Saeg Flowers

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Saeg Flowers

Probably chilling 50 yrs ago or 50 yrs from now. When are we?


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Let’s go kick rocks. I signed us up for a league.
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Some people think it’s stupid to try to cuddle with a bear that tore off part of your scalp. Some people don’t know how lonely the night gets.
Reposted byAvatar Saeg Flowers
This is not grief this is a fact this is a screaming for the sake of art and I will be done with the installation as soon as anyone explains to me why a world hurts so loudly with no volume down tell me where all my confidants I can no longer call are picking up the phone now in their one less body
Reposted byAvatar Saeg Flowers
A tablecloth of turtles that scatter as you approach, leaving the dinnerware undisturbed. This is the shell game of the bog repertoire.
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Happy birthday, America, you messy bitch. Please get your shit together
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Some people disappear from social media and you know they’re having sex. Others, possibly depressed. Then there’s the people of category number three (murdered — can’t believe they lasted this long tbh)
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How dare you threaten me with a phone call
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I need a few days to recover from the fact that life is still happening
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I only fuck with real power, like rodents running on wheels type of electricity
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Bunjamin Skyline Cleanse 🐰🖤
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A wild beeping comes from the corner, startling the few lunchers from their quiet reverie. There the figure stands, featureless in full body polyurethane gear, detection device in hand. "Oh sorry, don't mind me, just here as a casual observer." Unbothered, the lunchers turn back to their meals.
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everyone is fighting some kind of battle sucker punch them while they’re focused on the other battle
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Being an adult is the same as being a child only different people are the boss of you.
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Docs ask how many concussions you had/when they happened and it's like c'mon all I know is that I got hit a lot in my memory spot
it's cold, it feels like independence day
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Get away from me to show me you celebrate my independence
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Flattening a penny at the zoo makes it worthless unless your currency is frivolity.
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When I die, the first twenty people at my funeral can have a finger or toe while supplies last
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Convinced that no one will ever love me based on my rudimentary understanding of how a compass works
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Working on loosening my teeth in my gums so it's a roller derby every time I go to chew.
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it is my constitutional right to loudly deep throat a hot dog at your family gathering
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*leaving my gun and a glass of raw milk out for Miss America*
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happy birthday, hot dog
[fruit sticker] this banana makes phone calls
close the dumpster please you're letting the light in and i'm trying to sleep