, 🧵1/
also known as dogday harvestfly or dog-day cicada, is common in North America and its power-saw like buzzing song is taken as a sign of summer. It lives in deciduous and mixed woods in southern Canada and the northeastern US. minouette.etsy.com/listing/5044... 🧵2/
This is an annual cicada unlike its cousins the periodical Magicicadas whose large broods with prime-number year (17, and 19) long cycles synch up this year south of here. #linocut #printmaking #cicada It’s still early here but I found a dog-day cicada in the park.
I was skeptical of the premise when it first aired but when an astronomy student friend started watching I tried it and was hooked. We totally would declare an end to working on problem sets in the physics student lounge so everyone could go home to watch it.
7 hours in the ER and a small miracle. They found Dad a room. Still no MRI but it was virtually non-stop doctors, nurses, pharmacist and nutritionist. We’re all rather exhausted.
Dad has finally gone for an MRI! He’s been at the hospital since Wednesday afternoon, but this is good and we hope to get some answers.
I spoke to Dad on the phone and asked how he was and he said, “fine, pretty good actually!” And I can’t remember the last time he said he was pretty good. 🥹 It’s probably been months. Even if its fleeting, it’s almost overwhelming to hear. He’s had his MRI and spinal tap and awaiting results.
It was such a pain when TPL was attacked even just as a parent who wants to be able to read to her kid. So frustrating when hackers try to extort from institutions which help communities.
Is this near you? I hope you’re safe.
Does this work? Willing to try anything for better printer behaviour.
Happy birthday to Dolly the sheep! Dolly, the female sheep born 5 July 1996, was a trailblazer. She was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer. ⁠ Dolly was cloned from a mammary cell, and her name is a tribute to Dolly Parton.⁠ 🐡🧪 #histsci
I have a version of my rainbow Dolly the cloned sheep print in my shop minouette.etsy.com/listing/6650... (Bsky can’t seem to load link cards consistently from Etsy)
That we know of so far… It’s a weird place.
It’s progress because I don’t think they will discharge him till they have answers and he’s got multiple people making sure he’s eating and taking his medication.
On subway to hospital to help Dad advocate for himself & make sure he has what he needs. Got my Mom to babysit last minute & she asked for help paying parking tickets & she promptly lost her credit, because of course she did. I found it after several minutes in the empty parking ticket envelope.
Love the security here. I have a sticker which reads VISITOR and that’s sufficient. Still no room but doctors seem thorough and kind.
she was able to deduce a ground-breaking theory, which allowed Hubble's later insight about the age &expansion of the universe. Her period-luminosity relation for Cepheid variable stars radically changed modern astronomy, an accomplishment for which she received little recognition during her 🧵2: ⁠
lifetime. Cepheid variables are a class of pulsating star, named for Delta Cephei in the Cepheus constellation. The relationship between a Cepheid variable's luminosity and pulsation period is quite precise. It had not been obvious to tell whether a star was dim because it was less luminous, 🧵3/
or whether it was merely further away. Swan Leavitt's discovery lets astronomers use Cepheids as "standard candles". They allow astronomers to determine distances to celestial objects and form the foundation of the Extragalactic Distance Scale.⁠ minouette.etsy.com/listing/4518...
Leavitt’s death interrupted her nomination for the Nobel. She did all this with recurring severe chronic illness and progressive deafness and was an extraordinary #DisabledInSTEM astronomer to celebrate this Disability Pride Month.