
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
They are revolting against- as far as I can tell- the country’s own functioning. Enjoy the depression, I guess?
This is what I don’t get. They are not going to escape the ramifications.
Keep in mind, a fair number of these people sincerely believe that Jesus is coming back any day now. Long-term planning isn't something they necessarily think about.
They are trying to brute-force the prophecy of Jesus's return to happen, it's why more Zionists are Evangelical Christians than Jewish people, they want the 3rd temple built over Al-Aqsa, triggering a holy war with the entire Muslim world, leading to Israel's destruction and a return of Jesus.
To that I say… good luck. Jesus ain’t comin
Uh, Jesus doesn't have to even exist for this to be WWIII.
I know, but wacko conservative Christians don't seem to They are going to trigger apocalypse and actually be surprised when they aren't magically beamed to heaven
They don’t care about Jesus, it’s the money ffs
More death and destruction over imaginary beings! We're doomed.
Yall are making up some evil villains when really they’re good ole selfish racist Americans.
Them too. It’s a mighty big tent.
It’s us. We’re the bad guys and until we start to realize that and course correct, it ain’t gonna change.
Yeah, good ole American racists.
I don’t know why I hadn’t viewed it this way before (probably because I’m not a Christian) but this makes total sense. It’s like burning down the house because you like firemen.
Unfortunately many Americans think that way .
No they don’t, they’re racist assholes who’ve got nothing and wanna see the people they dislike hurt. Government offers them nothing but pain to the people they hate and they revel in it instead of asking/demanding more. Nothing religious about any of it.
That's the thing though, a lot of these people *do* have something--many of them are quite rich, in fact. They stand to lose a lot if they go through with their plans.
Like, I'm not talking about Joe Schmo Hayseed in rural Indiana (in which case, yeah, it's mostly or all down to racism), I'm talking about the donor class that sustains projects like the Heritage Foundation (including the balding dude in the article above)
Many of them likely have kids. How can they possibly imagine this is a better future, if they are thinking it through? Kids don’t need this kind of craptastic. If they have daughters, for example the drop off of OB/GYNs is already going to be an issue post Dobbs.
The other show will drop for most of them eventually. One just hopes it does so without WW3
they don't believe there will be negative ramifications. the rapture ready crowd aside, these are folks who believe the us peaked during the gilded age and want that back. and of course they all believe they'll be the robber barons this time.
They should check closely what followed the gilded age.
there won't be real ramifications for rich people. they might get slightly poorer, but not in a way that matters.
and a lot of them will get a LOT richer from this
True. But climate change at least is going to come for them. Mansions fall into oceans. Bunkers aren’t that much fun.