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An examination of more than 1,200 federal judges and state supreme court justices turned up dozens of judges who chose not to recuse when facing potential appearances of impropriety involving familial financial connections.
Even When Big Cases Intersect With Their Families’ Interests, Many Judges Choose Not to Ambiguous — and unenforced — recusal standards mean few checks and balances for top judges when cases involve their family members.
The brain trust who pushed for JD Vance were previously all-in on Ron DeSantis, yes. And not just supporting, but insisting he’d win, because they think a majority of people are as obsessed with “wokeness” as they are. Their political instincts are terrible. Positive sign if you want Trump to lose.
It’s been memory holed that all these horrid goblins were all-in on DeSantis, the most unpleasant freak imaginable
You said all the previous speakers were repellent and devoid of charisma and physically nauseating...oh you thought! Bring out the gimp!
Call your reps today to tell them you support this and expect them to vocally support these efforts as well as AOC’s articles of impeachment for the compromised justices. It only takes 5 minutes, and you often don’t even have to speak to a real human! (Negative/doomer replies will be blocked)
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Among other too-fast responses after the shooting, we noticed that Real Clear Politics did some quick stealth-editing: (RCP did not respond to a request for an explanation.)
"How do you get around the fact the Constitution says the Supreme Court can strike down any laws they think are unconstitutional, including court reform itself?" Easy! the constitution doesn't say they can do that! Next question!
It’s rude how hot Manny Jacinto is in #TheAcolyte
I don't know if it counts as optimism but I don't really think there's anything that Donald Trump could do or have happen to him that would make people who don't already like him want to vote for him. There is no more known quantity on earth, he can't change, and he is for sure not getting better.
Also this cycle is just really weird. If folks didn't like McCain, they stayed at home or voted Obama, and vice-versa. This cycle there's a *lot* of folks deeply upset by Biden (sometimes for good reasons, sometimes for bad reasons) and they will crawl over glass all day to put an X next to his name
anyway, all these splitters and backbiters are going to come home for the convention and we should all vote for them long enough to beat the fascists in the fall and then spend the next two years keeping their office voice mails at capacity
“Apolitical”= “the world has always arranged itself for my comfort and convenience.”
“I have no concept of politics as having a moral, ethical, or practical impact on the world, and my nearest journalistic parallel is the sports page” /should/ be disqualifying for this particular role, but that’s the NYT for you.
Perhaps realizing Vance has dissembled about being from Appalachia, Bender claims that his book is about “white, working-class people in Middle America.” I just searched the book on Amazon and the word “Appalachia” appears 14 times; “Appalachian” appears 22 times; “Middle America” is not used once/5
When is a tip a bribe? When the recipient is a Democrat. (It's good that this crook was convicted.)
“In the name of unity, stop taking issue with Jan. 6” is “when you say it’s wrong that I hit you, you’re tearing this family apart” on a national scale.
Republican president was shot by a Republican because of an environment of normalized violence that Republicans insist we all live in, and somehow this means that both sides need to tone it all the way down, which in practice means that Democrats and only Democratic need to stop talking entirely.
JD Vance said Trump would be America's Hitler back in 2016. He's obviously changed his mind. I wonder what did it? Was it the storming of the US Capitol to try to stay in power? Was it the detention camps at which children were separated from their parents? Was it his criticism of "globalists?"
the children have declared that they are kings and we are their butlers this morning which is as good a summation of parenthood as I can find
Trump rally shooter registered Republican, neighbors say his house had displayed Trump signs, classmates say he said very conservative stuff. Doesn't tell us motive—could be more like a school shooter than a political statement—but helps explain why the question faded so quickly from discourse.
I have workshops with two Palestine solidarity student groups this week. What a time to be talking with activists the Biden admin has chosen to lump in with the Trump rally shooter re: "political violence." Glad I can offer them some support.
Yeah, I suspect the story about his motive will be pushed deep onto page A23 because it'll likely be along the lines of some PizzaGate conspiracy and it'll look terrible for Trump/GOP and something you definitely don't want near your name on a headline.
Someone here pointed out that the shooter’s donation to ActBlue happened before he registered as a Republican, and he was wearing a t-shirt from one of those gun nut YouTubers. It seems the story of a quick radicalization but news orgs aren’t following that angle at all.