Stacy Lu

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Stacy Lu

Science writer devoted to addiction research by day, creative pursuits by night. Horror fiction/flicks fan. Epic daydreamer. Easily amused.
The hubs and I watched The Blues Brothers last night and let me tell you, it was a sweet balm for all the unbearables.
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incidentally I am an emergency physician and I use a walker
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
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Artist Hitomi Terasawa drew a meticulous cross-sectioned rendering of Hong Kong's infamous Kowloon Walled City before it was razed in 1994. Now we have rare scans revealing the inner workings of the labyrinth-like metropolis.
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I would do anything to work for ProPublica, because it is truly the best journalism outlet we have in this country. Their reporting is unparalleled and so, so important.
The Supreme Court's right-wing supermajority didn't happen overnight. This is the inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that reshaped the American judiciary and legal system.
We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court The inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that remade the American legal system — and what he plans to do next.
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Nobody’s mentioned this, so I guess I will: Thomas wrote a separate concurrence just to note Jack Smith was illegally appointed, a question nobody asked.
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For historians, the retrospective legitimation of essentially every criminal act Nixon committed while in office is quite mind-boggling. Ford’s pardon was utterly unnecessary.
RICHARD NIXON: Listen, you all laughed when I said that if the president does it, that means that it is not illegal, BUT WHO’S LAUGHING NOW
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we're all overlooking the important question though, which is are the justices all still friends having fun, despite their disagreements
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From Franz Kafka's diaries.
Subtle dig from my library? 👀
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There are MUCH more important implications for the overturning of the Chevron doctrine. But in my aviation world it's gonna be nuts. You have any idea how many hair brained homebuilt aircraft/spacecraft the FAA is keeping grounded? Cuz you're about to find out.
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The demise of Chevron is being widely interpreted as an expansion of judicial power. It is that, but it also and more profoundly an expansion of power of moneyed interests.
The Money What the fall of Chevron deference means for state capacity
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Getting the strong impression that all of California is just one big covid soup at the moment 😬😷
Just FYI we’re entering a summer Covid wave right now (especially western regions in the US); you can see it in the CDC wastewater plot here (and anecdotally a bunch of my friends are suddenly testing positive).
Wastewater COVID-19 National and Regional CDC’s National Wastewater Surveillance System, U.S. National trends
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Just FYI we’re entering a summer Covid wave right now (especially western regions in the US); you can see it in the CDC wastewater plot here (and anecdotally a bunch of my friends are suddenly testing positive).
Wastewater COVID-19 National and Regional CDC’s National Wastewater Surveillance System, U.S. National trends
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We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
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“Soon, ChatGPT will have doctorate-level intelligence.”
No notes, GPT. 10/10.
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Once you’ve seen it – which for me was about 20 minutes ago – the decision to illustrate every story about extreme heat with pictures of people frolicking in the water is weird. Like it’s also counterproductive. But I’m just trying to figure out where the impulse, the direction, comes from.
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"Since Texas’ ban on abortion went into effect, infant deaths in the state increased by nearly 13%, according to a new analysis published on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics. In the rest of the country, infant mortality increased less than 2% over the same period."
Infant deaths increased after Texas banned abortion in early Since Texas’ ban on abortion went into effect, infant deaths in the state increased by nearly 13%, according to a new analysis published on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics.
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I'm no fan of monarchy and it would be awesome if the UK one spontaneously disintegrated, but I'm pretty sure most people under 30 or so have no idea what she was called "The People's Princess" and so beloved. She SHOOK HANDS with a HIV+ man in a time when some hospital staff refused to treat them.
The mental fuses the British press blew trying to figure out how they felt about Diana visiting people with AIDS in hospitals...
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The Institute for Women’s Policy Research finds that in just two years, abortion bans have already driven 1% of prime age women out of the paid work force.
2024 Analysis: Costs of Reproductive Health Restrictions -
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Surprised to read, in his obituary, that Donald Sutherland was never even *nominated* for an Academy Award. If that's not an indictment of the Oscars, I don't know what is
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This is my fourth or fifth foray into social media. I keep trying on different personas, because my psyche has a lot to unpack. One’s gotta stick at some point.
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Get in, loser. We’re going to get even shinier suits.
End of feed.