"Fuck every cause that ends in murder and children crying."

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"Fuck every cause that ends in murder and children crying."


Queer. Social justice Jedi. They/them.
I'll die on the hill that the seed that gets *anon in the door of people's brains is there really is a massive, powerful conspiracy dedicated to grooming and providing children to be sexually abused by wealthy, high status adults, that all this came out into public view, and that mostly nobody cared
The massive international organization is still active, still incredibly wealthy and influential, almost nobody went to jail, and literally hundreds of millions of people still voluntarily donate money to it to keep it wealthy and influential.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
I suspect (though I too am uncertain) that they're stuck in a context where 'conservative' is more of a set of context-heavy political stances and less of 'where does one fall in the balancing act between the value of predictable stability vs the imperative to make tomorrow better than today'.
Yeah, there's nothing conservative about the Claremont Institute. When I say 'conservative', I mean someone more like the good version of G.K. Chesterton.
("the good version" is my way of cutting the necrotizing tissue of British colonialism off the useful parts of Chesterton's thinking and sweeping it under the rug, hoping nobody notices the smell)
Sounds like he had his head on pretty straight. On the path that led from Nixon to 2024 (arbitrary endpoints as they may be), Reagan was relatively early for someone of a conservative mindset to tap out. To your father's credit though, as Reagan was in hindsight clearly an important milestone.
That's a question that runs aground on semantics and vocabulary. I believe Akiva is referencing 'conservative legal scholars' as a historical tradition going back to at 1973 and beyond. From that perspective, 'conservative' is a perfectly cromulent part of social and political thought.
The Republican Party calls itself 'conservative' and that's the colloquial meaning in modern US politics. But the word has other meanings, ones that go back further and still carry important ideas with them.
The GOP is not conservative in the real ("real"; language changes, but bear with me) sense of the word; they are reactionaries. I've been arguing for a long time now that any proper conservative detests what the GOP stands for and has been (or should have been) a staunch Democrat for a while now.
I don't disagree at that stage; I don't think that group ever had significant influence on the mass politics of the issue. Certainly not compared to the real drivers on popular opinion and election results on both sides of the issue.
I won't argue otherwise. But I would argue that the quality of Roe's reasoning has almost nothing to do with the subsequent politics. Even if it were a masterwork of both reasoning and rhetoric, I don't think it would have changed a thing about how things fell out.
Which, in all fairness, isn't an argument you made. But it's one that pops up and I try to push it back down when it does. "You can't reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place."
I've said it many, many times: white supremacy is an ideology for mediocre white people.
I mean, we all know this is a lie (and a particularly transparent one), but like, if you spend weeks attacking your opponent for being unable to communicate without a teleprompter, you might want to practice your "what if the teleprompter goes out" skills before a big public appearance.
You can’t make this up
If you read "without the expectation of A, a guarantee of B is nonsensical" everywhere "penumbra" was used, would it work better for you? Dismissing the right to privacy as a 'penumbra' of the 4th is risible; what even is the 4th without it?
There's nothing maximalist about Roe and it bothers me to see the reactionary canard otherwise get traction in 2024. Roe's trimester framework was the compromise then and it remains, depressingly, the compromise now. The only maximallist thing going on here is the reactionary demand for a total ban.
And K.B.'s Patreon userpic reminded me to sub to Jeff Jacques' as well. Today is a day for giving money to artists!
You have completely misinterpreted not merely my intent, but what I actually said. And done so in the most tedious possible way.
This is getting a little ridiculous. True loser shit. It’s basically tied. What do these people think their jobs are?
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's candidacywww.axios.com Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
Soft kills are kills. A T80 with a broken tread isn't going to be part of a counter-assault today while being a sitting duck for an artillery mission. A T80 with shattered optics is a really impressive but undergunned IFV.
The effectiveness of the Bradley's autocannon at /supressing/ heavy armor like the T80 is one of those 'surprising but in hindsight obvious' things about this was. Being hit by a 30mm HE round every few seconds is going to keep the crew from accomplishing anything, even if there isn't 'real' damage.
The one that always gets me is how the US launched more new Essex-class CVs in the last month of WW2 than Japan had in the entire IJN at the outset of the war. And the Essexes were big fleet carriers, not jeeps. We had /dozens/ of jeep carriers. It was silly.
Turns out that the purpose of tanks is /still/ catching bullets for infantry and carrying enough of a gun to make machine gun emplacements shut up for a while. Bonus points for some extra ATGM / SAM capacity. Bigger isn't always better. Sometimes 'enough' is better.
Their site isn't any better. You'd think that what is essentially a not-very-elaborate CRUD site would be a better understood set of patterns by 2024. Ok, well, /you/ might not think that and /I/ might not think that, but we're old and bitter enough to have learned otherwise.