Shawn Mummert

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Shawn Mummert

Technology in Greater Cincinnati. Doing ecommerce, , WordPress, and project management for a living. Watching too much soccer. AKA Cincinnati Zelig. And of course, refugee from the T-site.
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You reach a point where a friend dies and you say: sixty-one! that so young. When you are in your twenties and struggling that point is hard to visualize - you feel like forty more years will be too much. May all who struggle today live in the hope of knowing that sixty-one is so young, so young.
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Today's newsletter: Career managers and like Adam Mosseri and Sam Altman have become rich and famous by bulldozing actual builders - and how Altman in particular is a toxic, absentee founder that people have been trying to fire for over a decade.
Managing Over the last two newsletters (three, if you include my reply to Google’s “rebuttal” of the Prabhakar Raghavan newsletter), I’ve made the case that while rot economics are responsible for making techn...
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"we have spent the last six month in the grip of Hamas and Netanyahu. And if you look back at the period from 1993 to 1996, there are two players who destroyed Oslo, as a matter of strategy and design. Netanyahu and Hamas... They have always been, in effect, allies."
A Few Thoughts on the Situation in Israel-Palestine and on the I wanted to share a few thoughts on the ongoing crisis and...
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The number of people who insist that something that has been widely covered in the media has gotten zero media coverage makes more sense when you remember a lot of people don’t actually pay for and thus read the news
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NEWS: My friends and I now own and run The Onion. I’ll be the CEO. We’re keeping the entire staff, bringing back The Onion News Network, and will share the wealth with staff. Basically, we’re going to let them do whatever they want. Get excited.
The Onion Is Sold by G/O The satirical news website was bought by a new firm in Chicago that took inspiration for its name, Global Tetrahedron, from a book written by The Onion’s staff.
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Sam Bankman-Fried has just been sentenced to 25 years in prison.
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Bluesky added a million followers yesterday. So take the number of followers you added yesterday and subtract it from a million and that’s how many people rejected you
RE: the Hugos. I spent a bunch of time looking at really long blog posts. Basically, they held WorldCon in China, and the Chinese government censored the Hugos. I think that's right--right?
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one of the reasons the political press hates Biden is because he doesn't pander to them and mostly ignores them; they liked Trump because he talked about them all the time, even if it was to attack them. they want to feel *important*
lol the NYT really published this whining ass lede to an article about trains
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i like to think of the NYT a cooking and games company with highly paid republican message launderers, which occasionally does excellent reporting.
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Why not read the piece that made me cry yesterday? As I said on the other platform, it should be illegal to file stuff this good from an AOL address, but that's Anne Lamott (and aging) for ya
Opinion | It’s good to remember: We are all on borrowed Getting older is almost like changing species, from cute middle-aged, white-tailed deer, to yak.
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Several more victims publicly identified last night and this morning, among the 8 already medically identified*. In addition, all 18 victims have now been identified by the medical examiner, although not all the names have yet been released.
Got an email from Google that they're introducing fees for search certification exams, which had previously been free to all. I'm sorry that they need the cash. Maybe I can get some people together and we can hold them a bake sale.
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Seasonal Afflecktive Disorder
A good deep dive on what's been going on at Texas A&M and the recent issues around their Journalism school hire.
I promise not to post much in the way of sports on here, but I thought this bit of fan made art was pretty cool. It's from FC Cincinnati's home match last night. The tifo (a fan created banner) is of Ezzard Charles, the legendary boxer from Cincinnati's West End.
Maybe I'm going through the same withdrawal from Twitter as many--starting with a intention for a clean break, trying out many new services, deciding on one (or two), decreasing usage as people leave Twitter. It strikes me that if not for local news (esp. sports), I would never be on Twitter at all.
End of feed.