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Justice for Hannah

Reposted byAvatar Leporello
Speaking as a semanticist, it's wild to me that they are phrasing it in terms of whether an *act* is characterized as "official", when what they seem to actually be talking about is whether there exists a *description* of the act that can be characterized as "official".
Reposted byAvatar Leporello
I think I would reframe this and say that ameliorating capitalist inequality would go a long way towards addressing the material impacts of race hierarchy but that also, there is no path toward a more equitable world that doesn’t involve tackling racism head on (see: king jr., martin luther)
Reposted byAvatar Leporello
fake ice-cream enjoyer: i love iced cream. pass me a tub of that bean and jeremy's. i'm gonna dig in with ...... myfork
I haven’t been following the case and don’t really know who “Young Thug” is, but after the events of Monday I have an insatiable desire for reporting about Judge Ural Glanville. The news media doesn’t seem to have caught on
Supreme Court of Georgia grants Brian Steel immediate bond and will hear the contempt appeal and underlying emergency motion.
Reposted byAvatar Leporello
*Super Bow Ad* Kramer from Seinfeld: ahh! Jerry, this football game, it’s OUT OF CONTROL Bart Simpson: don’t have a cow man Kate Upton: I’ll have a cow John Cena dressed like a genie: you said it Voiceover: Raytheon defense systems, defending our shores now more than ever
Never enough leftovers after Thanksgiving. I want to keep eating Thanksgiving food for the next 5 days minimum
Reposted byAvatar Leporello
Every time I forget to like a tweet I’m replying to I take myself to my local church and go into the confessional and tell the priest. He says “what”
Reposted byAvatar Leporello
I've seen enough: GOP candidate Tarp Bumpass, a sunburned chiropractor who rose to national notoriety after firing a rocket launcher into a blimp with the word "gender" written on it, injuring 312 bystanders, has been defeated in his race for a Pennsylvania Supreme Court seat.
This statue was installed closer to the release of Tron than to the end of the Civil War
yeah and
You should be able to revoke an invite code at any time, deleting the account you invited
Reposted byAvatar Leporello
Orwell and his buddies would’ve killed that guy with grenades, I can tell you that much.
Reposted byAvatar Leporello
god bless this place
Reposted byAvatar Leporello
You're a fool if you think that sports teams are enemies with each other. They make money off you while you buy into their "rivalries." They are laughing at you
Reposted byAvatar Leporello
“I have many enemies, but none greater than the dead souls who say "come on man why do you care if cartoons are sexy" is a perfect Dril tweet
I love Chris Rock. Feeling grateful he’s not problematic in any way 🙏
Just realized that when the Butlerian Jihad happens, we’re going to call it “the Butlerian Jihad.”
End of feed.