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Reposted byAvatar CE
And the billionaire owners want Trump to give them more tax cuts, not Biden and his “tax the billionaires” shit. It’s all intentional. I no longer believe any of these people are naïve about what they’re doing.
Reposted byAvatar CE
Reposted byAvatar CE
Not to be corny but I do think the ongoing aspiration to make America a pluralist democracy of equals is righteous, beautiful, and worth honoring, even if it has more often been the struggle of minorities & dissenters than the policy of the government. 🇺🇸
The only cold comfort I have with today's ruling is that Trump in his narcissim will inevitably devour Roberts and the rest of the Supreme Court should he return to power.
Dems try to ensure women who want children can have them, even in the case of medical difficulties. "The Party of Life" blocks.
Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked legislation that would codify the right to access fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization, in the latest election-year bid by Democrats to spotlight GOP opposition to protecting reproductive freedoms.
Senate G.O.P. Blocks I.V.F. Access Bill as Democrats Press for Political Edgewww.nytimes.com The failed test vote was the latest move by Democrats to highlight reproductive issues in the run-up to the elections in November.
Me six inches from pissing off ATLA fans again by reminding them that Aang isn't a pacifist because he uses force to resolve disputes. He prefers non-violent dispute resolution and diplomacy, he likes peace, but that's not the same thing as resolutely letting yourself get beaten to prove a point.
Reposted byAvatar CE
Reposted byAvatar CE
Judge Carlton Reeves' latest vivisection of "qualified immunity"—which lets violent and corrupt cops escape accountability—is nested in a broader critique of the Supreme Court's cynical and selective reliance on "democracy" to nullify our civil rights. slate.com/news-and-pol...
A Federal Judge Delivers Another Urgent, Scathing Warning About the Supreme Courtslate.com If courts can’t protect women’s bodily autonomy, he asked, why should they do the bidding of police unions?
Nothing says free like only being allowed a three color palette.
Reposted byAvatar CE
Reposted byAvatar CE
Idk how anyone can deny climate change is real when cop riot season is starting two whole months earlier than usual
Reposted byAvatar CE
A university president that escalates a situation calling the police on non-violent students is a university president that should be unemployed.
Reposted byAvatar CE
For all the talk of "death panels" years ago, here's the real death panel when someone is pregnant: The doctor asks the hospital's lawyer, and the lawyer tries to guess what a prosecutor with no medical training might do later. If the lawyer senses any legal danger, they tell the doctor "no."
Actually really upset by oral arguments today. It seems clear that the Supreme Court will allow states to outlaw emergency abortions. It will be a death sentence for thousands. I can’t countenance the cruelty of it.
Reposted byAvatar CE
"We focus so much on Trump’s stupidity that we forget how deliberately evil he is. He lied to the public for his own political gain. A research panel concluded the US could’ve avoided 40% of all covid deaths under a different president." -- @ser1897.bsky.social
Trump’s covid response was even worse than you rememberwww.publicnotice.co In a sane country, it would disqualify him from ever again holding office.
Reposted byAvatar CE
Watching Shogun on FX, I'm reminded that it was Asian dramas (c-dramas and k-dramas) that humanized women wanting, holding, and fighting for political power for me; along with the ways they manipulate their limited power through social conventions to their advantage. (Love Mariko. Fuji, and Ochiba.)
Reposted byAvatar CE
Fuck it, I’m tapping the sign
Our culture has real trouble grasping that we can't bring back what it felt like to see The Prisoner/Ghostbusters/Star Wars the first time by doing them again, because the thing that made them compelling is that they were different. We can only feel that feeling again by making more new things.
Reposted byAvatar CE
I just got straight murdered by this. Like it didn’t just attack me, I am now dead
Just a snug bug who needs to clean her tail. #cats
Reposted byAvatar CE
I am naught but carefree clouds ushering in a dramatic snowfall. As I go drinking under the moonlight Mourning my love, the lonely concubine in the palace I make satirical comments about the emperor while my heart is caught in YAOI. Which c-drama am I? (I had too much fun with this. Thanks.)
okay i have made an EXPANDED version per special request lol. I will leave it at this XD. thank you for all your enthusiasm.
Look. I'm definitely making satirical comments about the emperor in the middle of a dramatic snowfall. I'm freezing to death right here and no one can stop me.
I made a Classical Chinese Poetry Bingo to help people recognize the common tropes/motifs. These show up frequently in the modern poetry I translate as well. Do you recognize anything from your readings or from pop culture? Tag yourself. I'm "feeling sad on a boat" lol #poetry #translation #cdrama
Please, sir. May I have the ham?
Now that Bluesky is open, I should probably add a profile pic.
Reposted byAvatar CE
Bluesky is officially “open” now (no more invites). So just a reminder to not engage with trolls and bad actors, there is no algorithm here to promote or spread them, replying to them is what puts them on everybody’s timelines. So block and give no oxygen.
Reposted byAvatar CE
For fuck sake, writers, STOP USING AI ART. Stop using it on your book covers, stop using it in your book promos, stop using it to show what your OCs look like, stop using it as "inspiration," STOP USING IT. You want your artform respected, respect other artforms. There is no ethical use. None.
Winner of the Heater Wars.
"Get her away from my heater! It's my spot!" #Cats