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A guy living in Toronto, with all that entails including wife, a cat, TFC & a nice view

People professional - so will have opinions

Anonymously on the internet since 1985
Oh you are going to be so disappointed in Korean pizza
When "broader censorship agenda" = "not advertising on my nazi and porn filled social media platform"
Gawd I remember my university going from 3.0 to 5.1 in 2 years and feeling astounded by the pace of the changes....
This is the right move actually Somebody there knows the stickers are harmful & against the development of a good workplace culture They are likely frustrated with what is going on Focus on the common goal - a good workplace safe for all & Ask for a timeline when you can follow up
Yeh, as an HR pro I have to read many of the comments. I shake my head at so many people putting both themselves and their company in a bad light. Like, I'm sorry buddy, but your hardass opinions on unlimited PTO are very unlikely to get you that promotion.
Oh I've heard/seen the stories.... it's freaking sad Unsolicited date requests Marketing scammers Real estate slimeballs Grifters all over & Still I've hired people from it this year
LinkedIn is a used recruiting tool - a presence is important in some fields. Keep your profile up to date Avoid looking at posts unless done by colleagues Only post or repost positive stuff Do not engage with or even look at the replies Consider it just a repository of your work experiences
Very winnable There's numerous incidents where armoured vehicles were defeated by people power Including an attempted coup in Bolivia just last week
The Guardian wishes West Wing was still a documentary
Agreeing in HR We think we know what is appropriate & We expect to be wrong occasionally so let's figure it out.
God I needed that Thanks
My one point of hope is they have no experience of governing which will likely bring out the managers among them. Counter point Poliviere is not a manager - even Doug Ford is a more experienced manager than him.
Strangely, I can't use them for work as I need the silence to interpret what I am seeing in front of me. For personal use, LOVE my mechanical keyboard as I join in with the glorious chaos.
Despair is NOT their's Yes, Despair Then Breathe Look at the long history of justice Then get back up there and fight
As an inebriated individual, I am only going to respond with this youtu.be/76auK0v11Y8?...
Michael Franti & Spearhead - Brighter Day (Official Music Video)youtu.be Michael Franti & Spearhead - Brighter Day (Official Music Video) Stream / Purchase: https://orcd.co/followyourheart Follow Michael Franti & Spearhead: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/michaelfranti Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/michaelfranti Twitter - https://twitter.com/michaelfranti Website - https://michaelfranti.com Lyrics: Don't give up when your heart is weary Don't give up when your eyes are teary Don't give up when your voice is trembling When your life needs mendin' Don't give up when the hurt is near you Don't give up when the world seems to be broken I'm still hopin' With my heart open ayy ay For a brighter day Don't give up when your pride is bruised and Don't give up when you fear you're losin' Don't give up in your darkest hour Cause you got that power Don't give up when you feel divided Don't give up I'll be by your side unbroken I'm still hopin' With my heart open ayy ay For a brighter day And if you stay with me I will stay with you For a brighter day For a brighter day For a brighter day For a brighter day Don't give up you just keep on fightin' Don't give up you just keep on fightin' Don't give up you just keep on fightin' Even when your eyes are cryin' Don't give up you just keep on fightin' Don't give up you just keep on fightin' Don't give up Even when your eyes are cryin' For a brighter day For a brighter day For a brighter day For a brighter day And if you stay with me I will stay with you For a brighter day Don't give up you just keep on fightin' For a brighter day #MichaelFranti #BrighterDay #FollowYourHeart http://vevo.ly/K5Sd2m
Self care FTW We can't beat this feces if we don't practice self care (says he watching Canadian politics knowing our version of Trumpism is coming next year)
This war has been going on for mellinia and never stops. Rest Hydrate Get back in there & fight
Need to make it an option The need to gentle hug is so huge for people right now - they are desperate to feel useful in response to the general feces state of things. & The need to be angry had the same thing going on.
Has the same thing ... Reminder to self not to post nuance when inebriated.
I've said things unhelpful in your mentions before and you've called me on it That's a trend I'd rather not continue I'm from the old usenet days (no DMs) where we approached every bit of dialogue as a 1 to 1 discussion Same with this - saying I'm not helpful is just ...me saying that to you-bye
Then I will unfollow because my reactions will not be helpful to the very good discourse you create on here. And I do mean that...it has been a pleasure watching the discussions that flow through and around your posts. They are important...more important then my involvement.
Christofash has been faught by fellow Christians since, if you interpret it, disciples arguing with each other. Like all groups arguing against the powerful, these fights are rarely seen. You think those of us doing this are not saying to ourselves "We are not doing good enough"?!?!! (1)
Our best approach against Christofash tendencies is to slowly pick off the people who can think and protect others from going down that route. Our #1 tool is "They are not real Christians and here's why" We are IN this fight...many of us for decades Please don't fight us instead of fighting them
[Gets out pipe....puffs....rocks on chair] There was a time Usenet - early 90s Everybody online was either academia, defence industry or government A humour book about 30 internet types - that was enough to quantify everybody we ran into Those days are long gone now though.. [Puffs..rocks]
Stoicists who are unable to deal with things beyond their control ****** Religion is a hellava drug....
Our one cat ate that stuff when it was fresh. Also ate any corn chip he could get at. Strangely, that litter when used smells to me like natural crunchy peanut butter....
Vaguely surprised somebody on Scotus hasn't done this yet...
Agreed in HR Staff - a discussion referencing the application of the human rights code & if proven views or behaviour, a termination without cause (no legal recourse in Ontario) Recruiting - move on to others immediately