
conservatives got their microchip swapped out once inflation fell below 3%
A handy distillation of how the election has evolved.
The "I support the current thing" meme is mostly projection
You know they’d hate having the NPC meme turned around on them.
This graph seems to suggest an Independent guy who is racist but also doesn’t want to vote for more January 6 shit
So much of this seems like it's basically just "what have you heard about in the news a lot recently"
The immigration line for independents is probably mostly just reflective of the fact that the GOP was able to inject saturation level "crisis at the border" talking points into the mainstream for a minute there
Although mainstream outlets also seem like they lost interest in immigration stories once the GOP killed their own bill so I wonder if that doesn't go back down relatively quickly for low information independent types
Someone respecced to Racism Mage when their Billionaire Paladin build wasn’t getting it done.
Can Republicans sue Fox for their whiplash?
Peaking at caring about democracy at 20% before rapidly falling down to 5% does seem to sum up the Republican party in its entirety
The scary thing is the independents, the fearmongering about immigration worked and they dragged them down on caring about democracy Oh and conservatives have gotten even more authoritarian
Is it hard for anyone to distinguish the colors in this graph, or am I doomed to the colorblind grey hell world, where color does not exist?
I'm red/green colourblind, and it does seem like so many graphs are designed using the colour bands from resistors that kept me getting told as a kid that I couldn't become an electrician
So long as you have a muiltimeter and full understanding of how every connected component is expected to interact with a resistor's leads on a PCB, and/or a few documented test pads, you don't need the color bands. I certainly don't have this skill (yet), but it's possible in theory.
Fair, though the point was the colours on graphs often being difficult to distinguish from each other
my initial response: "they should make synaesthesia graphs so that patterns in the data are more distinguishable. oh yeah, that's called increase the saturation and eat a bunch of mushrooms. I think I'm going to learn R. Knowing how to use it properly is far more psychedelic than shrooms."
That's when system 2 kicked in. RIP Kahneman.
With the angle of that line looks like they're all happy to be smoking the good shit again
Honestly, this makes indies look more like mindless lemmings than GOPers to me. Changing up tactics to improve your chance of winning at least has a reasoning behind it. "Indies" are brainless chumps who think Fox News playing 24/7 in the background is actually their internal monologue.
God, there are gonna be so many Africans headed to the IS border this summer…