
its incredibly sad and funny that the part of the left that angrily denounces anyone they don't feel is sufficiently pure will happily tolerate bruenig because a couple prominent podcasters are personal friends with her.
This one makes me think so many things but I can’t really top wrapping it up with “ideally the lord”
"so if you think AOC is your friend, look at who she's hanging around with. She's a sellout, a wolf in sheeps clothing leading the sheep to the slaughter. Anyway, let's welcome our next guest, Liz Bruenig, to tell us how the divine right of kings is the what guarantees true freedom to the serfs."
increasingly convinced religious conversion should be illegal
they all just become prots again anyway when franny says something they don’t like. like, congrats you spend a year becoming a methodist who likes incense
They'd be better suited, internally, to reinventing protestantism and becoming anti-episcopalians
They're anti-Episcopalians already
they think Protestantism doesn't count unless you were Catholic first, like you have to make it from scratch
store bought Protestantism is fine
From the perspective of people raised Orthodox, Catholics were the first protestants.
Russian Orthodox. They want the pageantry and ornate churches with their extreme reactionary theology.
OrthoBros make the weirdo sedavacantists look normie. Most of them are GenZ and younger Millennials, and I chalk it up to the fact that it's hard to shock mom and dad when they met at a Nine Inch Nails concert.
I have to say, sometimes I miss being on Twitter and getting instantly blocked by sedavacantist freaks by suggesting there’s a lot of homoerotic BDSM stuff going on in the Stations of the Cross. With Orthodox freaks, posting video of Russian tanks blowing up in Ukraine was sufficient.
The ex fundies convert in search of a hierarch to settle their endless Bible quoting arguments, but they want those arguments settled in their favor.
The paradox of evangelicalism is they have authoritarian personalities, but the church governance structures are in theory democratic. And anyone can interpret the Bible.
Eastern Orthodox in general. As with Anglicanism, priests get to marry, and you get the high church smells and bells. Russian Orthodox has been a more recent trend among pro-Putin fascist westerners.
i thought they moved on to orthodoxy and by they i mean that freak in hungary
alternately can go the dave sim route and come up with your own syncretic religion that takes all the life-affirming parts of judaism, christianity, and islam, throws those out, and believes in what's left
I liked Elrod. “Listen—ah say—listen when ah talk to you, boy!”
there was much to enjoy in the first 100 or so issues. I met Sim and Gerhard a couple of times, and was a guest signee on their UK tour - and with them again at Independent’s Day in Nottingham… got ROARING drunk at their expense. Sad how he made himself so unpopular later on
Dave Sim has a hammer lock on the title of most divorced man alive. That muskrat doesn't even come close.
Catholic converts think the Catholic Church is an HOA that they can burrow into and do whatever they want, have not heard of the office of The Pope and the power of that office (total)
I know a person raised in the Methodist church that burns incense.
It's amazing how fast you can recapitulate the whole reformation once you decide that you can be saved by faith alone, because works help the poor and that's icky.
*A Baptist who likes incense. The Methodists are wayyyy too liberal for the kind of Catholic convert who thinks Francis isn't Catholic enough.
When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.
Catholic converts are just people with breeding kinks that are looking for a justification.
My grandmother vs Ross Douthat. Yup.
dlDude converted to Pentecostalism and THEN to Catholicism? is that for real??
As an adult convert to Eastern Orthodoxy, man I hear you. We have a tremendous range from “well my wife is Greek so” all the way to “if you wear the Great Scapular of the Cross of Golgotha you are assured of salvation, also smite the Jews” I’m, um, somewhere in the middle I guess
This is pretty much true of almost all adult converts into a religion. I've seen it with Jews, Hare Krsna, and a bazillion Protestant converts. When you convert, you tend to do it because you see that group as the one true light type thing so you are REALLY into it and are a "true believer"
tragic: one of the worst accounts you know just made an OK point