
IF YOU ARE GOING TO A PRIDE EVENT TOMORROW IT'S PROBABLY GONNA BE REALLY HOT!! LIKE PHYSICALLY, FROM THE SUN!! bring water, wear sunscreen, reapply sunscreen as needed. many medications including some antidepressants, spiro and opiates make you more likely to overheat.
do NOT rely on alcohol to hydrate you! do NOT forget to put sunscreen on exposed skin that you usually don't need to sunscreen because you wore a sexy outfit to Pride! sunscreen that tummy! get a friend to put it on your back!
consider looking up sun exposure to your meds, lotions and potions, including retinol!
great advice. adding, if you're using a retinoid (differin is common for acne), skip any daytime use! even with sunscreen you may burn!!
if your hair has a part don't forget to sunscreen it!
stay safe and be hot out there but in the idiomatic sense and NOT the medical sense
put sunscreen on your ARMPITS
wear SPF LIP BALM and bring it with you to reapply
May I also recommend lip balm with sunscreen to add to your publicity list? A mistake I only made once but would prefer to have not made at all.
That mesh shirt means sunscreen your whole body!
Oh no. This one sounds like a ‘children, learn from my mistakes’ piece of advice…
If you are wearing sandals, don’t forget the tops of your feet. This also applies if you are wearing shoes whilst getting ready, but take them off to go barefoot later on.
Big ass floppy hats!!!
(To my fellow large head folks: Sungrubbies dot com has a large variety of nice hats for us, and they ship quickly—though not quickly enough for this weekend)
Oh, i burned the top of my head once 0/10 would not recommend. Wear a sunhat, find some shade, do not take your dog to pride if the pavements are too hot for bare feet. Stay safe, be LGBTQ+, do crimes!
Haha I once realized my part had burned because it SCABBED
1st time i shaved my head i went to a weeklong music festival shortly after. i did not pack sunscreen. i'm a side sleeper but could only sleep on my back all week due to how sunburned my ears were. eventually i purchased a scarf and wore it over my entire head like a ghost would wear a sheet.
I burnt my entire scalp through my hair once. Hats! They’re great! Especially outside in the summer!!
Ouch! I was peeling and the peeled skin had actual holes in it where my hair had been. So gross and also painful :(
REMEMBER THE TOPS OF YOUR FEET AND TOES. I always burn the tops of my feet the first time I'm out in the sun the beginning of summer. Also tops of ears!
Two friends went to a nude beach years ago. Everything exposed needs protection. Especially where the sun’s rays normally don’t shine. They learned that lesson the hard way…
great advice. adding, if you're using a retinoid (differin is common for acne), skip any daytime use! even with sunscreen you may burn!!
and keep in mind retinoids make your skin more sensitive to sun regardless of whether you use it in the daytime or at night, but you should be using it at night.
iirc differin is actually ok in the daytime (but avoid the sun and use sunscreen, it does make your skin more sensitive), but differin is the exception.
Adding the below and also that with most immune suppressants you need to be extra careful of sun burn and other side effects of sun
A friendly heads up to anyone that may not be aware of this (ignore the spelling errors, I didn't make this):
Parasols are your friend! If it’s a large one you can even make a friend and share the shade!
I get so many compliments on my parasol at pride too, it's helpful and a lovely accessory!
Or a hat with a brim big enough to cover the back of your neck.
But be aware of your neighbors!
Bring something salty if you expect to be sweating profusely! Sports drinks count - Gatorade has a lot of sodium for exactly that reason.
Seriously, hyponatremia can cause heart attacks.
Came here to say this. Salty snacks are your friend.
I used to regularly do Renaissance Faire's in Southern California. All of this is true. (The RenFaire experience is bodice burn, because a bodice pushes boobs into the air in a way that bras these days don't. Like everything just to the nipple, not joking)
If you're wearing leather or latex you will sweat way more than you might expect. If you don't need to pee you're probably not drinking enough water/lemonade/gatorade
People, listen to Nora. I used to work Renaissance fairs and the like; I once helped a pregnant lady into the ambulance who showed signs of KIDNEY FAILURE.
First year I did that, our medic was ex-military. Screw training - I got heat exhaustion safety *indoctrination*. Necessary; heat exhaustion makes it hard to think.
Set a water alarm on your phone and listen to it! 20-30min. Take a small sip even if you don't feel thirsty. If you are feeling thirsty enough to think about it you are already dehydrated!
Add electrolytes to your water. About half a pack of those powdered ones every-other 18oz is good unless you sweat a lot. If it's very humid you can sweat through your salt reserves in under an hour! You can be drinking water and still faint from electrolyte depletion.
I love that you have to mention that it's hot from the sun.