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When somebody tells you who they are, block them.
Also, Handy Home = HH He's not being subtle.
You think you've seen it all and then BAM! Basement Arcade
It's almost like one party is comfortable having a bumbling figurehead who they are 100% sure supports their "unity" while the other party would like something more than a bumbling geriatric who stands for little more than not being a fascist (but hey a little genocide between friends is ok).
Like the media, everything I know about Trump I learned in the last few hours. Seems like a real dipshit.
Bob Newhart tribute skeet.
Is it bad taste to remind everybody that none of us wanted Biden four years ago either.
The only good reason to dump him is if they're going to try to rebrand the party. Since the establishment figures who want him gone are responsible for the party's complete lack of brand, it's hard to imagine much good coming of this. But my hope springs eternal.
Personally, I think it's okay to call it a genocide when the people perpetuating the genocide say their goal is complete eradication of a people.
Here's how KH's first campaign went. Phase 1 - She checks all the right boxes, she listens to the pollsters and talks like a progressive. Phase 2 - She goes a begging to the big money donors and drops any pretense of being a progressive. Phase 3 - Nobody likes her and her campaign implodes.
The Dem party doesn't control things huh? Okay, let's put AOC on a stage with all the others, do one round of ranked voting, and see who the people like. I'll wait.
A lot of people are all, "Aha! this proves the party doesn't control the system!" Oh yeah? I guess them digging up a fucking Kennedy to primary a perfectly safe progressive senator went down the bootlicker memory hole, huh?
The only Democrats with good ideas laid out our mission statement years ago, the Green New Deal. The same politicians who say we need to support them now to save democracy ridiculed them for it. The best candidate we have is sitting right there, waiting to be called up.
The only Democrats with good ideas already did one. It was called the Green New Deal.
And it doesn't matter what we do or don't do because the media is going to do what it does.
So the thing we need is people speaking truth to power and promoting the obvious solutions to our many problems.
I bet he just resigns so that she becomes the incumbent and our only option. God forbid the party move at all to the left.
It seems like ditching Biden is great opportunity for rebranding . . . but okay.
Why don't they just offer him a cabinet position?
despite everything your lying eyes have told you...
I don't care about about fact-checking all of their individual lies, but I wish the major news outlets would just once admit that there is no reason to believe anything they say and many reasons to believe they are always lying to us.
I mean at this point it's hard to imagine that there's any corporation who wants it that doesn't already have my email, but I'm still not voluntarily giving it away.
Are people talking about this in terms of the rich and powerful trying to roll back the progress of unions and the middle class? Defunding education and getting rid of all the immigrants seems a lot like they're trying to make a very large class of poor Americans who have to take shitty jobs.
Used to think about getting one of these but then I decided to just never leave the house again.
Babies are not allowed at Trump rallies since the Orlando Incident (where he tried to eat a baby).
What if instead of my therapist it's EVERYONE
what a bunch of assholes
Fasten your seatbelts. If Godzilla comes to New York, it will be disruptive.