
they don’t have a definitive position, they just think Biden’s options are (1) step aside or (2) get out in front of this ASAP, and he’s doing neither. they also have some good vision into the party dynamics at play.
What would count as "getting in front of this"?
They mention doing big interviews, big public rallies, town halls, etc
He's doing Stephanopoulos tomorrow and did a big public rally the day after. Far be it from me to be question the Pod Save bros but not sure why this stuff doesn't count
Seems like it answer is "it only counts if it stops the media circus", but if that's the standard then I have some bad news not just for Biden, but for anyone who replaces him
One of their hotter takes is that this is not just a media frenzy, but reflects the media catching up to real voter concerns about Biden’s ability. They say 70% of voters say they are concerned about his age
Being concerned about his age doesn't say anything about how you're going to vote. No candidate is perfect, every single one of them will have something for people to be concerned about
They've been saying that for years, i think their sources are mostly MAGA
I think their point was that Biden needed to move much faster than this to avoid this question festering. But didn’t for a reason that is not clear.
To be fair the podcast was recorded on Tuesday—dunno if those events had been announced at that time.
A 15 minute interview is bullshit, come on.
He should run an ultra marathon. Or maybe we should just clearly define our goalposts here. Because I have no idea what counts as sufficient proof for anyone, and as far as I can tell they don't either.
I think​ the answer is "do something to get the NYT to stop writing damaging stories", in which case I have bad news.
I am really getting the sense that Biden's and D's best option now is to say that Harris will be a Cheney-style VP in his 2nd term.
What? No. If they’re going to do that, just call it and put her on the top of the ticket.
Is that what Bush-Cheney did? I don't think even advertising it as a partnership like Clinton-Gore is what a campaign should do as it asks for a second term. Trump is a loser. Losers get lost = America wins!
makes me think Biden as the most offline president is great for governance and (traditional) campaigning, not good for an online battle. Everyone in the party glued to their phones wondering where he is while he’s out there doing tv and radio
I've seen him do speeches. Has he been on any shows actually talking to anyone since the debate?
He’s doing a major tv interview tomorrow on abc, and he’s done some radio interviews I haven’t seen. Which maybe reach millions of average people who aren’t online, but also leaves empty space online to fill with speculation
Matt Ferrel posted in another reply in this thread that Biden did a radio interview. Except by the host's own admission the station is small. Nielsen estimates (as far as I can tell I'm not sure the numbers) that it has 400k listeners. But this interview was taped and aired at 6AM.
And I could find their other shows but Biden's isn't up yet as far as I could tell. So I imagine not many have heard it. I guess I have to hope that Stephanopoulos interview looks good.
Thanks, I really wish I could hear the interview itself. And the outlet seems like it was so small. I don't understand why he's operating business as usual with the public if he can do interviews at all.
He did a radio show and it apparently went well
is this the ep from 1 day ago or 5 days ago?
They also picked a very good time to use their intra-party credibility and push back on the party line
I want a democratic vision to contrast with Project 2025. Biden runs on diminishing the power of the presidency, expanding the court, elevating younger party members. He’s the kindly elder statesman passing the baton to the next generation.
Imo if it's anything it's got to be B/H->H/B. They're good on camera and are capable of being funny and self deprecating. A lot of old racists will read this as Biden secretly running it. It's a brand new playbook, but the pieces fit together
I've only seen sound bites/clips but they're likely part of that former Obama group who never thought that highly of Biden so I do take their analysis with a grain of salt.
And do they cover the possibility that (2) is beyond him? 😬
Biden generally seems to be unwilling or unable to make decisions that really deviate from business as usual.
If (2) were possible it would be happening, so they're determined to roll the dice a little longer, make it harder for someone else to campaign when he inevitably falls apart.