Mike Masnick

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Mike Masnick


Techdirt guy. Sometimes I write about protocols. Sometimes about social media, copyright, free speech, content moderation, civil liberties and stuff like that. Once wrote a paper that may have helped inspire this service: https://bit.ly/protocolnotplatform
Visited some thousands of years-old petroglyphs, and I'm not saying it was aliens... but...
Lol. Disney is now citing the SCOTUS Netchoice ruling in support of its motion to dismiss Gina Carano's "Disney firing me from the Mandalorian violates the First Amendment" case that Elon is financing. storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.us...
Federal court judge explaining how to find porn online. assets.freespeechcoalition.com/documents/le...
Lol. The reaction of the MAGA faithful to the Murthy ruling yesterday is... incredible.
Supreme Court had decided to ruin my vacation. Decision day added on Monday.
Great due diligence guy. In other news, the Techdirt landscaping business debuts next week.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. I'm about to get a "Top Web3 Voice" badge on LinkedIn and I'm sure that'll change my life for the better.
My AI editorial assistant thinks "screw over" is better than "fuck over" in my latest piece.
Trying to figure out what this says about all the concerns (even in the California legislature today) about newspapers struggling these days, and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. But 8 of the 10 most popular stories on the SJ Merc right now are advice columnists.
Lol. The "Cybertruck will act as a boat" but, if you drive your brand new Cybertruck with 26 miles on it in a tiny bit of water, not even reaching the cabin, your insurance company may total the car as not worth the cost of repairing your $100k dumpster on wheels. electrek.co/2024/06/24/t...
The House Small Business committee is hosting a hearing on the "Censorship-Industrial Complex" which is a made up, nonsense concept that is not real, but is pushed by grifter disinfo peddlers to stop anyone from fact checking them. What a joke.
We're just banning software left and right now in the US, huh?
And people say generative AI is useless.
It's an admitted troll account.
I thought that was a made up quote, but it appears real.
Neil Frisk is one of our MAGA Republican state lawmakers here in Michigan. Last night he solicited a local stripper and brought her home where they had a fight and he fired a gun at her. Friske campaign said he is "always exercising his 2nd Amendment right." www.fox2detroit.com/news/michiga...
Michigan lawmaker arrested for 'felony-level offense' in Lansing Thursday morningwww.fox2detroit.com State lawmaker Neil Friske, who is a Republican that represents Charlevoix and Emmet counties in northern Michigan, was taken into custody by Lansing Police.
Supreme Court has so far added one new decision day next Wednesday... expectation was they might drop decisions every day, but maybe not Monday/Tuesday?
The biggest nonsense part of all this is that, no, she did not check. The bill is so obviously unconstitutional it's not even funny. Also, they didn't check. When I and others brought up the Constitutional problems we were told "you're just spewing big tech talking points." They weren't listening.
Oh wow. So, Elon's lawsuit against @mmfa.bsky.social just took an interesting turn. MMFA is arguing that Tesla should be declared an interested party given the EXTREMELY blurred lines between Musk/X/Tesla. And Judge Reed O'Connor owns a bunch of Tesla stock. storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.us...
This seems pretty obviously unconstitutional.
Wondering if the person being a jerk to me is a troll I should block or just mildly misinformed and a conversation can be had... hmm... let's see if others are blocking them... Oh... ok. I think I have my answer.
And what would Barbra Streisand ever know about trying to suppress information leading to it amplifying information?
If you see this... post a photo you took at sunset (LA, November 2023).
If you see this... Post a photo you took at sunset. (Santorini, Greece, September 2010)
*Sigh* Is it really too much to ask for *Harvard* professors not to run around claiming you can't shout fire in a crowded theater... in an essay about how faculty shouldn't have free speech rights? www.thecrimson.com/article/2024...
(also for a little while I was really tempted to try out one of these DK6s where the keys are connected magnetically and you can just move them around... but there are a lot of limitations that make it not very practical).
Great piece by @noupside.bsky.social (who's new book is excellent) responding to the nonsense cinematic universe created by the Twitter Files Boys, in which she is apparently some sort of CIA censorship mastermind. www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archiv...
I dunno, guys, but that payment plan doesn't seem like a very good deal to me.
Not quite sure if I knew that @brianlfrye.bsky.social "reattributed" something he wrote to me. I vaguely recall talking to him about it, but not sure I remember it actually happening (and he kindly attributed to me a story I'm pretty sure I disagree with which is perfect).
Judge Alsup does not take kindly to any suggestion that Quinn Emanuel traveled back in time 363 days... and the sloppiness that the associated statement suggests.